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Here is how Travis breaks up his training.

Monday-Maximum Effort Lower Body/ Speed Upper Body:

Lets start with his lower body work which includes squats, good mornings, or dead lifts for 1-2 heavy
sets of 1-3 repetitions. The assistance exercises that Travis does are glute/ham machine, sled drags, and
leg extensions. For his upper body pressing routine he uses a formula of 6 sets of 3 reps with 50%-60%
of his max (resting only 30 seconds in-between sets). This is done with the log, axle, or circus dumbbell.
He adds in some pull-ups or rows and usually calls it a day.

Wednesday- He likes to have a fun day of technique with light cleans and snatches.

Thursday -Max Effort Upper Body/ Speed Lower:

Starting with his upper body he presses the log press, axle, or circus dumbbell for 2-3 sets of 1-3
repetitions. He follows that with an all out set of clean and press with a decreased weight until muscle
failure (usually 6-12 repetitions). If Ortmayer is not having any shoulder pain he performs some strict
pressing. Next is 2-4 heavy sets of close grip board bench press or dumbbell chest press. Because Travis
has a torn pec he does dumbbell flies or cable cross-overs to preserve joint integrity. For his lower body
Travis does 8 sets of 2 repetitions box squats with bands (around 60 % of his max barbell squat, resting
only 45 seconds before his next set and keeping tension at the top.)
Travis will perform between 2 and 5 events weather permitting. It gets really hot in Texas (I understand
this component after my second summer in Vegas!) According to Travis, “I don't always go with heavy
weight but I will always try to make the workout hard!! When I do go heavy, I go well over competition
weight (in the events I can). By doing this I am very hard to beat at my best events such as atlas stones,
farmer's walk, frame carry, and truck pulls…. I'm still working on the others.”

All year round Travis drinks Con-Cret creatine to help replenish his body pre and post training. He has
been a Con-Cret ( athlete for 4 years and does not leave home with out it. Labrada
and Dotfit products also fill his pantry and fuel his body. His nutrition, combined with his training and
supplement regime, keep him in the top five time and time again. He placed 3rd at the Arnold
Strongman Classic 2010 and plans on improving next year. His nutritionist, Nathan Payton, has changed
up his diet a lot. No more bangers and mash for this English by marriage strongman. No more beer and
frozen pizza either (two of Travis’ favs)! His new diet consists of steak, chicken, yams, brown rice and
vegetables. He eats as much as he wants, and even though he is smaller in size he is strong as ever and
thinks that his diet change will continue to give him an advantage.
I use the (Benni) Magnusson/Ortmayer routine.
70% of projected max for 4 sets of 4 reps
80-90% for 2 sets of 2
70% for 8+ reps
if you get 8 or more move up 10 lbs next week.
On week 1 and 2 I then pull that same 70% off a 4" block trying to get 8 reps.
I do this for 3 weeks then take a week off from deadlifting.
Week 1: I do 80% for the 2 sets of 2
Week 2: I do 1 set at 80% then 1 set at 90%
Week 3: I do this again but hopefully with more weight.
I always do the 4x4 at 70% to start the workout.
If you miss a lift anywhere in the workout then DON'T move up the next week.

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