cs302 Quizz

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Left sec(
Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM s)

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 02:09:31

Total Marks: 1
AM )
A stage in the shift register consists of

Select correct option:

a latch

a flip flop

a byte of storage

four bits of storage

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Left sec(
Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM s)

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 02:10:29

Total Marks: 1
AM )
Memory is arranged in

Select correct option:

linear fashion

two-dimensional manner
three-dimensional manner

randome fashion

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Left sec(
Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 02:12:17

Total Marks: 1
AM )
Which of the following is the drawback of DRAM?

Select correct option:

Ri8 Discharging of the capacitor over a period of time.

All the information stored in terms of binary bits wou

extra circuitry is required to refresh the capacitor

All of the above are true

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Left sec(
Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM s)

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 02:13:44

Total Marks: 1
AM )
With a 100 KHz clock frequency, eight bits can be serially entered into a shift register in
Select correct option:

80 micro seconds

8 micro seconds

80 mili seconds

10 micro seconds

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Left sec(
Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 02:15:02

Total Marks: 1
AM )
A multiplexer with a register circuit converts

Select correct option:

Serial data to parallel

Parallel data to serial

Serial data to serial

Parallel data to parallel

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Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM
Left sec(

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 02:16:13

Total Marks: 1
AM )
To serially shift a byte of data into a shift register, there must be

Select correct option:

one clock pulse

one load pulse

eight clock pulses

one clock pulse for each 1 in the data

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Left sec(
Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM s)

Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 02:17:36

Total Marks: 1
AM )
when the transmission line is idle in an asynchronous transmission

Select correct option:

It is set to logic low

It is set to logic high

It remains in previous state

State of transmission line is not used to start transmi

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Left sec(
Quiz Start Time: 02:08 AM s)

Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time:

Total Marks: 1
02:18:06 AM )
A divide-by-10 ring counter requires a minimum of

Select correct option:

ten flip-flops

five flip-flops

four flip-flops

twelve flip-flops

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