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Example Website Survey

1. How did you first learn about SurveyMonkey?

Response Response
Percent Count

Took someone else's survey 38.0% 38

Banner Advertisement 4.0% 4

Search Engine 14.0% 14

Referral/Link from another site 8.0% 8

Magazine/Print Advertisement 5.0% 5

Other (please specify) 31.0% 31

answered question 100

skipped question 0

2. What kind of connection do you have to the Internet?

Response Response
Percent Count

28.8 Kbps modem 6.1% 5

56 Kbps modem 4.9% 4

ISDN 2.4% 2

Cable modem 14.6% 12

DSL 24.4% 20

T1 or better 23.2% 19

Do not know 24.4% 20

answered question 82

skipped question 18

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3. Where are you located?

Response Response
Percent Count

United States 75.0% 57

Other Country 25.0% 19

answered question 76

skipped question 24

4. Are you satisfied with the overall usability of SurveyMonkey? If not, tell us how we can improve...

Response Response
Percent Count

Haven't used it yet 69.2% 45

Yes 27.7% 18

No 3.1% 2

answered question 65

skipped question 35

5. What other features would you like to see added to SurveyMonkey?



answered question 13

skipped question 87

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6. The following features may be added to SurveyMonkey in the near future. Please rate the importance of the following

Somewhat Response
Very Important Important Not Important
Important Count

Survey templates 59.6% (31) 25.0% (13) 9.6% (5) 5.8% (3) 52

Increased multi-lingual support 17.6% (9) 35.3% (18) 25.5% (13) 21.6% (11) 51

Multiple Users per Account 42.0% (21) 22.0% (11) 28.0% (14) 8.0% (4) 50

Graphical charts of response data 54.9% (28) 31.4% (16) 9.8% (5) 3.9% (2) 51

Increased Export Functionality 56.0% (28) 26.0% (13) 6.0% (3) 12.0% (6) 50

answered question 52

skipped question 48

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