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Chicken Little for Big Kids

Adaptation from a traditional

folk tale by Barry W Jarrett.
CfBT Malaysia
Chicken Little for Big Kids
Chicken Little for Big Kids

One day all the little chicks were

playing in the shade of the large
oak tree that grew next to the

Suddenly an acorn dropped from

the tree and hit Chicken Little
(CiL) on the head.
Chicken Little for Big Kids

# #
“Oowl,” yelled CiL, “What
was that!”

“ I don’t know, maybe it was

a piece of the sky” said his sister,
“ Maybe the sky is falling down.”
“Oh! My goodness,” said CiL
in a very worried voice, “I’d better
run off and tell the King. He’ll
know what to do.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
So CiL headed for the palace to tell
the King that the sky was falling down. Good morning CiL.
On the way he met Henny Penny (HeP).

“Good morning CiL.” Said HeP,

“Where are you going in such a hurry.”

“Oh! HeP the sky is falling down

and I’m off to tell the King.”

“Oh! My goodness,” said HeP, “I’d

better come too, I’ve never been to the
palace before.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
So CiL and HeP headed for the Where are you all
palace to tell the King that the sky was going…
falling down. On the way they met
Cocky Locky(CoL).

“Good morning CiL.” Said CoL,

“Where are you all going in such a hurry.”

“Oh! CoL the sky is falling down

and we’re off to tell the King.”

“Oh! My goodness,” said CoL, “I’d

better come too, I’ve never been to the
palace before.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
So CiL,HeP and CoL headed for the … in such a hurry.
palace to tell the King that the sky was
falling down.. On the way they met
Ducky Lucky(DuL).

“Good morning CiL.” Said DuL,

“Where are you all going in such a hurry.”

“Oh! DuL the sky is falling down

and we’re off to tell the King.”

“Oh! My goodness,” said DuL, “I’d

better come too, I’ve never been to the
palace before.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
So CiL,HeP, CoL and DuL headed
for the palace to tell the King that the
sky was falling down. On the way they
met Drakey Lakey(DrL).

“Good morning CiL.” Said DrL,

“Where are you all going in such a hurry.”

“Oh! DrL the sky is falling down

and we’re off to tell the King.”
…the sky is falling
“Oh! My goodness,” said DrL, “I’d down and we’re off to
better come too, I’ve never been to the tell the King.
palace before.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
So CiL, HeP, CoL, DuL and DrL Oh! My goodness, I’d
headed for the palace to tell the King better come too,…
that the sky was falling down. On the
way they met Goosey Loosey(GoL)

“Good morning CiL.” Said GoL,

“Where are you all going in such a hurry.”

“Oh! GoL the sky is falling down

and we’re off to tell the King.”

“Oh! My goodness,” said GoL, “I’d

better come too, I’ve never been to the
palace before.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
So CiL, HeP, CoL, DuL,DrL and
I’ve never been to
GoL headed for the palace to tell the the palace before.
King that the sky was falling down. On
the way they met Turkey Lurkey(TuL)

“Good morning CiL.” Said TuL,

“Where are you all going in such a hurry.”

“Oh! TuL the sky is falling down

and we’re off to tell the King.”

“Oh! My goodness,” said TuL, “I’d

better come too, I’ve never been to the
palace before.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
…all you lovely, tasty,
delicious looking birds
So CiL, HeP, CoL, DuL,DrL,GoL
and TuL headed for the palace to tell the
King that the sky was falling down. On
the way they met Foxey Loxey(FoL).

“Good morning, all you lovely,

tasty, delicious looking birds.” Said FoL,
with a big grin, “Nice eating you. Oh! I
mean, nice MEETING you. How can I
help you all, He, He, He, He!”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
The King isn’t in the
“Well,” said CiL, “Thank you for
asking, but the sky is falling in and
we’re going to the palace to tell the

“Oh, how unfortunate,” replied FoL,

in a caring tone, “The king isn’t in his
palace. As a matter of fact, he’s on his
way to my house to have lunch with me
and my family.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids
I should have thought
of that myself.

“Oh!” Said CiL, “How lucky you are. If only we could come too,
we could tell the King about the sky falling down and have lunch at the
same time.” 
“What a good idea!” said FoL, with a sly smile, “I should have
thought of that myself. Please, follow me.”
Chicken Little for Big Kids

It’s a surprise!

So CiL, HeP, CoL, DuL,DrL,GoL and TuL followed FoL to

his den. On the way there CiL said, “Oh! FoL, as a matter of
curiosity, what’s for lunch.”

With another sly smile, FoL said, “It’s a surprise.”

Chicken Little for Big Kids

Come in,
make yourselves
at home.

When they arrived at the den, Mrs FoL and the four little FoLs met them
at the door. “Welcome,” she said as she glanced towards FoL and
winked, “Come in, make yourselves at home.”
They all walked in with FoL taking up the rear. As the door slammed
shut, FoL stopped, grinned, looked at his family and suddenly yelled.
With this signal, the foxes rushed the birds.
Chicken Little for Big Kids
“Run for your lives!”Yelled GoL

But, it was too late; they were all Run for

trapped. TuL, GoL and CoL put up a
brave fight but they were no match for
your lives
the skillful foxes. They were soon
overpowered and killed.

However, in the excitement the foxes

had overlooked one little thing. That
little thing was CiL.

In all the confusion, without the foxes

noticing, CiL had managed to squeeze
behind the sofa and hide.  
Chicken Little for Big Kids

CiL trembled with fear as he heard lots of screaming and

squawking. Tears filled his eyes as he heard lots of munching and
crunching but he managed to stay very still and very quiet.

“Pardon me,” said FoL, as he belched loudly. “Are you enjoying

your surprise!” he said to the little foxes. 
Chicken Little for Big Kids

“Oh, yes,” they all replied, “You are Yes, I really

such a clever dad.”
am such a
FoL sighed and thought to himself,
clever fox.
“Yes, I really am such a clever fox.”

Eventually the foxes grew tired, so

Mrs. FoL blew out the candle that lit
their cozy den, and the whole family
settled down for a good sleep.
Chicken Little for Big Kids
CiL waited until he was sure
everyone was in dreamland. He It was horrible.
carefully slipped out of his hiding I’m the only
place and ever so quietly, snuck survivor!
across the room and opened the door.

Closing the door slowly and silently

behind him, he took off like a
frightened rabbit and ran as fast as he
could back to the henhouse.

What a story he had to tell the others.

The chicks sat riveted to the ground
as CiL retold the events.
Chicken Little for Big Kids
They were all amazed that
he managed to escape. “You’re such a
clever chick.” they all chorused.
Maybe I am
CiL sighed and thought to himself, a clever little
“Maybe I am a clever little chick.” chick.

But sadly, in the end, HeP, CoL,

DuL,DrL,GoL and TuL never got to go
to the palace to say to the King, “Excuse
me your majesty, but the sky is falling
Chicken Little for Big Kids


Chicken Little (CiL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Henny Penny (HeP)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Cocky Locky (CoL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Ducky Lucky (DuL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Drakey Lakey (DrL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Goosey Loosey (GoL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Turkey Lurkey (TuL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Foxey Loxey (FoL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids


Mrs. Foxey Loxey (Mrs. FoL)

Chicken Little for Big Kids

The four little Foxey Loxeys
Chicken Little for Big Kids

Chicken Little’s brothers and sisters

Chicken Little for Big Kids


The King
Chicken Little for Big Kids

Imagine that Chicken Little is

now Rooster Dooster, a fully
grown, tough and mean rooster. He
plans to get justice for the slaying
of his friends.

What does Rooster Dooster


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