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What is Project?

Project is an adhoc activity which have some

specific objective and which have fix starting and
finishing date
Topics of Project in Finance
• Mutual Fund
• Money Market v/s Capital Market
• Investment Portfolio
• Security Market
• Equity v/s Debt
• Public Sector v/s Private Sector
• Financial Analysis of Bank
• Financial Product of Insurance Company
Mutual Fund
Mutual Fund means where a Trust
is made and then invest in
Portfolio by AMC.
Study helps in good prospects E,F,G,H
In Banking and Insurance Sector.
Money Market v/s Capital Market

Money Market is the market of short term

funds. It includes banks, financial institution
which create a balance between demand and
Capital Market is the market of long term funds.
Study helps in gathering knowledge of Bill
Market, Shares, Treasury Bills, Call Money.
Investment Portfolio

Investment Portfolio means investment in group

of assets. Investment in single asset is highly
risky so investor can invest in portfolio like gold,
Shares, real estate.
Study helps in become a smart investor and also
bring good prospects in security market.
Security Analysis

Security analysis is again a important part in

making of portfolio. Security like Shares, real
estate investment, gold is really a knowledgable
How to make cost benefit analysis, NPV, Payback
is all connected with security analysis.
SEBI guidelines to invest in primary market,
secondary market is also link with security
Equity v/s Debt

Equity is variable income security like Shares and

debt is fix income security like debentures.
The study of this project give immense
knowledge of share market, IPO, Primary
market, SEBI guidelines, NSC, BSC, bull effect,
Bear effect etc.
Financial Analysis of Bank

The financial analysis of bank involves bank

assets, liabilities, study of financial statement,
fund flow and cash flow effect.
The study of this project helps in getting
knowledge of overall financial management.
Financial Product of Insurance Company

This Project related to product line of Insurance

company, various schemes introduce by
insurance company.
Study of this project helps in good job prospects
in Insurance sector.
How To Make The Project?
• Acknowledgement
• Introduction and History of Company
• Structure and Hierarchy of Company
• Research Methodology :-
» Title
» Objective of Study
» Research Technique
» Sample methodology
» Sample Size
» Significance of Research
How To Make The Project?
• Marketing Strategies of Company
• Findings
• Conclusion and recommendation
• bibliography

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