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Web Quest #2:

Beginning the Inquiry Process:

Requirements & Interests

1: First Name:

2: Last Name:

3: Save this document to your “H” drive. Make sure your last name is in the file name. Example file
name: Mason_Quest2

Please visit the Career Project Requirements page and answer the following questions:
4: How many electronic sources MUST you have for this project?

5: How many unique and interesting facts must your mosaic have?

6: What do I mean when I say, “citations must also be included.” Tell me what I mean in your own

7: Save this document!

8: View the tutorial.

9: After you sign in, complete the Interest Profiler.

10: When finished, click the “PDF This” button; save your results to your “H” drive.

11: Type your Top Interest Areas. You may have more or less than three…


12: Type three careers that match your interests

13: Save this document, and Turn-In to Edmodo. After you turn it in, complete steps 14-17 below.

14: Study the NoodleBib Tutorial, then move on to step 15 below.

15: Go to NoodleBib MLA Starter, log in, and Create a New List.

16: Title your new list Career Unit. NOTE: If you’ve already created this list, you do not need to
make a new one.

17: Begin researching and answering your essential questions. Use the Quick Links page on our
Career Wiki to help you. As you find facts and other sources of information from authoritative
websites, databases and other reference sources, be sure to cite your information in NoodleBib. Use
the annotation area to: 1) keep track of your facts, and 2) keep track of your images, graphs, etc.—
give a description!

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