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Act of Agreement

David, 6 of May of 2011

The government through his representative Luis Ernesto Carles and Movement 19 of April
decides the following, to contribute to the peace and conciliation between the government
and M-10.

1. To solicit to the A.N.A.M., to decree the immediate and provisional suspension until
the necessary studies are done.

2. We demand the fulfillment of article 34 of the organic charter that regulates the
procedures that rules of appropriation for public or private works of social character.

3. It demands the invalidation of the rental agreement signed by the General Cacique
Máximo Saldaña and the company Genisa.

4. That the public consultation be sponsored by ANAM, be open and direct with the
Kodri communities of the Region: Affected area.

5. We ask for the cancellation of Foundation CODICO and its immediate investigation
in the use of the caught funds.

6. We commit ourselves to favor a permanent dialog with all the traditional authorities
inter-regional leaders of the region in framework of law 10, Government and
company G.E.N.I.S.A and to maintain a climate of social peace, avoiding closing of

For the National Government:

His Excellency Luis Ernesto Carles

Vice-Minister of Government

Governess of the province of Chiriquí

Aixa Santamaría

Governor of the Comarca Ngobe – Bugle

Antonio Molina

President of Movement 10 of April (M-10)

Ítalo Jiménez
Manolo Miranda

Signed in the City of David the (6) days of the month of May of 2011


Luis Enrique Saldaña

Edwin Alvarado
Narciso Rodríguez


Urracá Ortega
Siriaco Mendoza
Goéget Miranda

Next date of meeting:

17 of May of 2011, in the Missionary Center of the Working Jesus - Tolé

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