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Ervin Begic, 2E

In this case, can the court in Stockholm judge Kairismaa?

Is this criminal charge, why Swedish Court has the jurisdiction?

The Facts: Kairismaa, a Finnish citizen, was charged before the City
Court of Stockholm with, inter alia, obtaining a loan of 1,000 Swedish crowns
from another Finnish citizen, Stjernvall, superintendent on the Finnish ship the
Bore II, by fraudulently alleging that he needed the money immediately for a
business transaction concerning an automobile and that he would repay it later
the same day. The Public Prosecutor alleged that the crime had been committed
within Swedish territorial waters. The City Court having found the defendant
guilty, he appealed. Referring to the fact that the ship was Finnish, that both he
himself and Stjernvall were Finnish citizens, and claiming that the transaction
had taken place while the Bore II was outside Swedish territorial waters, the
defendant urged the Appeal Court to reject the present part of the charge.

Conclusion: The criminal act was committed in Swedish territorial water. When
a foreign ship is in water of some country, they must respect the law of that
country. However, it doesn’t matter that the ship is from Finland, for the crime,
the jurisdiction has the court in Stockholm, because the crime is committed after
the ship entered into Swedish water.

If the ship was in the high seas when the crime was committed, then the appeal
from Mr. Kairisima were confirmed, because then the court in Finland had a
jurisdiction were the ship was registered.

Because of that, the appeal wasn’t confirmed.

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