Rally Against HIV/AID Cuts - 5/31/11

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Join General Welfare Committee Chair Annabel Palma
for a rally and press conference at City Hall to oppose
cuts to HASA supportive housing and nutrition programs!
WHEN: Tuesday, May 31st at 8:45am (...day after Memorial Day)
WHERE: City Hall Steps (remember you need to go through security)
GETTING THERE: Take the 4, 5, 6 to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall or
the R, W to City Hall.
RSVP or Questions: Contact Jaron at jaron@vocal-ny.org or
(718) 864-3932.

WHY: Mayor Bloomberg’s budget proposal would cut more than $7 million in
City and State funding from supportive housing programs for low-income
people living with HIV/AIDS and completely eliminate funding for the
Momentum Project’s food pantries and meal programs. At the same time,
Mayor Bloomberg has supported tax breaks for the wealthiest New Yorkers
and opposed proposals to ensure Wall Street Banks pay their fair share.
Sponsored by: VOCAL-NY, Housing Works, SHNNY
RSVP to Jaron at jaron@vocal-ny.org and (718) 864-3932.

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