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Name: Angelica Maria Velandia Grade: 9B


The Project started with no the best editing, cause was only used movie maker. It could be
better with another editing program. The introduction song is good, and motivate you
continue watching the TV news program. The logo is creative, and is good adequate in the
video. The presenters took seriously their role, and used the adequate customs. There were
different places where the TV news program was developed, which is appropriate for a news
program. Finally, the bad things are the next ones. The voices some times where very low, and
in some cases where they were not understandable, were some subtitles. The problem was
that the subtitles were so fast, and it was difficult to read them.

The course development consisted in many activities, which were made in the last 6 months.
The fist 3 months, we made a portfolio with the activities made in that time. Some of those

 Spider Map: Ideas of our TV program.

 Find Some International and national news: Then, we have to made descriptions and
compare and contrast.
 Name, tagline and logo of our News
 Program Proposal

Then in the second term we worked out with the script of the TV news, with the drawn board,
and with the video of the final project. On these three parts, we have to work out in grammar
(Script) and in how would be the scenario (drawn Board).

What I liked of the DVD were the credits. That was the best because we laugh of the things
that we did in the TV news Program and how well was that day. Also, what I liked were the
interview, because it was something different of all the news we had. What I dislike were tone
of voice what we worked out and the subtitles.

The recommendations are: First, we have to get louder our voices in the production of get to
visit (TV New). Second, we have to not read so much of the Mac, learn our lines more. And
finally, work more in the edition of the New, because it doesn’t seems like a real TV News
Program. Work Also in the subtitles part when is necessary (for example in the commercials)
and improve the introduction part.

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