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Fight to End Mass Incarceration

– The New Jim Crow
WHEN: Saturday, May 21st at 11:00am
WHERE: The Riverside Church at the 91 Claremont Street
entrance (between W. 120th & W. 122nd). Meet at media table
inside. (SUBWAY: 1 to 116th St. - OR - A, B, C, D to 125th St.)
WHAT: Press conference calling for parolee voting rights and
an end to illegal marijuana arrests that have targeted people
of color.
• Michelle Alexander, author The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the
Era of Colorblindness
• Elected Officials
• Joseph “Jazz” Hayden
• Gabriel Sayegh, Drug Policy Alliance
• VOCAL-NY leaders
Sponsored by: VOCAL-NY, Mission and Social Justice Ministries of the
Riverside Church, Campaign To End The New Jim Crow & Drug Policy Alliance.
Contact Alfredo Carrasquillo at or (718) 415-9254.

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