KASP - KAS Prashna: by Ash (Elijah Nagawkar)

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KASP – KAS Prashna

By Ash (Elijah Nagawkar)

Created on 6th June 2008

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................. 3

1.2. The Prashna ............................................................................................................................. 3

1.3. The Reply ................................................................................................................................4

1.4. Result....................................................................................................................................... 4

2. KAS Fundamentals ....................................................................................................................... 5

3. Solving the Prashna Chart............................................................................................................ 7

4. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 13

5. Dedication .................................................................................................................................... 14

6. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 15

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1.1. Background

This was an email that I received from Donna on 5th June 2008 on the astrologytimingandevents list
on Yahoo Group.

Quote Begin:

“Dear Group -

On May 8, 2008, my daughter lost her job of 3 years where she had been working at a health food
store. I was chatting with Ash online later that day and told him about the incident in passing. I was in
a rush to go somewhere, but he suggested before I leave that he do a prashna to see when my
daughter would get a new job, not necessarily her dream job, but a stop gap job as he called it to fill in
the time until that dream job came along.

After he did the prashna, he came up with the time period from between May 25th to June 7th. This is
when she would get her new job he said. I had to rush off before he finished doing this so he sent an
email to verify his results. I kept it for a few weeks to see how accurate it would be and this morning,
she went on yet another job interview. Then she called me 2 hours later to say that she started hew
new job today at alot more pay and likes the job.

So, I talked to Ash today to congratulate him on yet another great prediction and asked him to do a
detailed prashna write up on how he came to his conclusions and that specific time period.

I'm looking forward to the write up. Again, thanks Ash. When you're good, you're GOOD! ;))


Quote End.

1.2. The Prashna

Donna Quinn’s Prashna was - “When will my daughter Jamie get any stop gap job?”

This Prashna was put to me by Donna from West Islip, New York at 14:42 EDT.

I had also asked Donna to give me a Nadi from 1 to 1800 and the number she gave was 11.

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1.3. The Reply

After analyzing the Prashna Chart, I told Donna that her daughter will get a job between 25th May
2008 and 7th June 2008

1.4. Result

Donna’s daughter, Jamie, secured a good stop gap job on 5th June 2008

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I am giving some terminology below that is used throughout the document.

Sanskrit Name House Referred to as Lord referred to as

Karak Sthan House A LoA

Phal Sthan House B (6th house from A) LoB

Phalit Sthan House C (10th house from A) LoC

Samrudhi Sthan House D (3rd house from A) LoD

Samrudhi Sthan House E (11th house from A) LoE

During the document you will see references to House A, House B, House C, House D and House E
and the Lords of these houses being referred to as LoA, LoB, LoC, LoD and LoE.

Whichever house is under focus while trying to find the timing of an event, that house is referred to as
House B or alternatively as Phal Sthan. House A is also called the Karak Sthan and it is the 8th house
from Phal Sthan or House B. House C is also called Phalit Sthan and it is the 5th house from House B.
House D and E are called Samrudhi sthan, and they are 10th house from House B, is House D and
House E is 6th house from House B.

The lords of these houses are prefixed with “Lo” which means Lord of House. Therefore Lord of
House A is referred to as LoA, and same way for the lords of House B, C, D and E are LoA, LoB,
LoC, LoD and LoE.

These houses are nothing but upachaya sthan from Karak sthan, so House B is 6th from House A,
House C is 10th from House A, House E is 11th house from House A and House D is 3rd house from
House A.

The upachaya sthan are the houses of growth, heap and prosperity.

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Mother Inquiring about her daughter’s job.

Logic: Since the question is from the Mother, we will represent the Mother as the 1st house.
Therefore her daughter will be denoted by the 5th house and the 6th from the 5th house will
denote the Job of the daughter which now becomes the 10th house. So, the 10th house will
be taken as House B.

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Fig 2

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(Fig. 3)

KAS PowerTable for Prashna

Checking for Success of the result of the Prashna

The Success of the result of the prashna is to be studied from the 11th house.

The 11th house lord is Mercury and it has 16 points in the 3rd house which is 11th from the 5th house.
Since the question was related to the daughter who is the native for whom we are studying the chart,
we need to view it from the 5th house while the success of the question that we are studying about is
reflected in the 11th from the 5th which brings us to the 3rd house.

Since the indicated result is favorable, we can now proceed to time the event.

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Vimshottari Dasha for Prashna Compressed to a Month

The antardasha of Ketu was running at the time of the Question. Ketu represents the Sun. The Sun
for the 10th house, as one can see in Figure 3, has a power of 6 and therefore cannot furnish the timing
of the event.

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Vimshottari Dasha for Prashna Compressed to a Month

The antardasha of Venus would be starting on the 25th of May 2008 and would go on until the 14th of
August 2008. Venus is LoD for the 10th house and it has 17 points. Therefore it’s evident that Venus
in its antardasha will furnish the timing of the event.

Probable Date Finder

Now that we have narrowed the event to the Venus antardasha, we will use the Sun’s transit to narrow
down the event.

The Venus antardasha starts on the 25th of May 2008. Therefore, we will find the most eager planets
as shown in the KAS Power Table in Figure 3.

The first powerful PDF is :


Probable Date Finder (PDF) for Jamie’s Job

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Now Venus is LoD or the 7th lord, which is the 10th lord from the 10th house and the Moon is placed in
the 3rd house or House E and it has 6 bindus in its SAV. So both Venus and Moon are very eager to
furnish this event.

Therefore I narrowed the event inside the Venus antardasha to:

The end result was that Donna’s daughter Jamie got her job on 5th June 2008.

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KASP or KAS Prashna is an application of Krushna’s Ashtakavarga System where again we are
focusing on trying to find the timing of event or addressing the question, “When?”

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I dedicate this article to my Guruji, Shri Jugal Kishore Kalani ji and thank him for teaching me KAS
and KASP – KAS Prashna.

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The technique to solve a Prashna using KAS, is similar to timing the events using KAS for a Natal
chart. Therefore once the technique of KAS for timing of events is mastered, it would also make the
foundations for solving Prashna and other applications of KAS also quite easy.

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