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Credit card charges

Effective from 1 July 2007

Type of transaction/fee Charges (VAT inclusive at 14%)

Annual service fees, including lost-card protection

Dezign card (age 18 – 24) Free.
Classic card R110,00.
Gold card R145,00.
Platinum card R400,00.
Supplementary card
- Classic R110,00.
- Gold Free.
- Platinum Free.
Garage credit card R110,00.
Classic Credit (M/Card Unembossed) Free.
Fuel transaction
Fuel transaction R3,25.
Nedbank Greenbacks linkage
Nedbank Greenbacks linkage R160,00 per annum.
Card replacement
Card replacement Free.
Cash withdrawal
Nedbank ATM R2,85 plus R0,90 per R100 or part thereof.
Saswitch ATM R5,00 plus R2,85 plus R0,90 per R100 or part thereof.
Over the counter R2,85 plus R1,00 per R100 or part thereof.
Withdrawal - international R33,00.
Cash deposit
Over the counter R1,00 per R100 or part thereof.
Penalty fees
Returned cheque/automatic payment order R125,00.
Telegram R60,00.
Overlimit Free.
Late-payment fees Free.
Statement request fees Free.
Voucher copy request
Local R40,00.
Foreign R150,00.
Electronic transfer or payment
Self-service terminal R3,00.
NetBank – internet banking R3,00.
PhoneBank: Self-service Free.
PhoneBank: Agent-assisted R3,00.
Cellphone banking (WAP) R3,00.
SMS banking Free.
Internet banking: subscription fees
Internet banking: subscription fees R22,80 per month.
Nedbank Limited Reg No 1951/000009/06
We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support resolution
through the Ombudsman for Banking Services. We are an authorised financial services provider. We are a registered credit provider in terms
of the National Credit Act (NCR Reg No NCRCP16).

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