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January 2007

The Garden that is

finished is dead
Gardening for the Wealth of It H.E. Bates

This eBook Is Brought To You By

Gabor Olah

Gardening for the Wealth of It

Copyright: Douglas Green 2008

ISBN 978-1-897395-07-3

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used
or reproduced without the express "Trees display the effects of breeding
written permission of the author.
quite as much as horses, dogs, or men."
Jens Jensen
Siftings 1939

Let’s Expand the Definition of

To begin with, let’s expand the
definition of wealth to include other
important aspects of our lives in
addition to the material comforts
that money brings.

Let’s include such things as the

wealth that good health brings to our
enjoyment of financial security.

Let’s include the contentment that a

spiritual dimension brings to our
enjoyment of the world around us.
These things are as important as
good health and finances.

When it comes right down to

it, we can say that the important "Gardens were
things in our lives make us before gardeners,
healthy, and but some hours
wealthy and after the earth"
Sir Thomas Browne
And when you think of it, gardening The Garden of
can work its magic in all three areas. Cyrus 1658


It is increasingly clear that pressure, adult-onset diabetes,

gardening is a healthy antidote to osteoporosis, stroke, depression,
the rigors of our society. In fact, it colon cancer among others.
has been an antidote right through
our recorded history. Here, in short For example, research
digestible form, are a few research shows that when the
reports outlining some of the health metabolic rate is
benefits of gardening. measured, these activities
have the same level of
Bone density for women who did response:
yard work was equal to those who
did weight training, and higher than Watering lawn or
in women who did jogging, garden; standing
aerobics, or calisthenics. or walking, sitting, knitting,
sewing have a relative value
Top reasons people garden: To be of 1.5 over resting.
outdoors (44%); to be around
beautiful things (42%); relax and Walking and shopping have
escape the pressures of everyday life a value of 2.3
(39%); stay active and get exercise
(35%). Applying fertilizer “Wild gardening
(walking), mowing lawn sounds as attractive
(riding mower) value 2.5 nowadays as a wild
General research shows that a half woman or a wild
hour of gardening a day with its Carrying or stacking wood; party.”
stretching, bending, lifting is an clearing land; digging
excellent workout equaling time sandbox; laying sod 5.0 Robin Lane Fox
spent in more-fashionable fitness Variaions on a
centers. And you’ll know that Playing softball or baseball, Garden 1986
numerous studies have shown that general; bicycling
regular physical activity reduces (stationary), general 5.0
your risk of premature death, heart
disease, obesity, high blood


Shoveling snow (by hand tons per acre of carbon each year
shoveling); mowing lawn with an implied of $3.3 million
(walk, hand ($0.55 per tree). Carbon reduction
mower); gardening w/heavy by Sacramento's urban
power tools has a value of 6.0 forest offsets the total
amount emitted as a by-
Aerobics and swimming product human
carry the same 6.0 value. consumption by 1.8

The Canadian Horticultural Therapy A fast-growing tree

Association points out that, “people absorbs up to 48 pounds
working at computers in an office of carbon dioxide a year;
with plants were 12% more that adds up to ten tons
productive and less stressed than per acre of trees—enough
people doing the same job in an to offset the carbon dioxide
office without plants.” produced by driving a car 21,000
miles. Feed your young trees
The Canadian Horticultural Therapy compost in the fall and watch them
Association also reports on a study both grow and remove carbon Plans should be
of British Columbia residences for dioxide from your air. made on the ground
Alzheimer's patients showing that, to fit the place and
at residences with gardens, the rate not the place made
of violent incidents declined by 19% to suit some plan
over two years. Violence of patients There are reports that simply by out of a book.
was significantly higher in looking at trees and plants, a person
residences without gardens. can lower blood pressure, relieve William Robinson
muscular tension and reduce stress The Garden
When it comes to the health of the levels. Beautiful 1907
planet, gardens perform well.
Studies in Sacramento, California Given the above, is it any surprise
point out, “in net, mature urban that one study concludes: "Those
forest remove approximately 3.3 who are involved in gardening find


life more satisfying and feel they

have more positive things happening
in their lives.”

So that for all things out of a

garden, either of sallads or fruits, a
poor man will eat better, that has
one of his own, than a rich man that
has none. And this is all I think of,
Necessary and Useful to be known
upon this subject.

Sir William Temple

Of Gardening 1685

When smiling lawns

and tasteful cottages
begin to embellish a
country, we know
that order and
culture are

Andrew Jackson
Treatise on
Gardening 1841


$ When you get down to

it, very few of us garden to make $ Clemson University in their
money. But isn’t it nice that if you studies showed that homes with
do garden or landscape your "excellent" landscaping
property, you’ll find it a very good can expect a sale price
investment. about 6 to 7 percent
higher than equivalent
$ The Gallup
houses with "good"
landscaping. Even
organization tells us that improving the
Landscaping can add between 7 and landscaping from
15 percent to a home’s value so if “average" to "good" can
you understand the market value of result in a 4 to 5 percent
your home or rental property, then increase. This is good
you can quickly determine how news if you’re in the selling end of
much to spend on this property and the real estate transaction and
what the return will be. Trendnomics reported that 99% of
real estate appraisers agreed the
$ If you’re concerned landscaping adds value. Take thy plastic
about making the landscaping spade, It they
investment, Money Magazine tells $ Many of these results
pencil; they thy
seeds, thy plants,
us that landscaping can bring a have been reported in the general
recovery value of 100 to 200 percent They are they
media but you may not know that in
at selling time. Compare this to colours.
one study, 83% of Realtors believe
kitchen remodeling at a 75 to 125 that mature trees have a "strong or
percent recovery rate, bathroom William Mason
moderate impact" on the salability
remodeling a 20 to 120 percent The English Garden
of homes listed for under $150,000;
recovery rate, and adding a 1782
on homes over $250,000, this
swimming pool a 20 to 50 percent perception increases to 98%.
recovery rate. A prudent investor is (American Forests)
not going to add a swimming pool to
increase the value of the property.


$ In other words, if a
buyer is spending over a quarter $ Tree roots hold the
million dollars on a house, they will ground and break air flow; this
be positively influenced by the blunts the effects of
existence (or lack) of mature trees. storms and cold winds
People unconsciously put a value on and individual mature
landscaping and trees on a property. trees are routinely
Not only that but poor landscape evaluated between one
design was reported to reduce and ten thousand dollars
property values by up to 10 percent for court cases.
according to the 1994 study
published in the Journal of
Environmental Horticulture.
$ The US
Environmental Protection
Agency says that trees can
$ Not only is there a real reduce noise by up to 50 percent and
estate investment value to can mask unwanted noises with
landscaping, there is also reduction pleasant sounds (mind you,
of current operating costs value. sometimes bird calls at 5am on a
sunny spring morning might be
Underlying all the
$ Landscaping can
unwanted as well)
greatest gardens are
reduce air conditioning costs by up certain principles of
to 50 percent and internal $ The U.S. Dept of composition which
temperatures by 9°F. by shading the Energy points out that just three remain unchanged
windows and walls of a home trees, properly situated around the because they are
according to the American Public house can save an average rooted in the natural
Power Association. The value of household $100 to $250 in heating laws of the universe.
this tree is currently $273.00 in air and cooling costs.
conditioning, air and noise pollution Sylvia Crowe
Garden Design
as well as erosion and storm control
but this value will increase as power
$ What does that mean 1959
for the landscaping and home
costs escalate.
construction industry? In 2002, the


spending on landscaping (both

design and installation) reached US$
14.3 billion. Given the return on
your investment, this only makes
sense to focus on things that will
give you a good return on your
investment. The longer you keep
that tree growing, the more valuable
it becomes.

Landscape investments are

recovered fully, and sometimes
doubled, via increasing real estate

Wall Street Journal

A grass blade's no
easier to make than
A Gardiner is never rich, yet he is an oak
ever raking together.
James Russel Lowell
Wye Saltonstall 1819-1891
The Gardiner
Pictures Drawn Forth in Characters


Our societies developed in the face builds communities. Relf, D. The

of nature and the roots of our pyscho-social benefits of green
accepted society behaviors are spaces. Grounds Maintenance.
deeply planted in that soil of legend March, 1996
and myth. In many ways, our
gardens reflect those myths and Indeed many writers
legends by taming nature; turning it famous for their
into a manicured backyard garden. accessibility to nature
had something to say
about gardening. Henry
Many of us will never visit a truly David Thoreau said,
“wild” place; a place where man has “Gardening is civil and
not stepped before. The closest we social, but it wants the
come on a daily basis to nature is in vigor and freedom of the
our backyards; and that backyard is forest and the outlaw.”
our symbolic nature – our personal
wild space. What a wonderful sentiment that lets
us have the organization within our
So the question then is, “Does garden but understanding that within
gardening bring us closer to nature a heartbeat, nature can deal out Go forwarde in the
and wisdom or are those that are some interesting consequences of name of God,
already wise gardening ?” that organization. graffe, set, plant,
and nourishe up
Here are a few things for you to John Ruskin, in his 1851 classic, trees in every corner
consider when thinking about your “The Stones of Venice” wrote, of your grounde
gardens. “There is material enough in a
single flower for the ornament of a John Gerard
Researchers found that accessibility score of cathedrals.” Touring the Herball or General
to nature was the most important cathedrals of Europe will indeed Historie of Plantes
factor—after the marital role—in show how architects borrowed from (1597)
life satisfaction. Yard care and the lore and the symbolism of the
gardening activities develop garden to decorate their houses of
individuals, strengthen families, and worship.


Gardening teaches us about life and good. Any that detracts or confuses
allows us to reflect on our life in is bad… This directness and
metaphor. Abraham Lincoln – simplicity demands courage and
1809-1865 said, “Die when I may, I discipline. All the good
want it said of me by those who gardens I have ever seen,
know me best, that I always plucked all the garden scenes that
a thistle and planted a flower where have left me satisfied,
I thought a flower would grow.” were the result of just
such reticence: a simple
And we learn our place in the idea developed as far as
scheme of nature while gardening. it could be.”
Geoffrey Charlesworth writing “The
Opinionated Gardener” in 1988
wrote, “By the time you have grown
two thousand species you could I’ve heard it said that
believe that you had exhausted business and wealth are much like
Nature’s imaginative variability; by that. One has to “go all out for it.”
the time you have grown five with the same determination as one
thousand you realize you never gardens. And one uses advisors in
will.” This from a gardener who the same way one would use a head We let them fight it
easily started 1000 varieties from gardener – to achieve a measured out
seed each year. and profitable goal – in health,
wealth and wisdom. Wolfgang Oehme -
Russel Page in “The Education of a garden designer
Gardener” was clear that one has to when asked what he
focus all of one’s attention to create does when his grass
a great garden, “So with a garden: if designs start to
you want a lawn, go all out for it. mature and grow
Make everything else subsidiary to into each other.
the “lawnness” of your lawn.

Any planting that enhances the

quality you are trying to achieve is


The National Gardening Association 57% - Gardening adds curb

in the U.S. does a survey every year appeal to my home
that is eagerly used by the
horticultural industry in its planning. 56% - Gardening
The 2005 report lists the top 10 is a great form of
reasons people garden in the United exercise
States: Note that 91 million
households participated in lawn and 55% - Gardening
garden activities in 2005 which is helps me connect
83% of all US households. This with nature
was an increase of 9 million
households or 11% from 2004 and 51% - Gardening
the highest level of participation adds to the value
seen in the past 5 years of my home real
estate investment
Top 10 Benefits of Gardening
from the National Gardening 51% - Gardening is a way
Assoc. for me to be creative
Transplanting trees
69% said - Gardening is a way for 44% - Gardening is a great
is agitating work.
me to decorate, beautify my home educational tool for children
Recollecting the
dislocation and
64% - Food gardening is a
distress a human
way to grow fresh and Gardening is indeed for the wealth
can feel at being
nutritious food of it and I invite you to be “wealthy”
transplanted in a
in ways that go beyond the mere
new scene, one
62% - Gardening helps me accumulation of financial rewards.
cannot help
worrying when one
Enjoy your own garden – it is a fine
moves a tree.
62% - Gardening makes my thing.
outdoor space more
Clare Leighton
Four Hedges 1935

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