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Oven Chunky Chips

Potatoes (desiree) 1k
Olive oil 75ml
Rock salt To taste
Freshly ground black pepper To taste
Additional flavour can be added with the use of any of the following
Rosemary stems
Garlic cloves
Chilli slices

1. Heat the oven to a high setting, around 230˚C - 250˚C

2. Cut each potato in to 1.5 cm whid slices, then into 1.5 cm thick sticks.
3. Blanch in a large pan of salted boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
4. Refresh and drain well
5. Shake the potatoes out onto a roasting tray.
6. Drizzle with oil ensuring that each chip is evenly coated, then season well.
7. Bake in the oven for about 15 – 20 minutes, turning the potatoes at least twice, until golden
brown and crisp.
8. Season to taste.

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