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Agility is the ability to change direction with speed and under control.
(Class notes).

Someone who has a very high level of agility is Shane Williams. He

needs a very high level of this so when’s he’s on the wing in rugby, he
can dodge and get past people.

Some sports that use a lot of agility are:

• Rugby (if someone is performing a side step)
• Football ( to change direction to save the ball)
• Swimming (to do the tumble turn).

A test for agility is the Illinois agility run.


Speed is ability to move all or part of the body as quickly as possible.

(Class notes)

Someone that has a very high level of speed is Usain bolt, who is the
world’s fastest man to ever live, over 100 metres.

Some sports that require a lot of speed would be:

• Short distance sprinting (uses speed to get to the finish line as
quickly as possible)
• Short distance swimming (to be quicker than other contenders.)
• Striker in football (to run through gaps in the others teams defence
and get to the ball before the defender.)

Speed is needed in certain public services e.g.: The police force. In the
police force you need speed if you were chasing a suspect or in the fire
service you may need to get to a casualty that’s stuck in a building.

One of the tests for speed is the 40m sprint


Definition: flexibility is the ability to our joints through there full range
of movements.

Gymnastics need a lot of flexibility to bend in the ways the moves require
Martial arts experts need a lot of flexibility to perform the kicks and

Someone who needs allot of flexibility is tom Daly, to perform his diving.

Some sports that need allot of flexibility are:

• Gymnastics (to perform the summersaults and turns they need to
• Wrestling ( to pin there opponent down)

One of the tests for flexibility is the sit and reach test.
Muscular endurance

Muscular endurance is the “ability of the muscles to carry out daily tasks”
class notes.
Some one with a lot of Muscular endurance is boxers like Joe Calzaghe
because he will need to take down his components that might be bigger
that him.

Some people need a fair bit of muscular endurance in public services like
the infantry in the army because they will have to carry there equipment
and bags.

You might need stamina in daily activities e.g. carrying the shopping
home and picking heavy items up.

One of the tests for muscular endurance is the abdominal curve test.

C.V Endurance

Stamina is the “ability to use energy and strength for a continuing to do

something over a long period” Class Notes.

Someone with a lot of stamina is Paula Radcliffe because she is a long

distance runner and needs a lot of stamina.

Some of the sports that involve stamina are long distance running,
football because if you are a mid fielder you have to do a lot of running
Some public services need stamina like a police officer. A police officer
needs a fair bit of stamina like if he’s chasing a suspect over a long period
of time.

You might need stamina in daily activities e.g. walking to the shops and

A test for C.V endurance is the multi stage fitness test.

Reaction time
Reaction time is the ability to react to a stimulus quickly (class notes).

Someone with a lot of reaction time is David Beckham because he needs

to hit the football as powerfully as he can. Also another person who needs
allot of reaction time is marc Andre flurry that is a goal tender for the
Pittsburgh penguins’ ice hockey team.

Some of the sports that involve reaction time are football, formula 1 and

Some public services need reaction time like the army when you have to
move or act quickly from falling debris

You might need reaction time in daily activities like playing football with
friends or playing on computer games.

A test for reaction time is the ruler drop test

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