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12/09/21 1
• Introduction
• Chinese Remainder Theorem
• CRT for Integers
• CRT for Polynomials
• Winograd Algorithm
• Example
• Modified Winograd Algorithm
• Advantages
• Applications
• References

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• Fast Convolution: implementation of convolution algorithm
using fewer multiplication
• Algorithmic Strength Reduction: Number of strong
operations is reduced at the expense of an increase in the
number of weak operations.
• Example: Reducing the multiplication complexity in complex
number multiplication:

– Assume (a+jb)(c+dj)=e+jf which requires 4 multiplications

and 2 additions 3

•the number of multiplications can be reduced to 3 at the expense of 3 extra

additions by using

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Chinese Remainder Theorem(CRT)
• Winograd algorithm -Based on the CRT .

• It’s possible to uniquely determine a nonnegative

integer given only its remainder with respect to the
given moduli, provided that the moduli are relatively
prime and the integer is known to be smaller than the
product of the moduli

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CRT for Integers
• Given ci= [c]

•Then c=( NiMi) modM


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CRT for Polynomials



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Winograd Algorithm
• Consider the computation s(p) =h(p) x(p) mod m(p)

• Choose a polynomial m(p) with degree higher than the degree of h(p) x(p) and
factor it into k+1 relatively prime polynomials ie m(p)= m(0)(p) m(1)(p)........... m(k)(p)

• Let M(i)(p)= m(p)/m(i)(p).Use the Euclidean GCD algorithm to solve for N (i)(p)

• Compute: h(i)(p) = h(p) mod m(i)(p)

x(i)(p) = x(p) mod m(i)(p)

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Winograd Algorithm
• Compute s(i)(p) = h(i)(p) x(i)(p)mod m(i)(p)

• Compute s(p) = (p) N(i)(p) M(i)(p)mod m(p)

• The number of multiplications in Winograd algorithm is

highly dependent on the degree of each m(p) .

• Degree of m(p) should be as small as possible.

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• Consider a 2X3 linear convolution.Construct an efficient
realization using Winograd algorithm m(p)= p(p-1)(p2-1)
h(p)= h0+h1p ,x(p)= x0+x1p+x2p2

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• Requires 5 multiplications and 11 additions compared with 6

multiplications and 2 additions for direct implementation
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Modified Winograd Algorithm
• More efficient formof the Winograd algorithm

• It can be obtained by letting deg[m(p)]=deg[s(p)]

• And applying the CRT to

s’(p) =s(p) - hN-1 xL-1 m(p)

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Modified Winograd Algorithm
• Choose a polynomial m(p) with degree higher than the degree of h(p) x(p)
and factor it into k+1 relatively prime polynomials with real
m(p)= m(0)(p) m(1)(p)........... m(k)(p)

• Let M(i)(p)= m(p)/m(i)(p).Use the Euclidean GCD algorithm to solve N(i)(p)

• Compute: h(i)(p) = h(p) mod m(i)(p)
x(i)(p) = x(p) mod m(i)(p)

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Modified Winograd Algorithm

• Compute s’(i)(p) = h(i)(p) x(i)(p)mod m(i)(p)

• Compute s’(p) = (p) N(i)(p) M(i)(p)mod m(p)

•Compute s(p) =s’(p)+ hN-1 xL-1 m(p)

•Conclusion: this algorithm requires 4 multiplications and 7


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• Fast Convolution with less number of
• Less complexity.

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• Fast matrix multiplication.

• Fast Fourier Transforms

• Cryptography.

• Fast Discrete Fourier Transform

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• Convolution algorithm can be implemented using

fewer multiplication.
• Reduced the multiplication complexity.

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• Keshab K. Parhi,VLSI Digital Signal Processing
Systems,2nd ed.,Chap 8,pp 237-244,Wiley India,2008
• BRENT, Error analysis of algorithms for matrix
multiplication and triangular decomposition using
Winograd’s identity, 16,pp 145–156, Numerische
• Demmel, J., Dongarra, J., Eijkhout, E., Fuentes, E.,
Petitet, E., Vuduc, V., Whaley, R., And Yelick, K.
2005. Self-Adapting linear algebra algorithms and
software. Proceedings of the IEEE, special issue on
”Program Generation, Optimization, and Adaptation”
93, 2.
12/09/21 20
• C. K. Koc and B. Sunar, Low-complexity bit-parallel
canonical and normal basis multipliers for a class of
finite fields. IEEE Transactions on Computers,
47(3):353–356, March 1998.
• S. Winograd. Some bilinear forms whose
multiplicative complexity depends on the field of
constants. Mathematical Systems Theory, 10:pp169–
180, 1977

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