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Running a Meeting

Key Terms

• Chairperson – The person who takes the lead role in organising and runningn a
• Agenda – A schedule of the items to be discussed in the meeting.
• Minutes – A written record of a meeting that shows who was present,
summarises the main points discussed and details the agreed action points.

You may need people to help you with your work – actors for example. Running a
team meeting is important to develop your skills for working as a team. It is essential
for the person who is making the film to undertake the role of Chairperson. This is
because there should be some authority to make sure that every opinion is heard and
only one person is talking at any one time.

• The Chairperson takes the minutes of the meeting, unless it is agreed that this
can be delegated to another person present. If this happens, the minutes must
be approved by the Chairperson before they are sent out.
• Summarise the points discussed – don’t write everything down, as you may
miss valid points by swamping them in a huge mass of detail.
• After the meeting you must then distribute copies of the minutes to the rest of
the team. Usually this would be done in draft form first to give participants
time to check and correct the minutes if the disagree with the account of what
was said. Once everyone has approved the minutes in draft form, the corrected
drafts are sent to the Chairperson who then approves the final version of the
minutes for release to the rest of the team.

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