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it ENERGY FACTOR - AN ECONOMIC AND ECO-FRIENDLY TOOL Introduction Economy ofimestone mining or soda ash industies malty depends upon the fines generation during diferent actly of mining Le Basing, breaking and loading. As maximum ‘humdo: af mines ax0 opartod by son machanized method {or soda ash dusts (reaklngoffimestone has boon done ‘manually by deploying labourers). This mode of mining ‘mathedis chosen dv oless fies generation during breaking ‘opeaton ae compared to crushingisaing of imestone by ‘rushers. there Is sae restction Inthe imestone and only sizeof 40 t0 110 mm of mestone is being utised fr ‘manufacturing of soda ash, Therefore limestone below 40 rim e ented as wast for soca ah industri andthe same Is being sold to nearby cement Industes at cheaper rato ‘Asalmosalleases granted forte soda achiimestonarining ae of very sma area surrounded by the culated elds, ages, rivers, ravay Hine, national park ot. er are fol ‘of scapes open for inca to tus the ming ct {ecm of resticton in basting operation, eneroachments ee, ich ety invest alloc preity of tn mines Surrounding community local authrty, socal and poical ‘rcups ae just making pressure onthe mines management inthe name of basting, Duo to increasing pressure from the sureunding community, loca authori ete. some of he mines are planning fo mining by Rock breaker and crusher combination for sada ash Imestone mining. As substitution of rock breaking method trom eiillng and blasting to Rock breaker, Ripper or any machinery wil reduce the surrounding inteterence. This ‘method af mining fe termed ECOFRIENDLY and le well accepted by the scientist, environmentalist, and statutory authorities which is more ecofriendly than conventional ‘moto ol mining. nti papor nthe ates that monitoring of any process / technology should also be done on ‘quantitative basis to check the economy, ficiency and eco fond aspect of ny process in fotity, Energy Inco b. ‘amount of energy consumption rire for breakage atone ‘oane of rok (Kea¥MT) may became an important indicator in tors of econonry a8 wel as envsonment pont of vow. Lowest value of energy factor represents most ecient, soonomic and clean technology * 51. Mining Engineer ‘Mining Engineers’ Journal 7 * Sanjay Singh P Sarkar Inthis paper wo wil also describe the seps taken Loinprove ‘he baleting lficloncy and compare the conventional method ‘ofmining wih ECOFAITHDLY method ot iing by ENERGY FACTOR. CASE:A: Breaking of imestone by Dring and Blasting meth ‘An approach to Increase the explosive energy utlization In limestone mining for soda ash industry ~ One step, ahoad Objective of blasting operation:-Finos generation inthe basting operation shouldbe minimum, 01) Type ot exposive:-To reduce the fres goneraton during ‘lasting operation, we mix sawdust a combustible material ‘with ANF to increase te effect of gas prossuro energy at tho expense dl shock wave snoray As shock wave anergy is ry reaps for fracturing of rok by crushing, radial Cracking and gas pressure energy is responsible for {splacement of oek, extension of natural crack nnd crack Induced by shock wave. Soe shock wave energy is drectly proportional to velocity of detonation and strength of ‘explosive, by msing of sawdust tho densly of explosive terduces trom 0.85 gmice to 0.4 gmice and velocity of ‘detonation als reduces causing increase in ons pressure ray (02) Blast design parameter:- Duo o change in donsty of ‘explosive he optim burdens dacidedon the elation given by selentstKanya & Water. (120(28ge/St+1.5)) (Hs7B08)| Kea = Burden (n) Spacing (m) Diamar of bast hoe ‘Specie dnsity of rock Bench height) ‘Stereing opt) 05 to 1.0 im ease of high scontulty Hs vluo i taken a6 05) General Manager (Mines), GHCL Limited ane 2004 0 Oo Ce ee esi ‘CURRENT 03) Sequence of blasting:- Normal single ow basting with ‘Simultaneous sequence was being followed in the past but ‘ow we have changad the sequence of blasting andby delay ‘detonator inthe single row of minimum ground vibration and ‘geod fragmentation, 04) Inclination of hole : To restict the throw atthe same {ime to avoid the problem of boulder gonornton, back break ‘and face dressing, we dr the hole sight incined at about £8085". and improvernontis observed in the same (One step ahend) 05) AIR DECK BLASTING WITH ANFO & SAW DUST: Into we started our blasting operation with ANFO and ‘continue the same process for around 12 years. Three years ‘back we started using ANFO.& SAW DUST and lot of improvement in tom of good fragmentation and less fines ‘Generation has been cbservad with minimum side effets of basting like ground vibration, fy rock and noxious gas etc, For futher improvement and better utitzation of explosive {energy for improvement in fragmentation, basting cost and effects on surounding environment, we started the til blasting of ferent depth of AIR DECK at thre location Le Bottom Air deck, Middle Air deck and Top air deck Portormance of mile nnd top Alr deck of 05 mits found best as compared to bottom Air deck. bal of cotton waste ‘oes air decking in tho holo dt sane bs vere in the, hole by charging rod. Main precaution Is takin dating ‘stemming operation and pressure fr Stemming is increased ‘radually so thot bal of cotton waste doesnot fall down in ‘he hole. Implementation of Air decking with ANFO & SAW. DUST improves the basting efficiency. 20m) Index: ‘STEMMING ‘ANFO Bal ie seni 8 Fig. 1 : Explosive Charging of Blast Hole ‘AIR DECK 05) ENERGY FACTOR: Energy facor Le. amount of energy consumption required for breakage of one tonne o rock (eal! wn. Fg mn din ion ANF = og Enegy iste doeocentestonl Sw det = 17h omy enn cto Dest + eth wry et airo 0a ey os = Moga Deny fms (Sam ust ANFO REO ty vote) = #28 Mining Engineers’ Journal i 5 ‘June 2004 Partcuars Tet Stage 2nd Stage rd Stage 1) ring: Energy consumption 992 982 992 (Kain) ) Blasting FROM pe hoo (MT) 45 145 145 ANFO por hole (kg) 369 eon 200 Saw dust per hse (ha) ° “4 09 Energy consumed per hole (eal) 9095; 2si2 1855 Energy cosumption (Keainir}48) 234 173 128 Total Energy factor (Kcalirr)=(A+B) 333 212 227 Process atisoney x% (41267 xo CASES: 2 [Breaking of imestone by Primary Rock breaker: As cur Enegy reared ocombuston of Diesel = 10500 kath "nai objective fr nestor mining for sda nah nds {he minimum undersize goneraion ding mining operation, _ExBttad OM by ok reson = coMtay ‘The same should bo considered during the selection of machinery. As per dscussion wih many manufacturers of #8! €omumrtion orc bear nila {he breaking machin, Itmay be conciied tha ro4UtVY eee cansumpon ot ock beaker = 0st ‘of tho breaker wl be very lw around 80 10 70M fof Dash eonsusono ck beak foe ROM vith maximum sizeof boulder nthe size range of 500 eNeRGy FACTOR = 4515keammT ‘nm and mirimum size of boulder inthe size range of 500 frm and inn undrsize (50m) Conetuston-By Energy actor we many concudethat which techinology is more ecient, economic and Eco endl. ENERGY FACTOR: Enorgy lector Le. amount of energy consrofon eit ekg ann rock Koa) Process Energy factor (cal) Fer Caso-B. el & or elect unpyistha main soc cf energy read forthe operon oth agape, re |_ Dring & Blasting Br ‘nhs case we analyze with desel as the main soures for the energy required forthe equipment. Rock break | 4515 People could be suring from polsonous dst inside their vehicles. Tiny patios called PM 2.5, which are spewed out in ‘ohio exhaust and sucked into tho car, perf ntvere with divers hearts by causing lrogula honrtboat ; atanek ‘A potently harmiel smog can form inside homes tvough reactions between aitsreshonars and ozone. Tho reactions ‘generale ormalehyde, classed as a probable carcinogen, and related compounds responsible for respitatory problems, Mining Engineers’ Journal 6 June 2004

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