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DRY CLEANING PROCESS FOR DESULPHURISATION OF COAL *Sanjpy Singh {neoduction: Coa isan extraordinary complex mista of lan eubstances. tis derived principal rom decomposed, ‘organic matter by bacteria, nal and pressure insige the ‘earths crust. Inaditon to oganie mater, coal contains wat, ‘il, gases he methano, waxes, and inorganic matter The Inorganic matter - minorale cause mary of tho heat environmental and tchnntogieal proba nti to con us, Thoreforaknowelgo of th Goal christy il ha 8 {use these energy resources mor eicielyandellectvely ith es unesirablehazardaus material emitted by a power plant ‘Tho objective of this paper is fo breton the dry proce ‘valabe forthe desulphurisaton of coal so that susable ‘brocess may be explored on time fr elfeent use of uel co renal and economic manner. Four of sulphur in.coal : Sulphur in coal occurs in two fons 1) Oiganke suture. chomicaty bonded with carbon. 2) Inorganic sulphur ike pyrite eto “Though ts presence increases tho cari value ofthe coal tutithas several undesable elects. The oxidation produel ‘of sulphur especially in presence of moistire caus corrosion of the equipment and cause almospherle potion, Suphur content in the coal fs one of the worst parameter tecting both Bconomy ard airanment Determination of sulphur In Coal: A known quant of Coals burt competey In bomb calorimtor ina current of ‘oxygen. Ash, ths obtained contain sulphur of tho coal as ‘suphate, which s extract with eit hytrocarie aed and acid extract is ‘wth barium chlerde solution to recite the sulphate as barium suiphate, 402 s. 04 Some Back Bas0% 283 9ms ‘The precipitate of Bao, is fitered, washod, dried and ‘weighed from which the stiphur in coal ca be compted as folows 32 gs sulphur nthe coo! gn 299 gms Bas, IW X= Weight of coal same taken Y= Weight of BaSO4 precipitate formed Then amount of suiphur in cont samp = m2 134¥ . ‘Theteoro% of sulphur Coal = 0.1947" 100rK Impact of sulphur on th High proportion of sulphur has alo sion point os ash ‘herefoe formation of clinker increases It clogs the furnace. and reduces th tow of alr because space in between coal Particles go blocked resulting in uneven combustion of cal ‘Mereby producing less vat and uneven cistron of heal ‘Tho mlture of sulphurous and wulphurle ac formed by combustion of euiphur may set up serious corrosion In ‘conomizrs air hoar fan ducts, heat exchanger ee In combustion process where fuel coniains no sulphur the {den pont temperature of gas isthe waler dew point (70:80, ‘degree). 20 pom of SO, is now added fo ths fe gs dow Ponntemperatur inereasesto about 145 degra and surtece below his temperature will have @ deposi of strong soiaion ot HO, Process for desuiphurisation of coal: ‘Th case of sepaaton of suiphur fom coal may be grouped into two classes. The organ suiphur can no! be removed trom coal by any mechanieal method. Bio chemical reatmant method tko acid leaching i to be used lr this purpose Inorganic sulphur ike pyrite ete removable by mechanical ‘means, Dry process has been preted or desuiphuration ‘due fo efminatin of cost of drying wet coals, no probe of ‘disposal of water and tne dust, and los of eal washing Beside this no dry bonetatin process plant isn operation In naa, and very fow laboratory study and exploration have ‘been done in tis area. For any physical ochny:9, ts required to berate py by ‘rushing, more closely to the particle sizeof taw oa! “approach, he greater 's potenti for removal of sulphur. The maori of physical coa! cleaning process doponds on the ilerence in elatve densiios af coal and assocled purty though silerence in surlece property i also mxploted aa lessor exont ‘Onl two scientiic instaions are doing research work for desuiphurisation of coal, CFA on Microwave art Rane recess (Uso for removal of ojganc sulphur bolt) and ican [Bureauotmines on Bloconvenl proces lor desutuniaion coal ‘Some ofthe processes explored by the scenic instiion ste described below For offectva sorting the siz ofthe orfeoa should bo fly coarse size usualy greater than Yom. Serersass088 the dillerences in a speciic physical property between the +S: Ming Engineer GHC United, Paks Complex (PO) Bomno. 28. Yerowal- 362246 (Guyana) Mining Engineers Journal ‘April 2005 Forces west seroneerater atten Jonsremetetnatane ee Photometry sortingis tho mochanised form of hand sorting, inwhich ores divided on to bass of visual examination The basis ol photometry avtrie a lage i earen an eanalve oto sulisr, use in 9 searing syst fo det igh retlected rom to surface of ocks prising gh he sorting zone, whch change withthe inter ol elleced ight and ‘rocuee conta signal to actuate the appropriate valves of ‘an airbast rejecton device to remave certain particle elecied by means of the analysing process. Gunson's SORTEX MP 80 machines employ microprocessor technology and may handle te sie range of 10-150 mm at food of up 150 tn. Conductivity sorter moasuros the elecical conducviy of Datclesin the sie range of 50-150 mm and accep or rejecis Accordingly may be daveloped. The machine consias ofa ‘evoking discon to which the orelceal amps are led by @ ‘vbralory feeder. The lumps ar guided ito spaced singo We athe table periphery. The conductivity of incvidal lumps 's measured betwoon two electrodes, one being the table ‘ndother contac! bush. The average value of conductance {ora predetermined lengths determined and comparison of tho computed volun wi pros vlan daorninos whethne the price shouldbe accepld ot eectodImmediatly ltr {his inspection te hump interrupts beam fight Mts kim ‘hasbeen sensed fo ejection, tho fterrtion othe Kh beam Activates a high-speed ale vale, which bial a jot of "ompressed air wen the patcla passes lon of ejector nozzle. The capacity is about 25 ip, © icronave processing :-Microwave penetrates into the ‘material and vibrates the polar molecule at high requencies, Producing energy in the form of heat, High Trequency ‘loctromagnetic wave nthe microwave range (0:30 GH) provides new opportunities to process. a wide variety of ‘materia, ‘© CFBIs Novel. Radlotytc process : - Iracaton of aqueous! acidic col shuties by inns high energy an ‘onizing ot ays tom 60Ce, way acl akes place, {hereby acolyte product viz. re rel hycrated elections ‘onic and molecular product ar Tormed, which combindy {act oxidatevely to cause removal of suiphir and mineral ate fom coal in caso of ado of aki (WHS) Coal sur, alongwith aforesaid produc, caro's acid (H'So) and persuphurie acid (H,S208) are produced and whieh ‘decampase io HO, ur th odin arton of aoreeai ‘adioyticprocucts, the C-Sbondisfstdestablised, causing ‘xdation of organo-suphur compund to sulphur, which Under the action of ays are further oxidize by exited OH ‘and O2H radicals and hydrolysed in such a way that ‘hydrocarbon matrix of coal is not cstiroed except minor ‘Mining Engineers’ Journat 2 peripheral M9 leaving behind desulphurised hydrocarbon wih liberation of H'SO, Nis perforated and ited lope dack, which’ rapiy reciprocated. Coalis es roe the upper corer fo abl, wich is tansversoly sxe. The Taisho reciprocating movements is blown trough eck Coal Spread out ore the deck and segregated os lean goal The heavy impunity i trapped in ils ard transported lo {endo abe. The clean coal passes ove the rifles and ave foward the lower coxpor of abl. Those davcns hive a fom apaciy wih closely sized food bul more elecvo matod for desulphutfsaton of Inorganic sulphur rom coal ‘© Conclusions :- in ordor to meet the envgy demand in future, deeper cleaning of coal is becoming increasingly 'nportant The reserve ofhigh sulphur coal kgniteare spread in WE state, Wardha Valley (Maharashta), Rajasthan and Gujarat, which lead to varlous problem to thermal power plants, For utlisation ofthe reserve of high sulphur coal ignite, the suhur content has tobe brought down to aleve, ‘hat canbe drectyuflised or suitably bined wth coal or ‘minimum operational prebiom, Thaalor, RD ofr hes be intensii for developing simple, etloctve, economicaly able and commercially adaplabie method of coal’ bgrita dosuphurisaion ° pment: The author is thank o Me LK. ‘Masand, GM (Ligne) for thor kind persion to publish this paper Reterences i= 1. Gupta, O.P, Elements of Fuels, Furnaces and Rolracire 2. Wis, HA, Mineral processing 3. Literature of Aiminera i. 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