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Please join

Congressman Lee Terry

for his annual

Nebraska Steak Dinner

Thursday, May 12, 2011

6:00 pm Cocktails 6:30 pm Dinner

Davis & Harman Terrace

1455 Pennsylvania Ave NW Suite 1200
Washington DC

$2,500 PAC Sponsor / $1,000 Personal

$1,000 PAC Attendee/ $500 Personal Attendee
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.
** Maxed out PACS & Individuals come FREE

To RSVP please contact Meredith Mino at 703-684-8330


Please mail checks to: Lee Terry for Congress, P.O. Box 540098, Omaha NE 68154

Paid for and authorized by Lee Terry for Congress. C00330811 402‐691‐0333

Not printed at government expense. Contributions to Lee Terry for Congress are not deductible as charitable donations for federal 
income tax purposes. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited. Federal law re‐quires political committees to use their best 
efforts to obtain and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in 
excess of $200 in an election cycle.

Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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