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1. What are they doing?

1. Sofía is eating pasta. 5. Lucy is reading a book.

2. Peter is running. 6. Claire is drinking a glass of water.

3. Susan is doing her homework. 7. Tom is riding a bike.

4. Tabby is sleeping. 8. Richard and Sam are doing karate.

2. Describe the picture.

What are they doing? They are talking.

Are they standing? No, they aren’t. They are sitting.

How many people are

there in the picture? There are three people.

Where are they? They are in a room.

What are they doing? They are dancing.

What is she wearing? She is wearing a white dress and veil.

What is he wearing? He is wearing a tuxedo.

What are they celebrating? They are celebrating their wedding.

3. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What time does she have lunch? She has lunch at 12 o’clock.
2. What does she have for breakfast? She has cereal and milk.
3. What time does she have tea? She has tea at 5 o’clock.
4. What does she often have for dinner? She often has potatoes, fish and salad.
5. Does she eat dessert after dinner? Yes, she does.

6. What does she have for dessert? She has lemon pie or ice-cream for dessert.
4. Write questions.

Estás hablando con Rick sobre su hermana. Quieres saber si….

Si vive en Londres. Does your sister live in London?

Si tiene una mascota Has she got a pet?

Si le gusta hacer karate Does she like doing karate?

Si está estudiando inglés Is she studying English?

Si puede tocar la guitarra. Can she play the guitar?

Si escribe cartas o correos electrónicos. Does she write letters or mails?

Donde trabaja. Where does she work?

A qué hora va a trabajar. What time does she work?

Con qué frecuencia va a España. How often does she go to Spain?

Cómo va al trabajar. How does she go to work?

5. Translate.

Rose usually travels to Rome twice a year.

I hate eating peppers.

We never do aerobics.

My parents sometimes do the shopping on Saturdays.

Her sister is from Italy but her parents are German.

My grandparents are sitting in the livingroom.

She doesn’t buy bread because she makes it.

Today Claudio isn’t studying because he is ill.

My parents are cutting some onions because he wants to make an omelette.

They can’t play baseball.

You don’t walk your dog because you live in a house.

Catherines is in the wedding car

She is wearing a dress and she has got a bouquet.

The groom is giving some wedding favours to the guests.

There are a lot of presents.

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