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Jesus Calms the Storm

Numa ocasio, depois de pasar o dia inteiro andando e ensinando s pessoas sobre Deus, Jesus foi de barco com os discpulos para outra cidade.
One day, Jesus had just finished a long day of walking and teaching people about God. He got in a boat with His disciples to go to another town.

noite, quando Ele estava dormindo...

At night, while Jesus was sleeping

De repente comeou uma tempestade com muitos troves, e raios e mais raios cortavam os cus. O vento soprava e o barco balanava descontroladamente .
Suddenly, a great storm came their way. Thunder rumbled and lightening tore across the sky. The wind blew and great waves crashed into the boat.

Os discpulos, aterrorizados, foram correndo acordar Jesus. Senhor, salve-nos! gritaram.

The disciples were terrified! They quickly woke Jesus up. Lord, save us! they cried.

Jesus acordou e, estendendo a mo em direo tempestade, disse: Paz, acalme-se. E a tempestade amainou na hora. Os discipulos ficaram em segurana.
Jesus awoke, and held out His hands toward the storm. He said Peace, be still. And the storm stopped! The disciples were safe.

Por que ficaram com tanto medo? Jesus lhes perguntou. Precisam ter mais f!
Why were you so afraid? Jesus asked his disciples. You need more faith!

Walking andando Teaching ensinando Boat barco Disciples discpulos Sleeping dormindo Storm tempestade

Thunder troves Lightening raios Wind vento Afraid - medo Faith - f

Visita para ver mais histrias bilnge para crianas

Illustrations Zondervan. Dramatization of the story created by Treasure Attic

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