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Two Superpowers Face Off

Directions: READ through Chapter 33 Section 1 and take notes using this outline.

• Who were the key players at the Yalta Conference? What were the goals of this meeting?

• What was the goal of the United Nations? How did the aims of the United States and the
Soviet Union differ?

• “From Settin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across
the Continent…”
o Who is responsible for this quote?
o What is the message behind it?

• What is a satellite nation? What were the Soviet satellites and how did Stalin plan to use
• Outline the Truman Doctrine
o What is containment? How was it applied?

• What was the goal of the Marshall Plan?

• Why was Berlin such a contentious area during the Cold War? What happened during the
Berlin Airlift?

• Take notes on the differences between the following:

NATO v. Warsaw Pact

• What were the implications of the Soviets developing the atomic bomb? How did this define
the course of the Cold War?

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