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A. Match column A with the column B. Write the letter only.

30 points
Column A
Column B
______1. These are drugs that change how our body and mind works. A
. nicotine
______2. A substance found in liquor, wine and beer.
B. inhalants
______3. A substance found in coffee, tea and chocolates.
C. medicines
______4. These are liquids that give off a strong odor like glue and petrol.
D. alcohol
______5. A substance found in cigarettes.
E. caffeine

B. Circle the correct answer.

20 points
1. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Expired medicines can still be used to save money.
b. There is no problem if you use medicines without a doctorâ s prescription.
c. Medicines should be stored away from children.
2. Which of the following tells how to use medicines correctly?
a. medicine labels b. doctorâ s name c. doctorâ s p
3. Which of the following is the effect of consuming too much alcohol?
a. weight loss b. sharper memory c. m
outh cancer
4. Which of the following can harm our health?
a. fruits & vegetables b. cheese & milk c. al
cohol & cigarette
5. Which of the following can cause lung cancer?
a. cigarette b. coffee
c. beer

C. Write True or False for the statements below. 15 points

___________1. People who smoke are cool and healthy.
___________2. A non-smoker can get lung cancer from breathing in someone elseâ s smo
___________3. It is illegal to sell cigarettes to people under 18 years old.
___________4. Medicines can be taken anytime we want to.
___________5. A strong fume from paint thinner is addictive and very bad for th
e lungs and brain.

Answer the following questions. 35 points

1. List three (3) safe ways to take medicines? 15 points
2. How can you keep yourself away from alcohol and cigarettes? 5 points
3. Write three (3) reasons why kids start smoking cigarettes. 15 points

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