Table of English Tenses

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 Con acciones
rutinarias: I see my
A: I / You / grandparents twice
We / They a week.
 Con hechos o verdades
generales: Water
He / She /
boils at 100 Cº
It eats
 Con situaciones  Adverbios de
N: I / You / permanentes: I work frecuencia: always,
We / They as a Walter in a often, usually,
don't eat restaurant generally, seldom,
PRESENT  Acciones futuras con
He / She / horarios de trenes,  Every day/ week/
SIMPLE It doesn't aviones, etc. My train month…
eat leaves at 5.30
 Once / Twice /
 Oraciones Three times… a
Q: Do
condicionales de 1er week/ day /
I / You /
tipo y en oraciones month/ year…
We / They

 Con verbos que no

suelen ir en presente
Does He / continuo: know, like,
She / It hate, want, love,
eat? need, belong, mean,
remember, prefer…
PRESENT A: I am  Con acciones que  Now, right now
eating ocurren en el momento
CONTINUOUS de hablar: We're  At present, at the
He / She / studying the verbs moment, in this
It is eating now. moment, ….

 Con acciones que están  These days, this

We / You /
ocurriendo year/ month/
They are
temporalmente: My week…, nowadays
brother is working
hard this year.  Tonight,
N: I am
tomorrow, next
not eating  Con acciones week / month…,
habituales que causan in a minute, in a
He / She / irritación al hablante: couple of days…
It isn't They are always
eating complaining about
the same thing.
We / You /
They aren't  Con acciones futuras
eating planeadas y
confirmadas (fecha):
She's visiting the
Q: Am I
doctor tomorrow
 * El presente continuo
no se suele utilizar con
los siguientes verbos:
know, like, want, hate,
Is He / She
love, need, belong
/ It eating?
mean, understand,
believe, remember,
prefer; aunque algunos
Are We / de estos verbos
You / They pueden aparecer en
eating? forma continua con un
sentido diferente
 Con acciones pasadas
que tuvieron lugar en
A: He un momento
watched determinado: We
/ He ate didn't watch TV last
 Yesterday
N: He  Last month /
PAST  Narrar hechos pasados
didn't week..
watch / He
SIMPLE didn't eat  Ago
 Normalmente, después
de las siguientes
Q: Did he  Fechas pasadas
expresiones: I wish,
watch? /
If only, as if, as
Did he eat?
though, would
rather, would
sooner, it's time….
PAST A: I / He /  Para expresar una  While
She / It acción incompleta que
CONTINUOUS was eating estaba ocurriendo en el
pasado. (acción larga):
We / You / Last week, we were
They were working in a science
eating project.

 Para señalar que una

N: I / He /
acción larga estaba
She / It
teniendo lugar en el
pasado cuando fue
interrumpida por otra
breve: We were
We / You / watching TV, when
They suddenly the TV set
weren't broke down.
 Para indicar que 2 o +
Q: acciones largas
Was I / estaban ocurriendo
He / She / simultáneamente en el
It eating? pasado: While I was
cooking dinner, he
was laying the table.
Were We /
 Para indicar acciones
You / They
repetidas y monótonas
en el pasado indicando
cierta queja: The
children were
always screaming.

 Para descripciones y
People were
walking, the sun was
shining, the birds….
A: I / You /
We / They
 Para hablar de
He / She / acciones que  Already (AF)…ya
It has ocurrieron en el pasado
eaten pero llegan o tienen  Yet (NG/INT)
importancia en el ….ya, aún, todavía
N: I / You / presente: I have
We / They  For…durante
found a wallet in the
PRESENT haven't street.
eaten  Since…desde
PERFECT  Con el superlativo:
 Just…acabo de
He / She / She's the most
SIMPLE It hasn't intelligent person I  This week/
eaten have ever met. month…

Q: have I /  En las expresiones  Recently

You / We / It's the first/ second
They time: It's the first  Adverbios de
eaten? time I've eaten raw frecuencia: ever…

has He /
She / It
PRESENT A: I / You /  Tiene el mismo uso  Already (AF)…ya
We / They que el present perfect
PERFECT have been simple pero resaltando  Yet (NG/INT)
eating la duración de la ….ya, aún, todavía
CONTINUOUS actividad: I've been
He / She / working in this  For…durante
It has factory since 1999.
been  Since…desde
eating  Para hablar de
 Just…acabo de
acciones pasadas que
N: I / You / acaban de concluir y su  This week/
We / They resultado es evidente: month…
haven't Have you been
been frying fish?  Recently
 Adverbios de
He / She / frecuencia: ever…
It hasn't

Q: have I /
You / We /
They been

has He /
She / It
 Para hablar de una
acción pasada que
ocurrió antes que otra:
The school had
already closed when
I arrived.

 En oraciones
condicionales de 3er

 En oraciones
temporales para  Already (AF)…ya
A: He had
enfatizar que una
eaten  Just
acción pasada estaba
totalmente acabada
N: He  Until / Till
antes de comenzar
PERFECT hadn't otra: He didn't go to
eaten  Before
bed until the last TV
SIMPLE programme had  As soon as
Q: Had he finished.
 Con I wish / If only  After
para lamentarnos de
algo que ha ocurrido
en el pasado: If only
they had stayed with
us (ojalá)

 En la expresión It was
the first / the
second… time: It
was the second time
I had flown.
A: He had
eating  Para hablar de una
acción pasada que  For
PAST ocurrió antes que otra
N: He
pero poniendo énfasis  Since
PERFECT e la duración de la
misma: She was so ill
eating  The whole day /
CONTINUOUS because she had
been eating so many all day
Q: Had he chocolates.
FUTURE I A: He  Expresar certeza en el  Tomorrow
futuro: We will
definitely phone her

 Predicciones: It'll be
windy tomorrow.

 Promesas: I'll buy

you a present for
your birthday.

 Tomar una decisión en

el momento de hablar:
will eat
It's hot in here. I'll
open the windows.
N: He  Next day/ week….
SIMPLE won't eat  Hacer un ofrecimiento:
I'll carry the  Fechas futuras
(WILL) Q: Will suitcase if you like.
eat?  Pedir algo
educadamente: Will
you do it for me?

 En condicionales de 1er
tipo: If it rains, we'll
stay at home.

 Cuando sugerimos algo

utilizamos SHALL:
Shall we go to the
cinema tonight?
FUTURE I A: I am  Expresar intenciones:  Tomorrow
going to I'm going to eat
SIMPLE eat less.  Next day/ week….

He / She /  Para hablar de planes  Fechas futuras

It is going futuros: They're
to eat going to build a new
bridge in autumn.
We / You /
 Para hacer
They are
predicciones de futuro
going to
a través de hechos
evidentes en el
presente: It's very
N: I am hot today. We are
not going going to sweat .
to eat
 Para hablar de hechos
He / She / que van a ocurrir con
It isn't seguridad en el futuro:
going to I'm going to finish
eat Bachillerato next
We / You /
They aren't
going to

Q: Am I
going to

Is He / She
/ It going
to eat?

Are We /
You / They
going to
 Para hablar de
acciones que estarán
en marcha en un
A: He momento determinado
will be del futuro: At this
eating time next web we'll
be flying to New  Tomorrow
FUTURE I N: He York.
won't be  Next day/ week….
CONTINUOUS eating  Para preguntar por los
planes de los demás  Fechas futuras
Q: Will sobre todo, cuando
he be queremos pedir un
eating? favor: Will you be
driving to the
A: He will
 Acciones que estarán
finalizadas en un  By Monday…
momento determinado
PERFECT del futuro: We'll have
eaten.  In a week…
SIMPLE flown to New York
by next week.
Will he
A: He will
have been
 Acción que tiene lugar
FUTURE II antes de un momento
N: He
exacto del futuro  By Monday…
poniendo énfasis en la
PERFECT have been
duración de la acción:
eating.  In a week…
By midnight I Hill
have been sleeping
Will he
for 2 hours.
have been
CONDITIONAL A: He  Acción que podría  Conditional
I would eat. ocurrir: sentences (if)
N: He type II
SIMPLE wouldn't  Condicionales de tipo II
: If I were you I
Would he
would study more.
A: He
would be
 Acción que podría
I N: He
ocurrir, pero poniendo
énfasis en la duración
be eating.
CONTINUOUS de la acción
Would he
be eating?
A: He
would  Acción que podría
have haber tenido lugar en
eaten. el pasado
N: He
 Conditional
 Condicionales de tipo sentences (if)
III: If I had studied type III
Q: for the exam, I
Would he would have passed
have it.
A: He
would have
 Acción que podría
N: He
haber tenido lugar en
II el pasado, pero
have been
poniendo énfasis en la
CONTINUOUS duración de la acción.
Would he
have been

Sentences and questios in the Simple Present - Exercise 1

Explanation: Simple Present
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Present. Watch the punctuation
and form sentences or questions.

Example: ____ she ____ books? (to read)

Answer: Does she read books?

1) They hockey at school. (to play)

2) She e-mails. (not/to write)

3) you English? (to speak)

4) My parents fish. (not/to like)

5) Anne any hobbies? (to have)

6) Andy's brother in an office. (to work)

7) Leroy very fast. (can/not/to read)

8) Jim and Joe the flowers every week? (to water)

9) Yvonne's mother a motorbike. (not/to ride)

10) Elisabeth cola? (to drink)

Sentences and questios in the Simple Present - Exercise 2

Explanation: Simple Present
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Present. Watch the punctuation
and form sentences or questions.

Example: He ___________ books (not/to read)

Answer: He does not read books. or He doesn't read books.

1) Anne my questions. (not/to answer)

2) they tomatoes in this shop? (to sell)

3) This girl trousers at school. (not/to wear)

4) Mr Barker Physics? (to teach)

5) The guinea pigs under the desk. (not/to hide)

6) Ken often the school bus? (to miss)

7) The poster on the wall anymore. (not/to hang)

8) for the tickets? (you/to pay)

9) The boys stones. (not/to throw)

10) the bells of your church still ? (to ring)

Sentences and questions in the Present Progressive - Exercise

Explanation: Present Progressive
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Progressive/Present
Continuous. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Example: ____ she ______ a magazine? (to read)

Answer: Is she reading a magazine?

1) The teacher the door. (not/to close)

2) you the washing-up? (to do)

3) They the printers. (to check)

4) your grandmother at birds? (to look)

5) We the checkpoint. (not/to pass)

6) they to help? (to try)

7) She to the centre of the town. (not/to walk)

8) the policemen into the bank? (to run)

9) Look! Steve's mother a cup of coffee. (to make)

10) You the words correctly. (not/to link)

Sentences and questions in the Present Progressive - Exercise

Explanation: Present Progressive
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Progressive/Present
Continuous. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Beispiel: ____ they _______ the girl? (to bully)

Lösung: Are they bullying the girl?

1) He her name. (not/to shout)

2) We nice photos. (to take)

3) Phil the exercise? (to explain)

4) What you here? (to do)

5) I on the sofa. (not/to sit)

6) The cat on the carpet. (not/to lie)

7) they to radio now? (to listen)

8) The eagle the mouse. (to catch)

9) Why Ruth for money? (to ask)

10) The boys into the pool. (not/to dive)

Simple Present / Present Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses,
then click the "Check" button to check your answers.

1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study)

French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.

3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) .

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) .

5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) .

6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say) because everybody (talk)

so loudly.

7. Justin (write, currently) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I

hope he can find a good publisher when he is finished.

8. Jim: Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?

Denise: Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I (go) to a movie tonight with some friends.

9. The business cards (be, normally ) printed by a company in New York.

Their prices (be) inexpensive, yet the quality of their work is quite good.

10. This delicious chocolate (be) made by a small chocolatier in Zurich,


Simple Present or Present Progressive/Continuous - Exercise

Explanation: Simple Present or Present Progressive
Choose the correct verb form from the dropdown menu and form sentence in the Simple
Present or the Present Progressive.

1) John football at the moment.

2) We often tests at our school.

3) I to my teacher now.

4) Look! Mandy and Susan a film on TV.

5) Olivia her uncle every weekend.

6) Now the sun .

7) They sometimes poems in the lessons.

8) Listen! The band the new guitar.

9) First I , then I dress.

10) Every morning my mother up at 6 o'clock.

Sentences and questions in the Simple Past - Exercise 1

Explanation: Simple Past
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Past. Watch the punctuation and
form sentences or questions.

Example: ____ she ____ the Internet? (to surf)

Answer: Did she surf the Internet?

1) I my Maths homework yesterday. (to do)

2) Susan to England by plane? (to go)

3) They a farm twoo weeks ago. (to visit)

4) Jenny and Peggy their brother. (not/to help)

5) The children at home last weekend. (not/to be)

6) When you this wonderful skirt? (to design)

7) My mother into the van. (not/to crash)

8) The boys the mudguards of their bicycles. (to take off)

9) you your aunt last week? (to phone)

10) He milk at school. (not/to drink)

Sentences and questions in the Simple Past - Exercise 2

Explanation: Simple Past
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or

Example: The children ______ their sandwiches. (to forget)

Answer: The children forgot their sandwiches on Monday.

1) When you in London? (to be)

2) We in a flat when we were in Paris. (not/to live)

3) What you yesterday? (to lose)

4) He magic tricks at the party. (not/to do)

5) Mandy her room on Thursday. (not/to tidy up)

6) Frank a room with Henry when they in

Rome? (to share) (to be)

7) I Physics at school. (not/to like)

8) the shop assistant 10 percent off the price? (to take)

9) She the correct word in the exercise. (to use)

10) Why the baby this morning? (to cry)

Past Tense Exercises

Change to past tense.
1. He (walk) to school yesterday.

He to school yesterday.

2. They (do) their homework last night.

They their homework last night.

3. You (are) lazy last week.

You lazy week.

4. That woman (buy) a new book this morning.

That woman a new book this morning.

5. The janitor (clean) the blackboard yesterday.

The janitor the blackboard yesterday.

6. My mother (cook) food yesterday.

My mother food yesterday.

7. This morning my teacher (teach) English.

This morning my teacher English.

8. I (am) hungry yesterday.

I hungry yesterday.

9. The gardener (cut) the trees last month.

The gardener the trees last month.

10. She (drink) milk this morning.

She milk this morning.

11. Last month the man (ride) a horse.

Last month the man a horse.

12. Sakda (go) to Hong Kong last year.

Sakda to Hong Kong last year.

13. The birds (fly) in the sky this morning.

The birds in the sky this morning.

14. I (know) Tom's house last year.

I Tom's house last year.

15. The joiner (make) tables and chairs yesterday.

The joiner tables and chairs yesterday.

16. The farmer (grow) rice last year.

The farmer rice last year.

17. Two weeks ago the boy (has) a new bicycle.

Two weeks ago the boy a new bicycle.

18. He (feel) happy yesterday.

He happy yesterday.

19. We (work) hard last week.

We hard last week.

20. The students (meet) in the hall last week.

The students in the hall last week.

Sentences and questions in the Past Progressive - Exercise 1
Explanation: Past Progressive
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Past Progressive/Present
Continuous. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Example: ____ she ______ home? (to walk)

Answer: Was she walking home?

1) She the lunch basket. (to pack)

2) I . (not/to whisper)

3) he to help? (to try)

4) The men at the street corner. (not/to fight)

5) Frank the grass. (to cut)

6) you during the last lesson? (to yawn)

7) They stickers. (to swap)

8) The guest the whole evening. (to dance)

9) We in the tree house. (not/to hide)

10) it dark? (to get)

Simple Past / Past Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses,
then click the "Check" button to check your answers.

1. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred?

B: I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

2. After I (find) the wallet full of money, I (go, immediately)

to the police and (turn) it in.

3. The doctor (say) that Tom (be) too sick to go to work and

that he (need) to stay at home for a couple of days.

4. Sebastian (arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but she (be,

not) there. She (study, at the library) for her final

examination in French.

5. Sandy is in the living room watching television. At this time yesterday, she (watch,

also) television. That's all she ever does!

6. A: I (call) you last night after dinner, but you (be, not)

there. Where were you?

B: I (work) out at the fitness center.

7. When I (walk) into the busy office, the secretary (talk) on

the phone with a customer, several clerks (work, busily) at their desks,

and two managers (discuss, quietly) methods to improve customer

8. I (watch) a mystery movie on TV when the electricity went out. Now I

am never going to find out how the movie ends.

9. Sharon (be) in the room when John told me what happened, but she

didn't hear anything because she (listen, not) .

10. It's strange that you (call) because I (think, just) about


11. The Titanic (cross) the Atlantic when it (strike) an


12. When I entered the bazaar, a couple of merchants (bargain, busily)

and (try) to sell their goods to naive tourists who (hunt)

for souvenirs. Some young boys (lead) their donkeys

through the narrow streets on their way home. A couple of men (argue)

over the price of a leather belt. I (walk) over to a man who (sell)

fruit and (buy) a banana.

13. The firemen (rescue) the old woman who (be) trapped

on the third floor of the burning building.

14. She was so annoying! She (leave, always) her dirty dishes in the

sink. I think she (expect, actually) me to do them for her.

15. Samantha (live) in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she (live)

there when the Berlin Wall came down.

Put the verbs in the brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

Example: I (watch) _____ TV when you came. (key = was watching)

 Who (you talk)   to on the phone when I arrived?

 While I was swimming someone (steal)   my watch.

 Where (you live)   in 2000?

 When we arrived Ann (leave just)  .

 What (you do)   when the phone rang?

 What (you do)   at 6 o'clock in the morning?

 We (play)   football from 10 to 12 o'clock.

 The sun (shine)   and birds were singing.

 The children (play)   in the garden when someone shouted
very loudly.

 Mary (wear)   a very nice coat at the party yesterday.

 Jenny (fall asleep)   while she was watching an interesting

 I was waiting for my sister when it (start)  to rain.

 I called Peter and then I (go)   out.

 I (wash)   my hair when I realized I hadn't phoned Katie.

 I (walk)   along the street when I met my ex-wife.

 I (decide)   not to go to America.

 He said that he (be)   on holiday.

 He looked at the window and (find)   that someone was
standing behind it.

 He (sleep)   until midnight and then he woke up.

 (you know)   that I am as tall as you are?

Simple Past or Present Perfect - Exercise

Explanation: Present Perfect
Choose the correct words or phrases.

1) Peter football yesterday.

2) They the car. It looks new again.

3) Last year we to Italy.

4) John and Peggy the book. Now they can watch the film.

5) I my friend two days ago.

6) We another country before.

7) She a new car in 2005.

8) I'm sorry, but I my homework.

9) the game of chess?

10) The girls their lunch yet.

Simple Past / Past Perfect

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses,
then click the "Check" button to check your answers.

I can't believe I (get) that apartment. I (submit) my

application last week, but I didn't think I had a chance of actually getting it. When I

(show) up to take a look around, there were at least twenty other people

who (arrive) before me. Most of them (fill, already) out

their applications and were already leaving. The landlord said I could still apply, so I


I (try) to fill out the form, but I couldn't answer half of the questions. They
(want) me to include references, but I didn't want to list my previous

landlord because I (have) some problems with him in the past and I knew

he wouldn't recommend me. I (end) up listing my father as a reference.

It was total luck that he (decide) to give me the apartment. It turns out that

the landlord and my father (go) to high school together. He decided that I

could have the apartment before he (look) at my credit report. I really

lucked out!

Put the verb in brackets into Past Simple or Past Perfect. (did or had
Example: Jane said she (meet) _____ a lot of friends on the way home.
(key = had met)
 When I got to the office the secretary (already go)

 They (build)   many factories in this part of the town in

 She said that she (write)   a lot of e-mails.

 Mary said: '' I (sleep)   until lunchtime yesterday '' .

 In the end I (forget)   to post the letter.

 I wanted to borrow this car but she (already lend) it to
someone else.

 I suddenly realized that I (lose)   my passport.
 I didn't go to their wedding because nobody (tell)  me
about it.

 I (see)   him at the museum yesterday afternoon.

 I (offer)   him help with his homework.

 I (can't draw)   when I was a child.

 How many years (you study)   English when you applied
for that job?

 His mother (not want)   to stay at home the whole day.

 He was tired because he (work)   the previous night.

 He told me all what he (do)   the night before.

 He said that he (never be)   so happy.

 He asked her if she (ever drink)   beer .

 He (find)   a new position at the advertising company
last week .

 By the time the course finished I (know)   all the
irregular verbs.

 (you see)   Jenny last night?

Sentences of questions in the Present Perfect - Exercise

Explanation: Present Perfect
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect. Watch the punctuation
and form sentences or questions.

Example: ____ you ______ the car yet? (to clean)

Answer: Have you cleaned the car yet?

1) Emma this film on TV. (not/to see)

2) How often she the office? (to phone)

3) the Millers yet? (to arrive)

4) John on a trip through Alaska. (not/to go)

5) they ever to New York? (to be)

6) Andy his sister's bike. (not/to repair)

7) What you in the kitchen? (to drop)

8) I a new laptop. (to buy)

9) Toby his blue pen? (to find)

10) The students their homework. (not/to forget)

Sentences and questions in the Present Perfect Progressive -

Explanation: Present Perfect Progressive
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect
Progressive/Continuous. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Example: ___ she __________ tennis for half an hour now? (to play)

Answer: Has she been playing tennis for half an hour now?

1) Andrew in the country. (not/to live)

2) How long your grandparents this car? (to


3) They . (not/to cycle)

4) Tony this book, but Mary has. (not/to read)

5) How long he for her? (to wait)

6) Andy on the blue car? (to work)

7) My brother hard enough. (not/to study)

8) How long they for a flat? (to look)

9) I my homework. (not/to do)

10) you the whole morning? (to sleep)

Sentences, questions in the Present Perfect Progressive -

Exercise 2
Explanation: Present Perfect Progressive
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Present Perfect
Progressive/Continuous. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions. Do not
forget to put in the subject of the questions.

Example: How long _________________ here? (she/to sing)

Answer: How long has she been singing here?

1) Max this comic book. (not/to read)

2) How long French? (they/to learn)

3) I for two months now. (not/to drive)

4) the whole morning? (she/to walk)

5) Who in the garden? (to dig)

6) It much in this area. (not/to rain)

7) How long this earring? (you/to wear)

8) Marie in her diary. (not/to write)

9) matchstick figures the whole lesson? (he/to draw)

10) What ? (we/to do)

Sentences and question in the will-future - Exercise

Explanation: will-future
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the will-future. Watch the punctuation and
form sentences or questions.

Example: ___ they ____ the match? (to win)

Answer: Will they win the match?

1) They back by 6:30 pm. (to be)

2) you me? (to help)

3) When I you again? (to see)

4) His parents him for being late. (not/to punish)

5) they the contract tonight? (to sign)

6) It us three hours to get there. (to take)

7) this concert money for our school club? (to raise)

8) This van with 8 people in it. (not/to break down)

9) The meeting before tomorrow morning. (not/to close)

10) When she me a copy of her essay? (to send)

Sentences and questions in the going to-future - Exercise 1

Explanation: going to-future
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the going to-future. Watch the punctuation
and form sentences or questions.

Example: ___ they __________ a football for Peter? (to buy)

Answer: Are they going to buy a football for Peter?

1) She to the stadium. (not/to walk)

2) you to London? (to fly)

3) John anything. (not/to eat)

4) she at a campsite? (to stay)

5) What you tomorrow? (to do)

6) I Dennis tonight. (not/to see)

7) Alexander the next bus? (to take)

8) They football in the gym. (not/to play)

9) When you me the book back? (to give)

10) Angela a week in Poland. (to spend)

Future Perfect - Statements - Exercise

Explanation: Future Perfect
Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Perfect.

Example: He ______________ the suitcase by tomorrow. (to pack)

Answer: He will have packed the suitcase by tomorrow.

1) Anne her bike next week. (to repair)

2) We the washing by 8 o'clock. (to do)

3) She Paris by the end of next year. (to visit)

4) I this by 6 o'clock. (to finish)

5) Sam by next week. (to leave)

6) She this with her mother tonight. (to discuss)

7) The police the driver. (to arrest)

8) They their essay by tomorrow. (to write)

9) Paolo the teams. (to manage)

10) If we can do that - then we our mission. (to fulfil)

Future Progressive - Statements - Exercise

Explanation: Future Progressive
Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Progressive.

Example: Max ______________ on the computer when his mother comes home. (to play)

Answer: Max will be playing on the computer when his mother comes home.

1) Peggy to the party on Saturday. (to come)

2) We him tomorrow. (to meet)

3) This time next week he to South Africa. (to fly)

4) At 6 o'clock on Friday they the new song. (to sing)

5) It when I reach Bangkok. (to rain)

6) Tomorrow at nine I a test. (to write)

7) Andy a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch)

8) You pizza soon. (to eat)

9) She when you telephone her. (to sleep)

10) They in Budapest just about now. (to arrive)

Cumulative Verb Tense Review

Complete questions 1-10 below with the appropriate tenses, answer questions 11-15,
then click the "Check" button to check your answers.

1. When Carol (call) last night, I (watch) my favorite show

on television.

2. I (work) for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to

stay here until I retire!

3. Sharon (love) to travel. She (go) abroad almost every

summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

4. Thomas is an author. He (write) mystery novels and travel memoirs.

He (write) since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write)

seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.

5. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get)

to the train station, Susan (wait) for us for more than two


6. Sam (try) to change a light bulb when he (slip) and (fell)

7. Everyday I (wake) up at 6 o'clock, (eat) breakfast at 7

o'clock and (leave) for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I (get)

up at 6:30, (skip) breakfast and (leave) for

work late because I (forget) to set my alarm.

8. Right now, Jim (read) the newspaper and Kathy (make)

dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) the same thing. She (cook)
and he (read) the newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they

(do, also) the same thing. She (prepare) dinner and he

(read) . They are very predictable people!

9. By this time next summer, you (complete) your studies and (find)

a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not)

anything. I (study, still) and you (work) in some new

high paying job.

10. The students (be, usually) taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week

they (be) taught by Mr. Tanzer.



Jane talks on the phone.

Bob has been talking on the phone for an hour.

Mary is talking on the phone.

Who is not necessarily on the phone now?


I'm going to make dinner for Frank.

I'm making dinner for Judy.

I'll make dinner for Mary.

I make dinner for Ted.

I will be making dinner for Tony.

Who are you offering to make dinner for?


Jane left when Tim arrived.

Bob left when Tim had arrived.

Tim arrived when Mary was leaving.

John had left when Tim arrived.

After Tim arrived, Frank left.

Who did not run into Tim?


Jane is talking in class.

Bob always talks in class.

Mary is always talking in class.

Whose action bothers you?


Jane never left Jamestown.

Bob has never left Jamestown.

Who is still alive?

Tenses in English, statements - Exercise 1

Explanation: English tenses
Put in the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.

Example: The weather ______ nice at the weekend. (to be)

Answer: The weather will be nice at the weekend.

1) I to the cinema yesterday. (to go)

2) Peter 13 tomorrow. (to be)

3) My friend to music every evening. (to listen)

4) They their car. It looks new again. (to clean)

5) Listen! Mr Jones the piano. (to play)

6) She her left arm two weeks ago. (to break)

7) We a test now. (to write)

8) Danny a book this evening. (to read)

9) Ken and Emily often lunch at school. (to have)

10) He his money. So he can't buy this hamburger. (to lose)

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