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The nervous system

Sensory input → going towards the brain (senses)

Motor input → response to stimuli, it is complex because it consists of glands, and there are stimuli
which calm you down, example slow music stimuli to sleep (parasympathetic)

PNS → peripheral nervous system (peripheral), the nerves that come out of the spinal cord. If the
nerves do not function these will harm the person example he/she is touching something hot and the
person do not feel the burn, so this may cause a severe burn

Sensory (afferent) division [meta tiehu xi qata, titlaq tigri] → motor is the result

Sensory afferent →going in

Motor efferent → going out

Somatic nervous system

The part of the nervous system that you have control on

 Test of the elderly: assessing, see them walking (ataxia) mobility, sometimes with assistance
 A very good picture of the nervous system
 Assessing neurologically
 Stroke affects the somatic motor function ( soma means body)



Astrocytes are cells which function is to hold the neurons (you find a lot of these since there are a lot
of neurons)


Produce the cerebrospinal fluid

Are the ventricles of the brain

Epilepsy (like a “short circuit”) shaking, saliva oozing, possibly urine and faeces going out

Support cells

Satellite cells – protect neuron cell bodies

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