Somebody Who Is Complete Addition

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Anthrope = mankind
Phil = Love

Related Words
* Philanthrope = Love of mankind
* Misanthrope = Hate Mankind
* Anthropology = Study of mankind

Sophie= Wisdom
Andrew= Man

Related Words
* Philosophy (Phil + Sophie) = Love for Wisdom
* Philanderer (Phil + Andrew) = Man who flirts around
* Philologist = Love for study of languages

Con= coming together
* Consummate (con+ summate) = somebody who is complete
(“Mr. Manmohan Singh is a consummate economist”)

* Condone = To donate freedom


* Congregate= big crowd

Gregate = a kind of cloud

* Toddler= Child

* Ludicrous = Absurd

* Castration = Surgical removal of testis

* Sprawl = Wander from direct course

(“The girls sprawled over a forested hill”)

* Intimidation = Bullying

* Flax= a blue-flowered herbaceous plant that is cultivated for its seed

(linseed) and for textile fiber made from its stalks

* Deter= to prevent

* Doctor (as a verb) = Alter/Make impure/Temper

* Sleuths = detective

* Pilfer =Steal (typically things of relatively little value).

* Modus operandi = Procedure/Method

(“The volunteers were instructed to buy specific systems using our usual
modus operandi—anonymously and with cash”)

* Exhort= Encourage/Urge

* Guffaw= laugh loudly

* Unscathed = Not Injured

* Trove = The treasures of unknown ownership

(“The trove of materials collected from the compound in which Osama bin Laden was killed
includes 10 hard drives, five computers and more than 100 storage devices, ”)
* Secluded = Isolated

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