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Reading comprehension from the 1st claqss second hand clothes

1.- where do thrift shop sponsors usually make business?

2.-Why did the writer say that buying 2nd hand clothes could not be practical for specific women?

3.- according to the text what is the difference between Resale stores and thrift shops? Explain each one of

4.- Which are the disadvantages of buying clothes from a thrift shop?

5.-Why does Dorothy Neff say that 2nd hand clothes can be addictive?

6.-Which are the specific characteristics from a resale shop?

7.- If you go to Boston, when , where and what kind of good and non expensive things you can get ?

8.- why can you get brand new merchandise from department stores in places like this?

9.- If you go to New York where can you get clothes from well known designers at very low prices?

10 .- If in the united states, second hand clothes shops have become more popular, why do you think it hasn
´t happened the same in our country

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