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Create a table student with the following fields:


a.Create a view as Stu_view for the above table.

b.Return the number of records where the stu_Id is less than equal to'5'.(alter the

2. Create a table stu with the following fields:





Create a procedure to update the total.

3. Write a simple pl/sql program to find the maximum of two numbers.

4. Write a simple pl/sql program to add two numbers

5. Write a simple pl/sql program to find the sum of 100 numbers

6. Write a simple pl/sql program to reverse the string

7. Write a simple pl/sql program to find the net salary of an employee

8. Write a simple pl/sql program to find the number is prime or not.

9. Create a table product with the following fields:

Pid , Pname , price .

Create a table product_history with the following fields:

Pid , Pname , price.

Create a trigger that fires before making any updates on the product table.

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