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The course handout of online discussion

Hallow student
We will have online discussion meeting on Friday May 20/2011 to May 27 /2011 before midnight
this class will be lasting for one week .

Course Objective
1-Student will be able to know about the Arab costume dress for men and woman.
2-Student will be able to know some of Arabic traditional dress by using internet searching tools like
Google scalar and university library
3-Student will able to learn how to critic other student work by writing comment on other student
*The answer respond should be in two levels:
Response levels: Level 1

1. Each student has to review the online discussion on the instructor website
2. Each student has to Review the three web site on Arab men and women dress

3- Each student should write their comment about what he/she review on this three links .
4- Each student should answer the WH fallowing Questions and post it in there blog.

A-What is the most link that you like ?

B-what did you learn from this experience?
C-What do you think about Arabic costume?
D-What is the different between Arabs men and women costume?
E-How the women and men dress reflects the Arabic culture?
F-What these costumes reflect about Arabic society?
G- Why the Arabs wear this costume?
H-what did you learn from this experience?

4-Each student should post there answer on these questions in there blog.
5The answer length on Level 1 in 200-400 words.
• The answer Due date for level 1 respond, May 23 before midnight

Response levels 2

1-Each student should review other student post on the other blog.
2-Each student should pick up one of student post and write his/her comment about other student
3-Each student should post there comment on their blog after he/she answer the fallowing questions:

A-Do you like the other student perspective about what he/she writ about Arabs men and women
B-Which answer that you don’t satisfy with other student post? Explain why you don’t
C-What did you learn from other student post?
D-Do you like the other student answers about each question?
4-Each student should post there answer on their blog.

• The answer length for Level 2 should be in 200-400 words

• The answer Due date for level 2, May 27 before midnight.

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