7.1monitory Rewards: Chapter No.7 Rewards and Remuneration Management

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Rewards and Remuneration Management plays very important role in the

motivation of employees. Every organization gives the importance to these

7.1Monitory Rewards


Descon pay the salaries to their employees according to their ability, skills and
their experience. Company also considered the national laws of every country in
which it operates regarding to salaries such as minimum salary act.

Like all other organizations Descon also have specific grades and designations for
their employees that show the status, power and responsibilities of job at work
place. These grades start from G-1 to G-9.

G-9 is a executive level grade that shows the high level power and responsibilities
in organization and G-8 show less than as compare with G-9 and so on.

The monitory rewards include so many things in which an employee can be

motivated through different packages. These rewards are following;
 Salaries
 Gratuity Funds
 Profit Sharing
 Provident Funds
 Annuities
 Bonus

7.2 Non-Monitory Rewards

Descon gives utmost importance to compensation packages because this is the

most crucial factor for retaining key employees. The amount of bonus and
increments depend on the profit so they gives gratuity for those projects in which
the workers perform well and effects company’s extra profit, then for each

Stock Ownerships are given, as Performance Bonuses to employees giving high

performance and whom the Company wants to retain.


Descon Engineering Co. gives the different allowances to their employees in

order to increase their performance and loyalty. There is different allowance that
included in basic salary of employees. These are:
 House Rent Allowance at sites
 Medical Allowance
 Conveyance Allowance
 Insurance Facility
 Food allowance
 Annual Leaves
 Hardship Allowances
 Health and Safety Environment


The field of industrial relations (also called labor relations) looks at the
relationship between management and workers, particularly groups of workers
represented by a union. Descon treated their employees as partner in delivering
superior customer value. We know that The Company’s operations are project
based and they work in different types of construction, maintenance and
development businesses.

8.1 Procurement for election of labor union

The company has very good system of procurement of labor union. There are
several types of Technical, Engineering, and Managerial employees working in
Descon. When any project is start, the Human Resource Department check all
those workers who can work on that specific project. If the members are not
available, so they are checking those projects which are at completing stage. If
any one is at competing stage, the HRD pull some work force from these areas
and start new project. If the demand does not fill right now, they hire new
workforce for starting the project.

8.2 Dispute Settlements

We now that in any organization, there are different dilemmas’ between

employees. If there is any dispute regarding any issue, the HRD plays an
important roll and settling disputes which are not settling by supervisor. The
climate survey is held to check both parties and some times punish both parties
for their bad work. Some time handling miscommunication through interfere all
those parties which are involve.

8.3Health and Safety Measures

As we know, Descon is a Multinational organization so it follows all laws

regarding to Health and Safety at work place. We visit the Head Office of
Company at Lahore, which is very clean, well arranged and cool in summer.
Descon provide the following health and safety equipment at all their branches:

8.3.1 First aid at work

In case of any sudden accident Company has First aid at work place

8.3.2 Emergency doors and Direction

In case of any emergency Company has doors and clear direction toward these
doors through arrow signs.

8.3.3 Fire extinguishers

In case of fire there is fire save equipment at Company.

8.3.4 Others Concerns

Smoking alarms also there, which is turn on in case of any smoke in sites and

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