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Jemhra Rose P.

Garcia 3:30-5:30PM

Why is the Church against RH Bill?

House Bill No. 5043, also called the RH or Reproductive Health Bill, is probably
the first bill to address the overpopulation problem of the Philippines. It requires the
provision of sex education as well as reproductive health services to the general
populace. While this response may be a bit late, and the RH Bill is not prominent on
the controversy radar, it is still relevant as the bill has not yet been passed and it
continues to raise a storm of controversy, especially from the Catholic Church. Many
so-called reproductive health bills contain provisions for abortion.

The Catholic Church believes that abortion is a serious offense against the
sanctity of all human life, that the infant in the womb deserves the same rights and
protections that we all enjoy, and therefore opposes legislative or administrative
measures that promote this procedure. They ignored the morality (doctrinal) issue
being raised by the Catholic Hierarchy (a violation of the rights to practice one’s
religious belief).

The Catholic Church’s concern for humanity is always futuristic and transcendent.
Two thousand years of existence enabled the church to stack up on the wisdoms of
the ages. The church is a living witness to the follies of histories and civilizations,
from the fall of the Roman Empire to Nazism’s ethnic cleansing of the Jews and the
self-destruction of atheistic communism. It’s not fair to tag bishops and priests as
"medieval," persons out of tune with modern times or get caricatured by irreverent
village clowns as "Damaso." The church has 2,000 years history of evangelization.
No human and divine institution can claim that longevity except the Catholic Church,
validated by her Petrine authority and scriptural heritage. No religion on earth will
survive if it does not preach obedience to a set of doctrines -- using faith and reason
-- to fulfill the immortal aspirations of man. No country in the world will survive if the
spiritual aspirations of its constituent is ignored or trampled upon by the state Man
does not live by bread alone. For this the Catholic Hierarchy and its faithful flock will
swim against the current. It takes wisdom not hubris.

In my own opinion this Reproductive health will not really help in diminishing the
issues of over population and poverty in the Philippines well first: It will still cost the
government a lot of money to purchase contraceptives another the money that
should be spend for purchasing why not use it for the welfare of the people? And
the education about RH bill is really one sided; I know it’s hard to follow the natural
way of family planning, but they said it they are pro choice, but are they really
assured that it will address the issue of overpopulation? They are just also teaching
the youth to abuse their own rights. The main point of this RH bill is just to follow the
pathway and culture of the country that had once colonized us, the US.

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