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Write at least 3 pages each, on any six emerging technologies in Computer


(Examples: Cloud Computing

Pervasive computing


Photonic Computing

Quantum computing

Neural Networks

Fuzzy Logic

Artificial Intelligence


Virtual Reality

Screenless display

Distributed Computing

Swarm Robotics



Business Intelligence

Genetic Algorithms

Expert Systems

DNA Computing etc)

Submission Date: April 18th 2011

1. E-mail is the only source for knowing the matters from the college. So you have to check e-mails daily 3-4 times. If you have any
difficulty for getting the e-mail, you may contact system administrator in Lab today itself.

2. You may carefully read the guidelines for summer project (one PPT & one general file), which is already sent to your group mail.

3. On or before 7th May, 2011, you may send the following details in excel format to the PGP office ( Rest of the
mails you may send directly to your project guide in the college

a) Name of the student

b) Name of the company

c) Place of the Company

d) Your contact number

e) Name of the project guide in your company

f) Contact number of the project guide in your company

4. The feedback form collected from the college is to be signed and sealed by the concerned project guide in your company and
get it in a sealed envelope. This sealed cover should be produced before the viva panel after return from summer project.

5. No two students can do their summer project in the same unit of the same company.


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