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Page No... 1 MCA24 : USN | Second Semester M.C.A Degree Examination, July/August 2004 Master of Computer Applications COBOL Programming and Applications Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks : 100 Note: Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. (a) Explain different divisions of Cobol indicating the mandatory and optimal entries. (12 Marks) (b) What are level numbers? Explain the different level numbers in COBOL. (8 Marks) (c) Give the character set of COBOL. (3 Marks) 2. (a) Explain: i) Value Clause ii) Justify clause iii) Renames clause iv) Redefines clause (12 Marks) (b) What are the different types of picture clause available in COBOL? Explain with example. i) blank ii) dollar ($) ifi) Floating picture clause. (8 Marks) 3. f@) List the different format of MOVE verb, What are the rules associated with MOVE statement? Explain with examples. (6 Marks) (b) The salary increase is calculated as follows: For salary upto 10000 Rs. = 20% increase For salary between 10,001 and 30000 - 10% increase For salary > 30000 - 5% increase Write a Cobol program which accepts employee-number, employee name, employee address from key board and calculates the increase in salary. (7 Marks) (o) Explain ALTER statement with example. (6 Marks) 4. (a) The table consists of No, items in a warehouse as shown below item (a)| item (b)| item (c)| item (d) Ware house 1] 40 0 25 10 ‘Ware house 2} 32 40 oO 64 Ware house 3} 8 0 3 220 Write a COBOL program to answer the following : i) Which items are out of stock at any ware house. The answer should display ware house number and item number. ii) Which items are completely out of stock at a particular warehouse. iii) Display the total number of items on hand in all the ware houses. iv) What is the total number of items stored in ware house - 3. (12 Marks) Contd.... 2 Page No... 2 MCA24 . (a) (b) {b) ©) @) (b) fa) (b) i) ii) sit) tv) Write the syntax for different form of PERFORM statement. (8 Marks) Explain with examples i) SORT verb ti) SET verb (6 Marks) Create a sequential file of employees with employee name, basic pay and employee number. Update the basic pay by 10% of basic pay if basic pay is between 5001 and 10000. Write a Cobol program to accomplish the same. (8 Marks) Explain OCCURs clause with DEPENDING ON option. (4 Marks) Write a modular COBOL program to create an indexed organised file called master file with customer code, name and address having customer code as record key. The program must enable the user to add new customer records, change the contents of a particular record, to delete any records and display the contents of selected record. (12 Marks) Write short notes on : i) Screen section it) Linkage section (8 Marks) Write a COBOL program to create and process files using subroutine.(10 Marks) Explain MERGE VERB with example. (10 Marks) Write short notes on : Synchronized clause Report generator File status option in file control paragraph On size error option. (4x5=20 Marks) ae

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