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School of Accountancy and Finance

The University of Lahore

Human Resource Management 1st semester

Mid term

Time: 2 hr Marks: 66

Question no# 1

Define the following. All carry equal marks. (8x2=16)

a) Time study in relation with job analysis

c) Job rotation
d) Right sizing
e) Human resource specialist
f) Job depth
g) Human Resource Management
h) Outsourcing

Question no# 2 (5x5=25)

a) How does human resource planning relate to organizational planning?

b) List down five methods of recruiting and explain any one.
c) Contrast company orientation and job orientation.
d) Discuss globalization as the challenge for HRM.
e) What specific services HRM provides to operating managers?

Question no# 3 (5x5=25)

a) Explain job description and person specification with example.

b) Many human resource managers claim to love their work because they like to work with
people. Do you think liking people is most important ingredient in becoming a successful
human resource manager?
c) Employees often have negative views on the policy of hiring outsiders rather than
promoting from within. Naturally, employees believe they should always be given
preference for promotion before outsiders are hired. Do you think this is in the best
interest of the organization?
d) Outline the steps in the selection process.
e) Contrast traditional job preview and realistic job preview.

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