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Top 25 Sexy Compliments for Men

Here is a list of a few compliments that you can use on men:

1.Wow! I like your beard, it’s totally suiting you. And, in a way it is turning me on.
2.This color looks good on you. You should wear this color more often.
3.Does the word impossible exist in your dictionary?
4.Is there any jar that you cannot open? Thank you.
5.You are way too hotter and sexier than your Facebook profile picture.
6.Honestly, I think you are much sexier than my favorite star ‘Gerad Butler’.
7.It takes Jack Bauer about 24 hours to get it done, I think, you are capable of doing it in just 15.
8.You sure that you are not adopted? If i did not know any better, I would say your mother was a Black Widow and
probably your dad was the rock solid Iron Man.
9.You can fix anything. The cell phone. Remote and my pants.
10.You smell like a sexy lumberjack who just spent his time beating the shit out of a log.
11.What are you, a centaur?
12.You should become a NASCAR driver. You will make a super hot driver.
13.You are my night-light.
14.Xbox is a sport and you are my champion.
15.You sure you have got a permit? Well, those guns seem to be loaded.
16.Your kisses taste like whiskey and steak, and I like it.
17.That orgasm you just gave me made me scream in Spanish. I don’t even know Spanish!
18.Going by the way you treat kids, I’m sure you will make a super awesome dad sometime in the near future.
19.Your bi-ceps are amazing. Do you work out 24/7?
20.I never met a man like you. You are way too different from the other men i have met. I’m liking it.
21.No man on this planet Earth has ever understood me the way you do.
22.I’m beginning to get addicted to your smile.
23.I like your smile, I like your style and I definitely like your moves.
24.I’m glad i bumped into you.
25.Your eyes are very intriguing. I think i can get lost in them for ever.

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