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Organization of the Catholic Church

Clergy – the group of all the people working in the

Catholic Church

The Pope – top person in the Catholic Church, (papa in

Latin, which means father)

Cardinal – a high ranking church official, right below the

Pope, always wearing a red robe

Archbishop – in control of a large area of land for the church

 Archdioceses – the land an archbishop controlled

Bishop – like an archbishop, but controls a smaller area

 Dioceses – the area a bishop controls it

Priest – controls a single church, in English called father

 Parish: name for the church a priest controls

Monks – a male who dedicates his whole life to God, and

isolates himself

 Monastery: Where monks stay, headed by an abbot

Nun – a female who dedicates herself to God, and isolates

herself (called mother is the head nun or sister)
 Convent/Abbey: where nuns stay, headed by an abbesses

Missionary – a person who goes out into the world and spreads
his/her religion

Friar – a low level priest, wears a brown robe and a rope belt

Tithe – the money a person gives to the church, the money

collected by the church from the people (10%)

Excommunicate – to be kicked out/banned from the church

Sacraments – holy rites of the Christian Church (7 sacraments)

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