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FM j'S,S,B/1,CW, vr AM

. . /' .... : . _ !... .

10" W'" / ,' . . _,_" / 1 W




Features of MUL TI-2700 " """." """.. 1

Spec i fica t ion 5 .".... 0 " • 0 • .0 • • • • • 0 ~ • 0 0 • • • • • " • • • • • • • " 2

Names of Parts and Description · 0 0 • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • 0 • • •• 3

Precaut ions ... 0 " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • " 0 • • • • 0 • •• 6

Accessor ies 0 •••••• •••••••••••• • • • • .. .. • " • " • " " • • " • ." 6

Connect, lions · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · .... 7

• ..... II • • • .. • • • •

III • • ..

o pe rat ion .""........".. 0 • • " • " • " 0 • • " " " 0 0 " • " • • 0 " ." 8

OSCAR Communication · · 0 • • 0 • " • 0 0 " • • " • • " " • • " " • • 0 " • 12

Internal View Location" · · 0 • • " • • • " " • • • • • • • .. " " " " " • " " " 14

Circuit Operation ..... " .. "."" .. ". 0 " " • • 0 " • " • • " • • • " • 15

Block Diagram

• • • • • • • " • 0 • " " " 0 .. • • • • .. • " " 0 0 " • " " • " • • • 1 7


• • • • • " • • " • " • , " " " • • " " • " • • " 0 • 0 • • • • " " 18

Schematic Diagram

...... _ -

. . - .

- ",

I P'. ~ .i


The MU L T '·2700 is a 144M Hz band, a ll-rnorla tr ansceiver of the highest class devoto oed by F uk uvarna Electro n ics. a spec ia' ized rna nuf actur er of harn eq u ip~ men t I fro m the la t est e le ct ron i cs tee h no Jog y ~ Ca pa b leo f Oscar communication, the MUL TI·2700 offers the utt imat e versa t ~ i rt y for ever y rad Io a pera tor fro rn beg inner to veteran as an unsurpassed 144MHz transceiver .

• AU solid state, multi-mode (USB-LSB, FM {wide and narrow}, CW1 AM) 2m transceiver:

The MUL TI·2700 rs a completely so lid state; 2m band. a lt-rnode tr a nsceiver employing many state of the art semrconductorsr res and FETs.

• Outstanding accessory circuits:

VOX (voice operation contra I) cir cuit, microphone co m pr essor a mp I if ier ~ CvV rno n ito r·, AG C (fast·s lo\tJ) knob, F M and SSB microphone gain controls a How

the maximum individual tailor inq of oper ational trans cei ver c har ac ter is tics. t

In addition, a headphone jack, a 7-pin connector for a booster I a coo ling fa n mounting ho le. and a leather handle are provided.

ffTIploys a phase-locked loop synthesizer for trans - rnittinq and receiving on 600 channels at intervals of 10kHz; a VXO variable up to +7kHz and a VFO for continuous coverage from 144MHz to 148MHz:

The d igita I phase- locked loop synthesizer (with LED display) permits transmission and reception on 600 channels from 144M Hz upward at intervals of 1 Ok Hz with exceptional stability. With a VXO var iahle up to +7kH z .. t he unit can continuously cover the frequency range from 144 to 148MHz.

VXO operates only when operating the d igita I synthesizer, but not in VFO operation.

• Balanced mixer:

A heterod yne t)a ~a need mix er enl P lovi ng a fie Id eff ect transistor F ET (3SK40) is used for improved spurious elim inatio n dur Ing tr ansrn issio n on SSB.

• Microphone compressor:

A compressor ON-OF F switch is located inside the top access hatch .. When this switch is turned ON during SSB transmission, the average talk power will be more tha n 3·4 times increases, which is eff icient 0 X

. ~

commu rucauon.

• FM narrow .. wide selector switch:

With an F M band narrow-wide selector switch on the front panel, the narrow or wide mode can be easily selected as desired.

• Top access hatch: _

The top box on the left conta i:1S t he microphone

compressor ON·OFF switch, VOX gain co~trol. SSB micr o pho ne ga in contro [, FM microphone gain control,

a net 0 t her switches ~

It is aver y co nven ient locat io n as these coritro Is and switches can be used whenever necessary.

• Powerful noise blanker (NB) built in:

The newly designed noisebJanker is especially effective

• f~r elim inatinq pulse no ises, such as generated by artomobiles for noise-free transmission and reception. The no ise blanker operates on SSB, CW and AM, but

not on F M position.

• Two rneter s, one FM center meter and an S-meter for FM, SSB, CW and AM:

The meter for FM SSB CW and AM works as an

~ ,

S-meter in receiving, and as an R F meter (output

meter) in transm ission. The FM center meter can be accurately tuned to the center frequency of the received signal in FM reception with the RtT knob. The R IT k nob can vary the receiving frequency about +3~5kHz without changing the transmitting frequency.

b "I ~ (Optiona I)

• A receiving preamp can be UI tin.

• Oscar communication is possible through the 29MHz integrated receiver.

• Easy .. to-use semi-breakin key operation.

• Accurate VFO mechanism:

A newly developed dual-speed d ia I mecha n ism consists of an inner main knob, whose one turn corresponds to 20kHz, and an outer knob, whose one turn corr~spends to 100kHz (their gear ratio beinq 5 to 1). This is combined with the V FO to produce utmost stability and allows max imum ease of fine adjustment in SSB and CW reception. Even the beginner will find tuning

very ea s rer.

• Headphone jack provided: . k

A h d h ne can be I)~ugged into the headphone lac

ea po" - 8 hms

in the rear panel. Output impedance IS 0 ~

, "




. USB, LSB ( A3J)1

CW ( A 1")

AM (A3H)

•• _--- I ____.

F rv1 - VII ; F 3 )


_. . 1 - -- -. ~ - ~ ~ .- ~~ .• .............__~~~____.____,,_----I

--_. --_ ... __ .. _I.··---· -----

··'43 ;~ ·149MH~-(-600 channels from 143.00MHz up a~ 10kHz intervals) synthesized;

VXO variable by more than -t7kHz offers continuous coverage of frequency,

range from l44MHz to 148MHz; built-i~_ VFO. ~.__ -~--~"""""'----~~~-----01

J--~-~----- !--~-Hi~-t-l ----I-------·--·lowI. lOW ~EP) _.~-.~.---1-0-W-~~~~\~~-3~W __ ___I

! LoV: ' ~~~ lW .--- -, lW (PEP)! lW I


Frequency range

Power output


! -~--~---~~.'~

JI------ .. -~r---~____l_---~-~----+-~V-a-rjable reactance frequency i Balanced _ i Low-power

Modulat ion modu tation I modulation ~ modulation


f d . ti i + 1 5k Hz I -+ 5 kHz I

Max. requer1cy evJalo_r-'--~-------~~------~-~.-~-------~~~~--------~

_ ~_ ... ---~.~-~---.

~-~ i

IF int erf er ence r a t io i

1o--- __ ~-~~~~ •. -~-~-~J_-~~-~.~~--~--~;-----~---~-----~~~--~----1

More tha n 4QdB

More than 60dS

Carr ier su ppressio n rat io

r-~-~~-- ---~~~~~~~---~~-.----~~--+--~~-~~_______t'~~--~~__r~-~~--...........,..

Side-band suppression ratio i More than 40dB t\Aore than 40dB

1'- .• -,--~,~--~----~.~-~--~~--~~-~-- ----------Io,-~-----..----~~~-~..-----~-~_____i



Less than -BOd8

Su p r io us fad iatio n leve '

.~~.' ~ . ~r_----,~---~~---~~--~~~~---------~~--~-~----......




Antenna impedance

50 ohm

Micropbcne impedance

500 ohm ( avariable 500 - 600 ohm)


Sque lch sensit ivitv

I .1

SIN more than 10dS for O.5J1V input

Recejv~ng system

Double superheterodyne

Single superheterodyne

SIN more than lOdS for 2JlV input

! SIN more than


34dB for lj.1V

SIN more than 26d B for 1 jJV input

R eceiv ing sens it ivitv



I ature; less than 200Hz per 30 minutes thereafter.

--I--~-1-st--i-F-1-6-r9~M-H-Z'--" ~---r---~----~~~~-~~~~~

r 2nd IF 455kHz 16.9MHz

-~--~-----r--~~'--~~--~---_;"_·~-------·r ,.~-~~------,----~.~,-~~~ ~



ij "--~~----"---I""_""""'_-~~ .. ---~..........--------.- . -------------~-~.~-~-~~

More than More than

20kHz 112kHz More than 2.4kHz \

--~- ............... ---~~---~~-~, -----+-----~----.~~~-----------~~-"'""'\

I r

! Less t ha n ~Ok H z j Les~tha n 24k ~ .z.L __ ~~ L_es_s_t_h_a_n_4_.8_k_H_z ~ _ __t

Aud io output and impedance . More than 2W at 8 ohm. (8 ohm 10% distortion)

I--~-.- -~- - .. -~. __ .---~~----1~~ __

"._-----,--- -- .'-~.-- ... - .----~ ---_ .. - -- .----~.~,.-- - ---.,~-~-~~~~--~--- .......

Less than +2kHz aga inst temperature change within range of -1 O(,jC to +60DC; less : tha n +2kHz from 1 to 30 minutes after power is switched ON at normal temper-

Frequency stability {V FO)

~~ -- -
rF frequency
[mage ratio
- - ._.- - ._,_......_-- ---

Se leet ivit y
j _.
.. I ._ ~Od8 More t han BOdS

Power consumption

Max. at transmission: 11 OVA at AC117 V 4A at DC13.8V

At no signaJ reception: 40VA at AC117V l~lA at DC13~8V -----~-'·-----1~T-h-e-r-a-t-e-d-~-~-ta-g-e-an-d-fr-e-(l-U-~~-Y-f-or~M-o-d-e-t--M~-i-J--2-7-00--c-o-r-r·e-s-p-o-n'-(J-t-o-th-e-m-a-jn-'-s~


I voltage and frequency used in the country to which they are shipped. (The rated

voltage and frequency are shown on the rating rabel on the set.l

I f it is necessary to a Iter t he rated vo Itage a nd/or the fated frequency, co ntact your FUKUYAMA dealer.


Power source


.--.~---- --~--------- -.--~--~~----- .. - ------.--.--~---~---____1

128(H) x 378 (W) x 305{O) (m/rn)

_-.~ ---"~---- .. ----~,---. --~-- -'-~- -.-~~~-~~.~---~----~~.~~


Approx. 14kg






• SlR' F rnH~'t.I!'r

I J'!Lfh,(:~"N~:(, '5l "Ll'f"l~' I L~nlP.'l"'~' t"

!Ii '. Plil II" I(:;;'tl\." p. ~ 'IJ .• ..,. I'll ~~ l' ~.~ n i,." '~I i

't ~ ~ ~~("r ,., C" ~r . .:'II n-~m I '! .

• ·I~ R .. ..-J~ S ~H.r-. ~~"t"(" u'H~l p;O \~ O~!'r~ tJ.,· '

,II Center "Hn~

~ . ~~ Gp:r~.;;1 H' 0~ MS. A !!ol' ..... \;·1

t.f :hOIU~ fM :r~~ 1'110'1 ' rlt,'"

. In 'E t:'I.'

" rr ;.:, I'lOb u:t'I t] I t h:l~ 00 J tHt."'I' COO ~ to ~.~ "'il'ntrr I, VF 0 O.~ii!'hon. tl!id:llt!.1' f I"! t' :JoO I "'L h''''' toO 'I' ~ et"n.~~r ..... It 1"'. ' !!' \/.F (,i.


; 0 co !"!l."<'t ~' tr ;1Jt;.~'~$,3i, \

ml~i)f"k::,~ C r.rlr.'IS.:~ L: 3:s.

~.'I." ~~GI>'io




- - - ---

-- - --

-_- - . ----- -- - - - -- - - - ---

--_. _._-- ---_._._- _. ---- _.

:IiON Af:R indkrl'h)r'

ll'O1~~;l; ttf:;.,.j fIo'l,( ht··n = r.~ rI.!<rTl!:r~: !'f'I~)

('~ ~ ('<ti 1"1 L ~,;'J.·t .!.~ r .n .;;;, r !'~ f' ~, . t_D:":I.

,I:AF rG.AIN knob

"A,,·.;JIA - ~·o I b T

""... u 0;.;. I:I .~ ! ~'lIO. t, 'r f'.-

~n9 rli 'i; l;O·c: WIt(' I ncr ~i3i~:5; aLI. 1 (iLio I i!! ... ,~ [ ,

II VXO k.nolb

Thl:~ ~ llotJ I~, u~ cruv in '~'!f 11 t hf:'~ r z er :0 p,er a no n f o'r :;) Ii' Ul'i!!' ~d,i'U:s t rn e n [ (.!i f U'.a nsrm t. .( I ng: ,l) rod "cc,~ i'IJ i ng f n!~~ u~n. ei~" ·~iIi,ich eli:!"il be varied Ii,.iP to, ! 7-kH.r; by 1y .. I~ing the . nob Ii:: lockw i~ (j!if:' (;0 UI n I: ~f ~ doc:k't·.:'j.~,. Stl:a F ~!), t'_



II'LED di.git~d h[·qu ;ncy di:'I,pliiY

[)'C"~I~-l!'l'IJj (rr ,If",]' ~l t" r' ~~ \. I.~ -r~ t.l m (.'1"-

'I,_:".~II~, d ~~pl; ¥f'j dLJ~ l.nN! ~,·(t1· t h("~ 1:1 ~f '!},[ ~N ~1" '1'1,) 1'1..

L 1~~ttt>lJi ~,jLlr'mq OSCA~~ oroi!J! ,:II' t IOn ~ ~9MJ'I.~ F.·il"!'li:::t~Ulti:(' n ml1v ~

• F t IlQ U I3'![I.'CY .i nd i eetor I a rn p

! n~'~ I i:.lIl.t 11'5. 1 ~l4i M ~L~',. ~ 4,sM ~'~.::!., '1 4·6M H::. Ot 1 4,,/ M i"t J' h (!II n:tl 'i" J ~.Fir j n~' V F 0 O'~,)I!~," 31'! !JI n .






~ ...


.. ~ .."





... \



'. Ma ~ n tu dla~

CID '~ef:li 1 Mlt-! i! wl:1111 a ZDI~ ~ rlln~J~'n,g '!"rom g. to! l • .I000 kHo::.

:r' -- ......................... _--..... __

I. Top hatch

.~ .• 'Ii . co ~n.l"! ~":-'~ o rON -0 r- F

~t'[d . vox ~;m'l: ,~n0'tj,~He 9011''.1 contr o I. 1~t· ..

I' I


• L SB./U S B read h11{i RII}h:!'r~fiIlCCl~ b!lJft'li } (an be r l!'lid. ~iI1d CV:,J·. A r-,.-\. F M ~n c eru er 1)0 ~~ ~ !Qn.


./ /








--: FUT I'wh~h.

RI.T t;fB:uil ON.o • :F'

II ,OSCAR ON··O:F F Sv,·;.'i'tc.h

Viht" n 'L II •. ~! co mIll L..~ u I''-<';]'! [I n'l:I '!{;'ljD OSCAPI: ~at!!'!nlli'lli'. \~~hcn ll'e ~ 5 0 N. nUT! 'c-q IJII P fnC'IU is ~U fir I'i%' l 11(1 '101 tne R X to Hv'm !"f

! 0.- r ~1-:(! iv ril"l 2'9~ H;.·

• 'V F 0 ba.nd's. S:W itch C01oi~r it"t{l oo.e h 'I M H l.' 14.";,-

.~ 4:9: MI-tl 011"11 V FO ·~1.1('(:1mn.






/ / / /


I.r; ~ ... _-,-,'_ _ - """.




• N B t.~,o~:e bbl.nk eli ], mh.thl U~ ~.o.f C:4I1'lfi:t~11 i'~ PY t~ fill i~. wch as "'g n~'t iiJ'H 00. ~·or ool~,.·f f"eE!' ,rolmnTrl.lnj~ 't to n, ! NQ;, lop~a·t' . cb.l!li'ingl f-:

O. clf.a1·.onJ

T urni rl9 't.h~ 'niUlb ICJC.c, i;,!;,i tH" 'Mi'[ ehes .' u~lc on to rC3; ., lei I', 't2 "m-n no ~":!i,l'liBb i!!i!

r, -,,-,~, Emp~o M Our un' ~ue

AF ia ~. ,l~n ""'r"'" '."

. "0,;.' .... 1!or:U.J ~ ,











.. 'P:Oweil" selector rWliteh

H ~~ '(\"~"Q pO:5~ UO-ri::5 fQiJ' mllec·· t~~l 1~' (H GHl Dr ". t LOW~ tf.· n&[ ~ i' - . ~.

Ii Sy tit hes i zer 'f fi!q U +1'ne'V' saleetcr knobs

Leh knob I·S· f'o,f' \AH:. unit. c~IH 'll!' f CI r H'XL H ,z: U f'I d , .' iog IH ~ nob f Q I' 1 0 ~. t z IJ ru t.

II S E l E C'TO· R' ScW~ tc h

F Or 5ieh:."C.~iI1y VFO Or svn 'the', t~ ]~f tAu I':;\L.H~F s,h 1;'1.

• F st tuning knob lCOARSE)

o l'1.e t ur n "CU' r espo n rts

lOOk H.:


/ /

/ /



./ .. -


./ //


• A 1:1' knnb

FtJrr i! 'hoe ildll~.U.t ",elil. 0.1'

rf'CIll:I\'mg'ri!:'!lp.J enc md'e~ pelf'u;;1'cllt C·' tl"an~;fT.lIi.t'hr,lg fre-

, rt1 u I!:i 1"11;: y, v';lfi.::lIb I C f LU'i go i1.

..~"'"....,. ,~ , .... 5 H'"

·~J·IJ~ 'Ig,,,, _ ~~'I' •• ~ •


.vo'X ON·"OF'F s.witeh

• Main lu.ning knob (F:I NIE) I U~oo. for tun' ('I;g ,~n to I) K~: tf'tq LJi' rbC'V. 0 ne ~'ul'l1,

. . ,'.' ~H!.r, ~....... '1J."j1, u .

CO'fr[I2'!!PQ~'IU!'" [Ll", , .. y f.-'ll,. ~

-MODE 'selector knJb

FOil" $OI~Cling 'F M. If <fj~n. F 1.. ~ N I. lSiE3,. use. cw or Ar~~.

• MJlll dial (VIlU nierl '~ kH.: gi·adtl.:Jhons,


'A,ntenna connector fS'OI .. ,2',3:9 tll'pe ,)

Tef'rrl:irQ,B! 'f'or con nn{:;'~ing Zrn bfJt'u:,i .on renna.

• iRad,i;altor fln for coollnq IPOWll;r supply

----- -- -- - - -


_._._~_. ._ r_ ---- - -_. -- - ... _. __ . ~_

• Fan mountlnc hnle

For n10U nt,j:ng' Opl.:o,rla~ '(till to dtssioate heat 'f ro I'll' output tr ansistors h:w e"fnc~en~:., for

co nt inue operat ion.

Acces,s:ory socket (,2)

7~rJin accessorv cnnrMJcth19 s.oltk!I1"~" Term i ria Is are O'S, ~dlM)Wn, beh)w,.


DC ~13.BV


.'OSCAR rec:eiv:ing antenna connector (50-,239 'Type,)

Connector 'for OSCAR: receiving' 291lMH l antenna"

• FlI:s,e holder

AC fuse 2A is in :jt'~


,. Power connector

AC../:DC cormector. B.oth ,Ale and DC, pO'W'fH" cords are provlded as accessor tes. Ble' sure 'to connect the ri,ght one ..



I 3.

50" -, :!'160,Hz'

, 3'

.....__-- DC 1,3.8V


I. Acce's's,o J'y' soek et (1,)1

g" c' ~'~I·I n ~i:""" "",A1~oO!! I"!i ii""V r ..... In Iii"i~, , "t- a, ,

" t"" ,'. '~'!Lii6 ~\O ",(Qo.yl~l T ~ .. Iy, 1II1 I,'!;,;;C, ' I ng

socket, T',e'rm~nah; are as shown berulow,

.' F',an socket

A,e sock et 'h~H"' dr hfing

'fan (Opt:ion).


• Ke'y jack

'. ., - - '0' -n'

", • ' -,_ 1- ,_'," " .. -," ["j "Iil'

For CW rransrmsssen. c, '

nect aeeessorv p,~ug to key and Insert it into this jack.


, --

'I 'I d "'-- - .' ck

I, • Head pnone ,lac"

Your headphone can be pl:ug'·

g,ed il nto t hi s i. a ck ~ cw he n lJS i nlQ: Ii ccessor Y I'll u g, co n nee t as! shown be~ow'~



Ii I

- .. k

• IExt. speaker J:8,C ",'.

When ~sli,ng :fl.:iC,'t:ern',ai s~peakl" ~ connect an S..olhm ',p ea kef' tol I

accessor Y' p l.uj~,


T ~1e rvl U L T I ~2700 i~ desi~lned f or ~~d P oper ;11 in n, I Hlt hp S l J r e to o t.l S er v f' t he toll 0 w t n:1 i T ~ S II· ut.t I o r 1 s f o ,. t f o l. j 1 , I r:

f r c e. c n i 0 V (J ! ~ ~ cop c r .;l t i o 11 .

• Do not transrn it without CfJ nnect inq an II nt unna.

• A II t h~! cor ~~\ ;llld tr i r n rHel ~ i n~~d(~ h;j'lf: (; If f;;;H1 Y b(-::Bn n(fjtlste(J~ ;lll(! l}l~!'·f:f()rp S'l(>',JI{1 rt~)t r equ ir c ariit.J5tment .

• Be vnr y caret u r a bout 1 he power supp Iy po I~u it ips. Do not III istak e {he AC cord f 0'" the 0 C curd 0 r v ic{~ versa.

• It t h P S V 11 t n f: :d I f~ red n n q t t.p ~ I 0 r: k f~ d ~ 1 q r nth e P(j ~! J ~~ r SVJ itch 0 F F. VJ.a.t for 4 1:U 5 sPc(Jnd):p and t h~n 1 urn itO f\J a q a in.



• ,


• Do not connect or disconnect the power cor d when the power sw itch is in the 0 N po SI t in n.

• I\~ a k e 5 U ret hi] t t h f~ S E LEe TOR S I.tJ it c h a n d the ~Jl 0 D E sci e c t 0 I" SV"J i tc h are in t h t~ co r r e c t po S j t ions"

Also check the RIT knob and VXO knob tu S~;f! that they J re a lso in t he cor rect posi t io ns.

• Use the SA fuse in the fuse ho lder on the DC cord \.y hen 0 pe rat i nq 0 n 0 C; 0 r t h e 2 A f LJ se i nth e fuse ho Ider In t he rea r when 0 per at i n9 0 n AC .

• The 1\.1 U L T I ~2 700 possib le to t r a nsm rssron f or a long t irne, but it is suggested t ha t cont i nuo us trn nsrn ~ ssio n not lonqer than 30 minutes be avoided as much as possib Ie.


The MU L T 1-2700 has the Iollowinq accessor ies, Please check that you have a II of t hern.

Ins t r u ct ion man u a I .... ~ . ~ r • ~ • • • • ~ • • ~ • • .. 1

AC power cord (w it h co n n ecto r) . . . ~ . ~ . ~ . . .. 1

DC power cord (with connector and fuse) 1

Key plug . . . . . . ~ · .. . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1

Spare fuse (AC 2A, DC 5A) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 each

D yna rn ic In icro pho ne (w ith connector) . . . . . . . .. 1

gp accessory pJug .. . .. , . . .. ..)

7P booster plug .. . . . . . . . . 1

3P fan plug .. .. . . . . . . . 1

Head phone plug · . · .. · .. . . . 1

EXT SP plug .. .. 1








,3i Antenna Conneetion

A high-performance antenna is essential to efficient. e nJ~ 0, ,', va : b • • I.e; corn rnuni ca .- to, :1" 0-. -, n,

"_ . ~ - J. - 1!I;i ~ . . ,. III. '_ ~ ~l

N:o matter how excellent a transceiver 'may be, it cannot: deliver full perforrnance with ,8 P'OOF antenna. To assure full! performance as a fixed station, install a groun:d plane {GIP') air rrurltlple-element antenna about "0 to 15 meters higih,( and connect it to, the set: at its antenna connector (PL-'259 tvpe) 'with hiqh quality, 50''',ohm coaxial cable.

The set has an output impedance of 50 ohms, so he sure tOi use an iAG,,-5B~ R:G .. :B,A,:U lor equiva lent coaxial cab le.

Generallv, a vertical antenna is used for FM reception 00 the 144MHz. band; and a hortzontal antenna ~:S malnlv used for reception on SS,B~ Take this into eonsideration w:h:Qin :sr,ectlng, an antenna,

'The C91se' of SS'B", a crossed 'V,8:g'i antenna seems advanta.Qieous: because it. hi ,effect iVB' for both vertlea il and


~orlzQ; nt'9i:l' po :I,al;ri,zed waves,

~. m'ult.i'ph~, .. ,elem:e,nt; directiona I." efficient 'Vagi' a ntenna l~~ fl;::PaJmme.Dd·ed f.or O'X (I:o:n;g~,d!istan"a,el,co'mmuni~,

~ • • .. - . ..~... ,!It,........ ,. I G-'- p-,

QAt"_"I:~n' or ce,~m~::,munir'_:a,t:~~o'n wtitih a specific partv, ,A :-_-: .'.

~ .'I .. ~ J._ ..... ~ -ur« ... I ... )!!'. .... _

~~IiI'llfj~~.'D I-;S~- :rs~m:-I-'m, sen ded this,' C8;(',e :CJ'f' communlea _,

Q~~L~~!Ci!IIiI,I.~IU . 0-'. ~~. ~'. i' J¥. I _ __ . - ~. . s=r= J!J .

i':1r.~ft: wjt1b, 'an :u n:~,p~ei~i~jf,'c o~9,call (n'ear-J stat lo n,~,

~;r. • ~ I

~ ~



~I'" ,- -, r- - . -; -,.,~ ... -.: '~h

l: I '~i:,v

'"" "6' ~I

I::q " ~-I

10' meter l' , I 'I I;' I : \j;-;; ':0, : 0 :

- , I I' ,I ,'-., .. i

Ante'nna,. ' 111- 11 ,~p ;~!I" ". :,_~J -

~ : '@J' @-'~, ~II ·0' : .....•. , 112' tji-,.-,----:.,

't... ............ _,- ':'. .r -II ." ,~'

, ,- __ .~ :' -- -~',-

- 9----------~~--~ ~

r-----~ ~

! -

'~_I "~I

'1.,,,:0 c's:'ti 01,11

A,'ij{)iid us::i:ng' the MUL TI,,,,,271()O' in a hot. humid, dustv p,la,-e'~

,An a iry', dry' p lac-e is idea II 'for its oper at jo n. Avo ild oparat j:ng vo,tlr M!U L T ~ -'27'00: tin, d III' ect SIU n I i'Bht,. 'You' need not be '(-00 nervous about it, but see t hat t hie' bottorn or the back ot vour IMiIULTI-2'7'IOO is not too close to ,8 tab le lor ,a wa II: ~

4,,, Miic,ro"phon,e

P ~ ug t h~ ,a,c_C'e"$iSory m icropho ne into the iMi I C, !oonn'ec: .. . or in 'the front panel o'f the set, and rurn the n,'ut 'to,

II '-k ,. - If" .

O'C' u ~ - n case 0' : U :$,11 ng a n'v ot her m icr opho ne ,. use

(line with an impedance of 510'0 to 600 o:hms;, In that case, 'check. aga inst 'he m icrophone co' -'naction dlia .. graml on :Page '31 if' the connector p'lu'Q: cain be connectec as shown,

2,,, Corllitlectin:g~ to a p,ower sU'PP:~'Y'

T'h,e MU L'TiI'--2:70iO operates on an A,e',1 17V to 24'O'V power supply O~· a Die 13.,8V power supplv, '" R,efer to SPiE'C I F ICAT'~O'NS,~,)

'VV'tli-~n chanqinq one kjnd of power supply to the ot 11![,1-1 you need on ,I V' chanqe the accessorv plower 'C:O'~ {~'S, The t\NO'~GO lor (red and: black) cord is for ~DC .. Each o'f the power c-ords: need onlv be inserted into, '[ ,'1,8 power socket in the back" W:he'fl' chanqinq the AC co I d '~-O t he D, C co rd or vice versa t b e S!:U~" e to co nf i r m :[ ne 'foil 10""/ inq beforehand.

f 1) Tur n t he power switch on the 'front of the set to t ~'H;' '0 F F posit ron: and t he ,PTT switch 0 n t he m icropbo ne to, 'the r ecei v i'ng oosition.

(:2)1 .0 isco nnect the power cord ~ n 'Use from t he ,A,e socket or a battery, and chanqe it with the other .. (Th is is necessarv for pr eventi ngl the se,t from break in'9 down and pr otectinq yourself from electr ic shock ~)

,('3) The ·4 .. ·pin square socket on the AC or DC cord has a stopper. W'he'n pJugg:inig the cord into the set, press t.he stopper wit h vour ·f inqers and p inch it securely 'with the stopper clamp on the set, 'Wh,e'n pullinq it out, press the stopper with vour 'f'~ngers aqain a nd pu ~:I it, IOUt. .. ,

5~ Ex,t,er'na~ Speaker and Headphona

A case of 'us i: ng, an external speaker Qlr a: h,eadplhone

- • -- jl

make sure that ~t bas a III I'm ped a nee of 8 to '16 ohms.

Use the! correct accessory pllug and insert ~t lrno the jack in the black. pia ne~ for connection ~ The larqer Jack, is. fo-r a, headphone: and the smatter one for a speaker (or attenuated 'to record ings,), ~

6., 'Key'

"Transmitting and receivi ng CW (,A 1)' siqnals, connect the accessory pl:lug 'to the kev, and insert i't into the' K E, Y' lack in: the rear pane Ii .,

:2 meter Antenna


cord DC



, i


, .

, r


Transmission ,

. t ' with 1 he synt heSfzer

The transmit t ing met hod 15 t ic sa me. ,. I to

a nd V FO. It is impor tant to tun~ In t he sr. t . exa~t y. .

- C nnect the rnicropho ne and an d n

the ot her stat Ion. 0

tenna properly.

1 .. SSBj CW

Adjust the set to your desired fr oqucncv. turn .the

MOD E selector switch to CW~ push the PTT sWl~ch on the microphone to make it read y for send Iny (transmission]. At this instant __ the ON ArR lamp lights. If the SI R F meter {ou tpu t m~ter) read s. 7 or S (high power), sig na Is are proper Iy bel ng tr a nsn:rt~ed ~

If the meter reads less than that, stop transmission. The cause is possibly an antenna mismatch. Check the feed line or the M·type {-PL·259} connector. ~f the meter po inter sta ys a t the a po int, t he cause JS either a broken feed line or a disconnected antenna. First, check the antenna system ..

ff the RF (output) meter indicates a normal value, set the MODE selector switch to USB, press the PTT switch on the microphone and start transmission. (Since the MOD E selector switch is turned to ~SB~ the ON A r R lamp lights, but the R F meter pomter stays still.] Speak into the microphone and the R F meter pointer will move up to 7 or 8 maximum. lf no sound input enters the microphone in SSB transmission. the RF meter pointer remains still at 0, which is normal.

Fig .. 4 Difference in R F meter indications between SSB and FM



J 10 --.


In SS B t ra nsm issio nit he meter po inter rema ins still unless you speak into the rn icrophone. In FM transmission the meter reads approx 8~

Once communication has started, do not touch the dials and VXO knob except when changing the transmitting frequency. If it becomes difficult to hear the other part y due to a freq uency deviat ion, tur n the RIT switch ON and turn the RIT knob to adjust only the receiving frequency to the other station.

In CW transmission, set the MOD E selector switch to CW, connect the key to the KEY jack of the rear. and enjoy CW operation. Side tone will work during CW operation.

2. FM~ AM

SHt the MODE se lnctor switch to FM (W), and select (j d f~S~ red f rf!q unncv. Push the PTT switch 0 n the rn icropho ne. a n,d it is f'(!(Jd y f or tr ansrn ission as ind i" ca t {~d b y t he if q h t t n~} 0 f the 0 N A I R la m p, T he R F Iou t pu f) met er r e;1CJs 8 or over when LOW transm ·It. t i nq power is select erl , 0 if f er enr fro m 5S B t r a nsrniss i o n .. the R Fmc 1. f~ r po i n t f! r r 8 m a ins a t 8 0 r 0 v er i n F M trensrnisston.

'f the R F meter reads far less than that ~ check the antenna system in the same way as in SSB transrniss io n be ca u se the t r 0 LJ b I P. ca u se is 1 ike 1 y to be in it r J f the R F meter read s 8 or over, you ca n start ta lk i nq with the other par tv. In case of GSa with a local

st at ion, LOW output power is suff icient.

When the 20k Hz separation FM (narrow) mode is desired, turn the MODE selector switch to FM (N) .. so that you can make more effective use of the narrow FM band selected. If FM (N) is selected, your party should be select the same FM (N) mode.

For AM operation. you need only set t he MOD E selector switch to AM. (I f necessarv)

How to use VOX

When t he VOX switch is turned ON, tra nsrnission and receiving standby wi IJ be automatics llv changed over by sound without ciepressing the PTT switch on the microphone. VOX sensitivity ca n be adj usted by r e-

rnovinq the cover on the top of the hatch and turning the VOX GAIN knob. Then, in receiving condition, operate VOX and adjust the ANTI ~TR I P knob so VOX wi II not be erratica Ily driven by sounds from the speaker ..

Jf the ANT I TR I P knob is turned clockwise excessiveiv. the VOX circuit may be driven by noise.. etc., mak ing it impossible for you to proceed to transrnissian. Exercise care when adjust inq this knob. Return time to reception can be adjusted with the DELAY knob.

How to use R IT and VXO

The receiving frequency can be varied up to ~_ 3.5k Hz from the preset va lue by turning the R IT knob .. Turning this knob does not affect transmitting frequency ..

The VXO k nob can vary bot h transmitting and receiving frequencies simultaneously up to +7kHz from the frequency ind icated bv t he synthesizer .. J n this case, the RrT knob must be at 0 .. If your talking party demands (1 change in transmitting frequency. turn the VXO knob to adjust the transmitting frequency if the svntheslzer is in operat ion; or turn the VFO knob if VFO is in operation .. in both cases, do the final receive frequency touchup by turning the R l T knob.


F'reque:ncy 1C8I.ihratiuD: (R~I,'T' O!FIFJ'

ro la I' ca :ibr'at~,on: is n'ecessa"'y' for tbe correct frequenev

teedl.i:n:Q", Flo,r ·ca f~b'ratiDn purposes, use the bu i~ ': .. ·f'nl ,,' '~Dk' H'" '. ,', ~'" ->"~lf"'Ii'I"llla"'t: a-"r

1D~. i : ,,2 mar,er O~'II <' '_" 'j

Wh'en the Sa.UE,LICH knob is turned counterclockwiss fu II'y' (urrt ir~ :11- clicks), t he C,A :L, i( ea I'i brat io In) swite h is c 110 sedl 'tOI operate the, marker oscillator,

,Mla:r~k'er :s~gna:~s' are g!en,era,ted' eu'ery' 1,OO'kHz., The cor ... rect marker beat can b,e received ie:very '1 00 dlvisions from ,0 to 1,0;0,0 on • ',h'8' subdial for frequency calibration or svntnesizer 1 O,OkH'z unit.

R"ea:u 'fa:r L,:,'S

This case, transrnirtlnq 'freqluenllcy kg, " k,Hz ~o'w:er the n t hie t 'f101:r LS, B " '~'f d,'i 3l ca t I '),rat, ~ 0 n is necesssr y i,ln the' C'W mode, adjust th'e' ,0 degree on the main, dits\ to; the' center ot the d~,at gau'ge ~at the poi,nlt:, 1!kHiZ below.

As th!e' F'M and ,AM

Zero beat cannot be obtained from marker s.ig na Is. The point where the S-meter reads glreatest when signals are received ind icates a tuned-in frequency. As in the case of CW. readth,e treque 1cvfrom the center dial qauqe.

,R'el3d~ for U,S:,B (set tbe .:,:OIDE selector switch to, US:B~)

As ·t:he main dial knob is turnec clockwise, 'this. beat changes from treble to bass. Stop the su~dial~nob at' a, point 'wh,e're the beat ce;8'S,S'$;,;. and adjust the ,0

deglree on the main dial~ to the USB dial hold-ng the main dial knob, whic~~s preSSed~ga,f~st the main dia ~ bv SI spring;~ and s,hd~ng the ,'~,aHn dial until its 0 deqree ~'S adjusted to tnJle U:S .. B, dial g,aulg,e .. If F '··19' ~ :5,)

How to .Read VFO Frequency (RIT OFF) Operatinq Irequencv can be correcttv read bV means ot the, VFO dials,

The dial mechanism consists of the main dial, subdial, dial g,a uig e." main tuninq knob and fa,s,t tuni!ng knob. (See paqe 4, 'for operationa 1 descr ipt ion.]

'~n SSB, operation, i:t 'is necessary to, rea'd frequencies in units, as small as , k+lz. Use the main dial ror this, pur pose.

'Whien th.'e', ,4,4MH,l band ('USB)., read the main dial agj,aiinst the IUiSB dial gaiug,e w'h,enl USB 'wav!e's are cornpletelv demodulated and received. (Fig,., 6)

When reading VFO. the main dial. and subdial must be' read and' their indications must be added so' ilt seems troublesome at the, beqinninq .. But y',au will qet used to it and become able to read VFO frequency quickly and correctly .. The subdial's scale from 0 to

1000 corresponds to 1 MHz. .. __ . The dial cannot be turned beyond a pomt ,a',I'tth~ 0,1f

the 0 to 1000 scale. If it is forcibly turned beyond

~ l b k- d ' Do not turn

that po int, t he g,ear will ,l re,a .. ~ ,,~ Olwn,., ","'" ,',

it excessive I v ~


- -

[tA,:4J III., !Sli It.; 6] (~,4,'7'1


" , 1,1 .

"\ "

I --- -


I '


T I ,:"' :,', k teb If' er IUS-B",l"

I, un~ng,n,., > ", ,Y.,· . ,.


~ ll:'~51 :1'1-'4!~ ~i'4'?]

:' ",',JIj Jill O'OO'~· +, 1 20 fU',SB) '144'i,12',01

Fre uency iii - •. ,. _. :_ _ ... --. ,41

MH' ~f the band 'selector' swn:ch shg,wl 1-", t

, ,.~,.; ~ ,,' .. J',.,' '::,', ,- :'. __ '-'-. -

,; , , '-u ,Ie 14' 51 1 ~CM,Hz~

'ilirequenc't ""t ~-'.

",4 _, -. - "..__,'.4 8,

- .. ~, ~ 01


(II 4"~J 1iS): til ·,4,61 f I ~ 7'~

'., , , t " r I' 'r ~

'\' ' ~



".' . I

' • Ii!' [


'--- [



. - r In r (l-

T he co 11 v en t ion a , sa t e f h t e en m n llt ru C a , ron ~ V s e ~.

. . t ) So e t s t t~ ~t 2 n 1 h 11 J uJ S S B l r·; u 1 S rn 11 t l ~ I" [I n d ("1

qlliiOS W{ ~ ~ ~ . ~.,. ( l . t • ~ 'I of ()rJcr{J1 inq tech-

10m band roce iver , and a 1119 1 ICV(" p •

n ique,

The M U L T I· 2700 is a mu It ip lc-rnod t~ 2 rn b(Hld t ra ns-

ce Ivel" w rt h a 10n1 OSCA R rcceiv j no co nver t er . I ( is the first tra nsce iver mad c in Ja pa n that rnak cs OSCA n co mm u n j C.1 t jon po s sib I P. w t t h a si n rJ I e set.

At present. two OSCAR S~·~lcllitcs, No.6 and N? 71 are f Iyi ng about 1 ,500 k ilornetnr s up in the sk I es. T t:c ~1UL Tr·2700 can communicate via OSCAR 6 or 7.1f1 the A·rnod c. VVhen sign.a ls arc t r a nsrn d ted to t he sat e I h t e on a specif j ed freq uency in t he 2m fJJ nd f '-0 rn the MU L TI r2700 satellite cornrnunicat ion system (ca lied an UJ)· ~ i nk l, the sate! lit e co nvert s the fr eq uency r nto a 10m band frequency and sends r1 back to the ground (called a dOV1.'n~ I ink} as i l lu stratcd be low.

?. T h{~ n t ur n t he f reqtH'! ncv selector k nob at t h~ up. p (~ r r f~"J h t r) f 1 h' ~ fro n t pa n ~ d to 1 45 , t urn the SELECTOR k nob to VFO so that 145.85 to 1 45.95 M ri I C~ir1 ! if~ r nce!vl~d. W h"~n t he OSCA R fH. r S h iJ u t 1 () n ~ s pus he cl ~ the t. r it n s C f~ i v Q r i s r e.a d y for o s c; It r i J )( ~ r;:lf Ion.

3. Then tur n t hr: SE LECTOR knob aqa in to SI M~ P LEX a nr] I ec{-~ i ve (JSCA R heaco n S;~1 na Is+ T ur n the V X 0 k no ~) i nth r. po S 1 t I v e d i r ec t ion, i . e . I' C 10 ck W isc. so t ha t beacon siq n;·l Is ca n be heard,

Transmit t ing on 2nl band

Receiving on 10m band

4. Turn the SE LEeTO R k nob to V FO and receive signa Is vv i t hi n the r anqe of 145.85 to 145,95MHz (29.4 to 29:5MHz) ~ Y(JU can hear slat-tons emitting COsj beacon signa 15 and siqna Is being exchanqed between tVLJQ sta t ions. Tune ! n t he set to a st at io n em j tt I ng a CQ. Still k ee p the R IT swi tch in the OFF ~)O$ i t ion.

5~ When proceedinq to r ecept ion, turn the R t T switch to the ON position. and slowly turn the R~T knob fro m t he center posit io n 1 n the posit ive (+) 0 r the negative {-} direction so you should be able to hear a response .. Stop the R IT knob at the point where you have received the response, and keep it t her e ..

6. The OSCAR satellites are not svnchronized so communicab Ie time is limited. It is im portant to communicate briefly+ Use SSB or CW. Orbit time is about 1 hour and 55 minutest and operation

time is approx. 25 minutes per orb it each comrnunication.


OSCAR satalli te

OSCAR satellite transrnittinq frequency vs receiving fre~ quency diaqrarn.

! . . - . -- - - -·1

L .. ~MSA_T-~_SC~~_ ~ Up-link



[ A~SAT--O~~AR 7 I


Up-rink Down-link Beacon


Up-link Dow n-Iink Beacon

Temporarily using antennas. the foHowing instructi ons shou Id be observed.

145 .. 000 - 146~OOOMHz USB 29.450 - 29.550M Hz USB 29 .. 450MHz

1. Direct the a ntennas to the satellite from t ime to tirne to maintain the best communication condition. Turn the SELECTOR knob to SIMPLEX and set the frequency to 1 45~95MH z {for OSCAR 7) ( and you can receive beacon siqnals. But beacon signa Is appear to dr ift as the satellite moves. This is due to the Doppler effect. That is. the receiving frequency appears t1 ig h as t he sate Ii ite approaches your station and lowers as it moves away from your station ..

2~ I n this case, tune the VXO k nob to maximum signa I level. If the antenna's beam direction has deviated too far from the direction which the sat ell ite is f Jyi I1g, adj u st t he a nten nas to a direction where beacon signa J intensity is greatest .. You can genera Ily communicate via OSCAR as long as beacon signa Is can be received.

3~ With the MU L TI-2700 twin selector system you can enjoy satellite communication in the best possible cond ition while monitoring beacon signa Is from a moving satellite with the SIMPLEX synthesizer t It's only one of the unique features of the MU L T! .. 2700.

145 .. 850 ~ 145.950MHz USB 29.400 ~ 29.500MHz USB 29~502MHz, 435~ 1 OOMHz

4 3 " ~ ] 25 4 J 2 ~ l 7 5 \111 z LJ S B I '"J 5 ~ 975 I 45. ') 25\1 J Iz l.. S 13 I 45", 97' rrl I I z

An OSCAR satellite receives 2m band signa Is from the ground and sends them back as 10m band signals. The frequency ralat io nship is rna inta i ned consta nt k eepi n9 the difference between them at 116.45M Hz (145.9 _ 1 16+45MHz =: 29 .. 45MHz) ..

Actual Operating Method

Connect a 2 meter antenna and a 10 meter antenna to the SO-239 connectors to the MU L TJ~2700.

1. Turn the power switch ON, turn the SELECTOR knob to SlMPLEX until the digital display shows 145.95MHz, which is the beacon frequency {29.50 MHzJ of OSCAR 7 in the A-mode.




T~X ,A,iNT

1/4,,," or 5/S,;\ 'GP

R'G' ,0' ~"U or,.".

, ',,"'''OJ'' """I!."'-',,~




3 fin


'The above-mentioned method eppties in cases where 'VOiU use a GiP' and inverted V,-dipo ,B' antenna ~

(Temporarv recommendation]

'0' ",-',,'" 'S":" ~"c-" A" .. "',

• . . . ,:..., '. . .~. _. . I. •

B- LO" ", C' -,

" : .', 'I,' '. - ""

. ',_" .. ~I .

RF 3SI(,40l

MIX 3SK40l

..... - .....

I~~,~ l\~ULT 1- 200 to~F

'P .

'iL. '")Q~~"

ij-tl ~~ _I~ r_,




'TRU' 2SC1;O,41

'TRrp 2SC'B,3/9E

esc 2,SC,B39'E:

I' ..",;


3 S' K, 4,'O"L,

'TR2: 3SK40L

C1 100P r-.i~ f

, 'iI";2:



._.. I


A- G~~'RI

, "

. ",_ _i· .. · ... ,


'"" '!.if~-J




o '0''''--::


it.'lI! N


TR5 2"SaC:" 0,4 7 01

TR4, 2,ICB3'9E:


-- -- - --- - - --- --- --- ---- -- -- -- ---- --- ---

- --- ----- - - - -- -_ ---- ---- _------ - _ - -- ----- ..


. (~rr

A· 'I

. . -

Ant, (if; lay - -

.... 'c·'c: ..

~U\'. .


: ............ ~-~ ~. , " '-, I,)" I J; 1. t nrJ 'n', .. ~,f,j(~!( U f rt

I ransm i~, m' i n!1 booSler u nit

1 G~900~~'H~ ,Fr.v1 loca! urrit (RPT Sf-iIFTj

TX converter unit

Buffer unit

'Uir1 it vvith VOIX gain and other controls

FF-PD 1 IN unit

I!' •. ;.0;1 ~J; t e ,. r.: i;!'~~. . 1,;;;Ii

LED unit



sse I F' unit


RX~pre',anlp/BP F (OiPT'IONi)

SSB X ita.! 'n'aa'r (I F unitl

VI=Q unit

~==-;o,~~vc'o rnix unrt ('11 ~OOOM Hz]

S,SB local unit

-----. ............

"6,.'90.15 MH'z'

" 6:~,8,9a5 1V1 Hz


,,-, C'"

" '

-- -- - - - -- -- - --- . - - -

- - ---- -- . - - - -_. - -- - - - - - - - - .. - - - ,




ir------"""""'" Srabitizi ng po ver unit

Transmittinq booster unit

1:6 ;9"OOi~J1 Hz Fi! .:' local unit

(R P'T ,S::H I FT:t

SSB r .inu

R: - :. -prearn p/ B,P F' (OP·TI·10N)


~ ~I

S,:SB X'tal filt,e:

I( I, F unit l

V:FO unit


II' •

I 'Ii ': ii' !

. .



Helical resonater

SS,B local unit


'161,,1901i ,5, MHz

16,.898,5· M,H,z






f j









1 I

A h lock (Jra~rilJn (.If the M U L T I ~2 700 is shown on Pa~Jf~

1- he 1\4 U L T I . 2700 r: 0 n s ~ s t s n f 1 H un i f ~ .. e t n p loy t n q ~I sinn Ie ~t~ pHI" hut rnod vne svst ern (or SSB I' r~Cf~pt ion. a douhfe $UPf~l hnt urocf vne svst ern fol' FM r(?c(~p1 ion, (I ft~lpr type ha!~u1cpd modulat io n svstr.rn for SSB tr~Hl~lnis~ $10 J 1 r ~ I r 1 d ;~ V i1! I ~ t II Ie rea eta nee { f" ( ~ ( ILJ f~ 1 ) C Y r n o (J ~ I I a t i 0 r 1 5ystenl fOT FrxlJ transmission.

T he set crnplo:ys the f 0 I low j nq cr y$t~.d {)SC i Ha to r s. P L L ~ eel f () n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 1 0 ,0 a 0 M 1-17

11 .DOOM 1-1 z 11.344MHl + , 6~900M Hz ~16.445MH2

~ 16~8985MHz (USB) 16.9015M Hz (LSB) .10.000MHz

T he v F 0 unit (X·4) ~ s a vnr y st nb lo V FO YJh ich employs

;1 d lid I qa t cMOS F E T f or o~ci H(Jt ion. It ~){~ nor ales fr e-

q lH~n.cies wi thin t he r <1 nqf;' of 'l l .DOOM H z to 11 .SOOM H l~

it nd I t s 0 u t nu t is do u b h~d by 1 he V C 0 ~ M 1 X u n ~ t (X ~ 6)

t o cover t he 1 M HI ba nd In ~~a. VVhen the d ij~1 !ta' svnthe ~ i l '! r is in u S r! , t he V F 0 () S r: ill a t n r q r; n E r :) t f! 5: f r e q \H~ n ~ cies but the f rf~qtlency d(H.lbtr~r circu it II} i II f1() t onerat e.

I ns tead 1 t hr~ 11 .OOOM HI r;r v~tJ I o~~ci llaror I/ .• d H ouor a t(! to supply (J doublf~d 22J)OOMHI ~iqnal to the mjy.~r + The m i x n r m j x ~ ~ J 1 02 . 1 00 M "'1 I ~ i q n d I , Vi h i r. hi; o bt (t ; ned by m q It ; n ~ y 1 n ~ ~ h y 9 1 h (! 1 1 .344 MHz c r V ~ ~ a , ~ o sc i II a ted f r o rn t he V CO ~ lOu nit (X 15) r a nd t he 22.000 M rt I lOr rod u ce 1 24 . 1 00 M H,. T his 1 24 . 1 0 Ofv1 H 1 f r e ~ qu ency ;5 rn i xed wit h t he VCO 0 LJt pu t to he convert f;f.1 into 2 to 7 M H l ~ ~"V hich is fed t hro uq h (J lov,j nilS~ f ilt er into the 1/[\J uni t.

The LED u nit (X ~ 1 5 ) is a u n 1 t to 1 nd i ca t ~ t h f! dig l t a ~ synt hesiz er 's operat j ng f r·r:q uency a nd co nsis t ~ of 2 I Cs d r l ve nat t he 1/ Nun it' 5 f r eq u e nc y d, v 1 d i nq rat i 0 1 23 diodes and 5 LEOs.

V X 0 and R' T frequencies arc var ied d 5 fo Ho~v$ ~

When VFO is in use. 11.344~AHz is varied by R IT: and vv hen the d i~J ita I svnt hesiz er is in use, 11 .344 MHz is var ied by VXO and 11.000MHz by RIT.

The PLL section is cornoletelv sealed except the buffer

unit (X&7).

.. F r\r1 LOCAL sect ton . • • • · • ~ •
RX sect 10 n . . . . . . . • ~ · · . •
SSB IF section • ~ • . , · · AF section

. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .

PLL section

The P L L sect ion co n s i st S 0 f 8 un i t s, i. e ~, X· 1, X - 2, X· 3,

X-4~ X-5j X·6, X-7 and X-' 5.

The P LL circuit cornposition is as shown in the diagram below. The FF .. PD unit (X·i) has an 'C 104000MHz o scil la tor J a 3~stage l C freq uency d iv id er \~ h ich ct ~v id es 10.000MHz into 10kHz and a phase comparator (PO} which generates a DC vo ltaqe for setting a veo oscillating fr equencv. The phase comparator converts a phase difference between t he ref erence signa I "nc1 a sig na I from the 1 IN unit into a DC vo ltaqe.

FM local unit (X-8)

This unit generates 16.900MHz for FM transmission.

The 1/N unit (X~2) employs 3 I Cs for setting t he set's oper ati ng frequency ~ 1 IN wi I I be 1/300 tor the 144.00

MHz; or 1/400 to the 145.000MHz.

TX converter unit (X-g)

VCO output and 16.9M Hz ! F SIgnal are converted into 144MHz by a ba lanced mixer consistinq of 2 dual gate MOS FETs, and then amplified in voltage and power. Part of the unit is tuned every 1 MHz by a variable

capacity d icde.

The vea unit {X·3) has an Ie voltage control oscillator and a buffer amplifier by which an oscillat inq frequency win be set depending on the output voltage of PO applied to a var iable capacity d iode. The VCO unit's output is fed through t he buffer unit (X-7) as a trans .. rnittinq or receiving local frequency. When the 144MH z, the ?utput wi II be 127.1 MHz; when the 145M Hz; it vv~H be 128.1 MHz~

Booster unit {X-10}

Thi s is a 1 OW output power a rn p lif i er circu it, ha vi ng 2

tr a nsi star s in a larqe ca pacit y heat si nk. I n add it io n~ the unit ha s a vo Itage contro I tr a nsistor for out pu t sw itch ing r J n ALe c ire u it I A PC d e t ec t i ng c ir cu it I et c .

PLL block diagram


~27. ~ MHz


T PO VCO ... 127 I MHz

I/N X9 osc ~
--- MIX ..-. M I X ~ --
"I' ~ ...-

3MHl 124.IMHI 4~ 22. OQOMH::: l L 344M

c::::::I .. 0
.. ~ HZ

$ 1 osc j




II coo- .. II 500MHI


CIR- "C" U"I- 'J 0' 'PER- , '~"T- ~I-'O'-'-' N' ,

, "I • I • I .. _.', ["," , , : l.·_

.__ :_. ~.: _,_", :. : . '1._ 1_ • . .,/ _ . _ ~ "."., \.!If. ._ 'I, _ __ '. ._. • ...

. - _.. - .. . -

-- - -

. -- ._- - . - -- -- -- - - -- _. - _.-._ - _. - - -- - _. - _- - . - - - - _. - _. - -._- ._. - - - - _. - - . - - -

R,X unit I(X~11)

sS 8: s,ig na I-s received ru n t hr 0 UrJ h ,a n f1 F a m pi j-( ier , he li ca i resonator, l1eterod yn(~ m ixer d nd a crvstu 1 f.r H er into 'I. he 5S,B rF unit. IF frequcncv \.-vi.H he l'G.,9N1H.l. FI\4 si'~Jna"~, ,(1 r e 1. hen f: ed ttl r 0 u g ~ 1 ,f] cr y s '[' tl:~ f ,r 11 el t 0' bee 0 n v eft erl i r:~ ~ 0 4,55' kHz j' a nd en l' er a 455 k f-~L~ c era m i c f i It E~ r. T' he c er a n11 c f itt e'r co 1'1' s i!H S 0 f t, "V 0 par t S ,r 0 n e fa r Vl1 ~ rJ e iJ n d l h n o~: her,' for narrow, ai-'[: her 0 f v1lh ich ca n be s[~lt~ct ed IJY mea ns 0 f ~1 d i 0 d e sw i t c h . The s i ~~1 na Is, r u n t hr 0 U fJ h a I ~'O'1 it" e r f o r F fv1'

de~ect;on ,befor"r.~ runn In£] into t he A F sect ion. T\i'VlJ F M sque !eh noise a mp ~j f~'er s t~~ nd an AF B :(1'(1'1 p f, if ier a ssur e Fuk uvarna I'S llr'llq ue smoo l h sque lch opcrat to n,

A no IS{;: blank er (N B} cir cu it: is ou dt in for S,S8. T'h is circuit cancels r9n it ion no ise, etc. [0 rnak e sig nat I' ecepticn clear.

M'icropho'ne ampl~fir:fr' unit (.X~'1 '7)

T hi s ~s a tr a nsrnitt 1,n~,' rn icr opho no f;" F arnpli h~H uri it for F M" S,S:f3- a nd AM; F M siq na Is run ,t ,hi' nHq h ;1 nr f~;:H11p~ ~ f il~-r; 2 A F a ~TI ,",I r, f ,i'el"$1 I ,DC ~ d rl ~nt f~qf a 1 ~n'q arnp ~ ~f ;C!T a n( f it S P ~ a t t e r f ~ 11 e r t 0 ,[! rvv ide -- : 1;1 r I" flll.J 5 e I f'~ C t 'I nq; d' j 0 d f! s V'/II t C h _ T h u S t, h L~ V COl, I nit r s va r I;] b ~ e cana c J 1 V d: t o {" J e j ~ (j I I ,! C t ! v


mod u lat ~~d. In S,Sf3 and AM oper at io n, s~qn;d'!) ~ uri I' h! OU~jh 3 AF iJ rnp ~ if I crs a nrl L hp sp ~;I t ter f d'h"!r to th e S,SB IF uni t, T h(~

X ~ 1 7 unit has cornpressio n iJ rnp I If' I'(~J ; v.; h Ie ~ 'I (y~'I~lr f: d ~'1 exec llent ef fe:cl j ve SSB, AM' 0 X cn rnrnu n ica t io n

S'SB, I F unit {X~ 1.2)1

This un it co nsists of IJ',a sic cir cu its for SSB tra nsrn ~ ssio n and reception.

S p 8'C if i ca H y f. it ha s a tr ,i;1 n S 1111 t t r n g r i n~g m 0 d u I at i o n cir ~ cult, a receIving r in:g detecti ng cir cu it, H n AG C circu it" an r F crrcu it for S,S8, CVV and A~~, an 5S,S A F cir cu it and ,a n Ar\n detect ing circu it 1 hat" are a. U bu i it inside the un it, In SS:8 operat io n, this un it g,enerates a D,SS which is fed t hroug h a h ig h-performance crvsta I f:! Iter to tH2 fed out as an S8,B. I~n case of 'C:'W;f carriers are Igenera'ted by unbalancinq the ri'ng modulator \Jvith a DC vo ltaqe.

VOX unit (X-18,)

The: unit has an ,A"F arnplif ier I. Schmit 1 cu cu it and a .[)C amp I if ier for" va X~ 0 per at io n (" vo icc co nt 1'0 I oper at ~q n)l. The unit: of f er s suf f icien r va x g'd i' n, a n(:i !~~ c. rn I~)~(!l (~ 'vv ~ t.h a n a r~ t i . t rip d e La V c ire u i l for sa [, ,S L H~ 'I: o I Y \j 0 ,x oper at 10 n. T he un 11 ) lso ha S ,(j C\rl/ br e(J k - 1 n cu cu it 'T h e u n f 1: has n 1 j C ~" 0- P' h 0 neg a I n (F ~vi:.. 'S S B ). \/0 X ~'J;:j in. f1 nt r- t I" ip rra i n~ df~ 1(-) v l irn e 'C:'VV rnon ~ t q r ua i' n 'S' ",S:8 ~ tSG- r:

I iI 1 !II." 1Ii,,_ ~ '!Ii '~_jjiI

l'lrne C()I1Sti:Hl'[ dild corn_':,r,)iP~)'S-_·(·'J,J P·~ti'·~ conu o: I· ... -, ~ i

r . ~ (J ~' .. ~ .,:'11 ~ ~. , .• , '- l I' ~ H ) ~i, IH n {j ,tJ

en m ,.,-~ j :~, "'':::,(,') r i.:''LAt· t:' c 11

• - ~ ~.)i l_ ,,' ;1 ".' • H' 'J 1. " "" _ , _


SS81 lOCA,l unit '(X-,13)

The unit generates carr iers in SSB ira nsm issio n, iii nd functions ilS a ring detecting BFO in SSB reception. It uses 2' crysta I osciHators for Dsci H"lt iont a nd a- diode s\'iV'~tchhlg-f a nd for se~e'ct ingl US',8, L,SS or CW ..

AVR unit tX-14j,

The set 0 per atss ,0 n e it her ll..C lor D~C ..

The has a rectifier b"idge installed in a large.capacity heat sink a current contra I transistor. power tram. former, a nd var iOLls cont ro I c ireLi its 0 n a printed circu it board to generate five voltages. i.e., 13.5V,9V. 7V, BV and 5V. Each of these voltages is completely stabilized before befng supplied to each circuit of the units.

The photo below shows the controls located inside of the hatch {X-lat. Use them appropriately whenever neee s.sar y.

A,F unit (,X .. 1 ~6) At

",- --- -g' .:' ,-- --', ',-,,- "''I\"' - ~C" ;,

, a r eAca .. ,.' - ':l ' I. ',. . -. ' , ,_ . ,_ " .'.

,_,_ .,. ' , .~ paCf,. Y I, IS- used as a povver a nlpl!f ler flor

receiived AF .. The unit has a m:arkef' lO:O,··~',:,H-i,Z 0- .. : ,'·JI'-'·~' '.

,. ~" -, - ' - 1'\,. , SCI, at (0 n

'Clr'cu 1"+ (3,' J C' ':"') - CoW' ,r ~ • , - -

,:- -, " ,t " '. '. - s.,." ~, . '. .. - ,m 0 n rto r C, ~ r CU ~'t..- a 'C W' key' ,i ng C f rcu ,I t

and a transmission protective circuit (APeL


Top vi,ew'~ whe,n open"the hatch

VOX relay

V'Q,X G'A,fN knOb


,ai · 1,'S-":5 a powermpifier for

r - ~ --.' h'l~ U nit has a mark er ('~'O,",k ~-.,Z oscillation

L·iL .:-: monitor circuit, a CW keying circui - insrnission protective circui (APe).

, .,'

C- o N'" T'R-' 1]'0······ K'" N-' O··-··]B·'···S····

I '.... :.~.. I ~ <,. ,... .' I' . '. .... '..' f,' _ "

Compressor sw tch (NORMAL~COMP)

1· 6"-'

]. -t

',_ 'J

- --------

~,: ~',--

r I ~ I


-, r u-ii-'~RIr1 I'


,r:4!!!!!!!!I!I!ii'~~ 'iIiiiiIIii!!!!!-·--._~~_,~~~~I~~~ -'-o.--"J

)C'1 'I fI ~
~~ ~4 9!£J I

B OS!:
,... SPi:M,cltl J!
, til !fUlS






Ir -_, ......... '_,-' ....... '

:1 X'~I I




'!I~ ~·~iiiiiiiiiiiill ~r~' ....... J'~


. -- - - I

~ 'S uf'ttR ,.,. - - - ~nU;'I'(In ~1DIs( - ,UJI:;~- M',8, ---, - - ,',',

I: ' -' ~Nnlf ~ ~ lS Co " !l :is IC "' iSC Ji.~


~'---t-~~~_i~ _~.,~~

Uff' .m'l ~J


Ii ~CI31

II D~".Q


,,_..~--~- ~ r.~~~-'----- ........ ,,_.."':--- -- -::--~'-,.~'~--.-'--',-----~ .,'- -'1

,mF P.iil.'~ " H·' !'~ ~iF il.f I ,If AF Af I

DJC4.0 t-=~~~--I'" 'l.SI\1 :> ~ liSCU, rn, ~S.~]9 I~' HCUYi. ~"tU!! 8~ 2$ I!: US Zi'C!3!!'

~__.I! II I' I

I ,I' I

I :IK~ II lui ~rnl r A ~. ~sc~~ 1

I'--~~ i! !~

-~-........ -',-, ......... ·· ................ _Ji'

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~ ~ , :--DI.t _, lUFF ;1 lUff, 'I'

I ~ ,~_ 2i~'.]; il'Clf r I ~St_'lg X12'

I ~,. ,';5 U~t _ ,:' _: ~_' I, :. - I

I ..... _~ x~.J L _:_~_~~_~ -~-.~. ~------ __ --- .... ~ J

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r~''''''-' I......~""""':i n ~ , IQ'D"ST ;



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pr iate step has been taken please contact the Deater/ shop or our company lmmediatelv.

The symptoms shown in the table below do not necessari Iy j nd icatc f au I ts. pr ea so caret u Uy c h ec I<. the set against the table .. If trouble persists even after an appro-

• Replace fuse+ {Turn power sw\tch ON ~ I f fuse is b lown aga i n, somet hi ng is wr 0 ng . }

___ _.......- __ •• .---- •••• - • _ •• ---- -_ ••••• _ --.........---" -'1 ........_____,._......

---.~-- _. ~.r. AC·-plug·~~~ot fully inserted into • lnser t it fully into it.

e lee t rica lou tie t ~

• Speaker voice coil 15 broken.

• Headphone is plugged into head-

phone jack .

.. ~ ~_~---- .. -~--~~-+--·~~---~-~~--~~~r-------ir-----~--~~-~~~-----i

• Coaxial cable is disconnected or - Resolder securely ..

not soldered proper lv.

• SE LECTOR switch in wrong posit io n .


---_ .. _-- .

----....r - - -- - -.---- •.. _- -- •.. _ - -

No power


No sound from speaker

No signa Is can be received when antenna is co nnected.

• P lug it In cornplet e'v.



-. _._ .

. - --

.. _ .. - .

. _- .

. - ---- - . - --_ ....

- .. _-

... - ._.

._.- .. ----- -. - ----.'-~----.____.

• Power co r dis. no t p! unged in pro per Iy,

• Fuse is blown.

• Replace speaker +

• D isconnect headphone from jack.

• Set it to SI MPLEX or V FO~

. - --~~~~~~------------~~~~--~--~~----------~--~

• Antenna is not well connected to antenna connector, or coaxial

cable is about to break.

• R F GAr N knob is in center position.

Poor sens itivitv

• Insert antenna connector (PL~ 259) again into antenna socket securely.

• Turn RF GA1N knob {to MAX position} .

SSB signals are received but no sound comes out.

• MOD E selector switch is set at other than USB/LSB & CW position ..

• Set MOD E switch to USBlLSB & CW position corr ectlv .


Frequency wHI not move even if RIT knob is turned,

Receiving and transmitting no pro .. blern, except can not i)e communicat 10 n.

• Turn R IT switch to ON position.

• RIT switch is in OFF position.

• Transm it and receive frequency

is differenced. -

• R IT switch off position or cor .. rect Iy 0 po sit ion.

No tra nsm issio n

~--~--~~ ----~------~~----~----------~~~------------~~~----------------~.~~----~__,


• SSB MIC GAIN knob is turned

to MIN position.

• Microphone is faulty,

~----~------- .------~--~~------~--------~~--~~~--~~--~-- --~~------~--------_1

• FM MIC GAIN knob is turned • Turr. FM MIC GAIN knob clock ..

to M I·N position. wise.

• Microphone is taultv. • Heptace microphone.

t---~--~-~~---~~-~.-~~-~._~ r---~_~ .• __ ~~_~~_~ __ -I-~~~~_~~ __ ~~~ ---,

• SELECTOR switch is not in FM • Set it to FM SIMPLEX or DUP ..


r--------.----~--~~ ~ _ __+_--- , __ ~~. ' __ ~ ~_. ~~_+_-~~-_~----~~-~-___,

• SELECTOR switch is not at VFO.

• SELECTOR switch at upper right - Select 144, 145, 146,. 147MHz

on front panel ls out of posit jon. switch position.

r--~--~~~~~~·-- ~ __ ~~I' ~ __ ~ ~~~~~~ __ ~~~+- __ ~~~~~ ~~~-----,

Nothing but local stations can be - SQUELCH knob is turned fully • Turn it counterclockwise to a

received in FM. clockwise. point just before plain noise be-

gins to be heard.

No SSB output


Lack of modulation depth In FM

No d igita I display

Ham station can not be received when VFO dial knob is turned.

.•• M icropho ne co nnector is n01 proper Iy connected so PTT switch does not work.

• Coaxial cable is broken or short- . ed.

• Insert microphone connector se .. curelvror check connector wjring}~

• Check antenna svstern.

• 0 pen top cover and tur n SSB M rc GAl N knob clockwise.

• Substitute microphones .

• Set it to V F 0 .


Lamps wilt not light.

• Lamp is burnt out ..

• Replace ramp (or check wiring).


.. ,



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: .. ::: .. ~ .......

. , .'~.';~'

, _ .. .... , .... . -~

- ,.

\ ....

.. ' .. ~ ..

~~ ..

~ '.

jI.,: ' •

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