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Manganyi N T 200835938

1. Give one word to the following economic statements

(A) An additional utility that an individual gains from consuming one more
unit of product at a particular time.
(B) The ability of goods or service to satisfy a human want or desire.
(C) The quantity of goods bought at a given price and within a certain time
(D) The value of goods expressed in terms of money.
(E) Government sells off businesses thereby decreasing its share in the
2. Fill in the missing words
(A) The tax levied on domestically produced cigarettes is called________
(B) Tax ____________is the legal way of paying less income tax.
(C) The budget is laid before the ______________for final approval.
(D)The minister of finance ___________________delivered the budget
speech on February 2011.
(E) ______________is the most important source of energy in South Africa.

3. Read the following case study and summarize it in five lines paragraph, in
your paragraph the following words must be included and summarized in a
logical manner.
i. Unemployment
ii. Poverty
iii. Crime
iv. H.I.V and AIDS
v. Level of skills.
Unemployment in South Africa
There are lots of people in South Africa who are willing and able to
work who cannot find employment. A high level of unemployment
has economic and social implications, from an economic point of
view; the unemployment rate in South Africa remains one of the key
measures of the economy’s performance, and however social
significance of unemployment is that it is a key variable in alleviating
poverty. With high level of unemployment it will be difficult to
alleviate poverty and crime. The highest unemployment rate occurs
among Africans because of their low level of skills. Unemployment
leads to poverty and hardships due to a decline in income, today
AIDS also have a negative impact on the economy as people will
always be absent at work due to this unhealed kind of the disease.

Measures to combat unemployment

 Government should encourage small business development.
 Unemployed people should be trained, to prepare them for
future job opportunities
 Children must be encouraged not only to find work, but also to
run their own business in the future.
 More capital investment, which will create jobs.
 Greater competitiveness globally.
 Increased productivity of factors of production.
 A development programme restricting population growth
could help to reduce some unemployment problems.

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