(I) - Executive Summary

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Dictatorship and democracy are two main players in the political establishment of
Pakistan. Both got their good share in the span of time experience by Pakistan and
its public. Both gone through with their periods rain and shine Ups and downs and
perhaps with every bit of trauma that one can imagine. Positives were and are
always there for both form of government but somehow dictatorship on the contrary
proved to be vital in the establishment of the economy and democracy unlikely
lagged behind as in comparison. Let us begin with democracy as famously said by
the great American President in Gettysburg Address, Which however not only
changed the form of Governments but also proved to be a masterstroke a
personality known genius personified.

Abraham Lincoln said “Democracy is a form of government which Is of the people,

for the people, by the people” it remains one of the most memorable words carved in
history perhaps can easily be called the water shed.

Dictatorship is perhaps one of the main players in the political establishment of

Pakistan and can be defined as an autocratic form of government in which the
government is ruled by an individual , Dictatorship origins goes back to the Roman
era where roman dictator was the incumbent of a political office of the roman
republic , according to some scholars dictatorship is a form of government that has
the power to govern without consent of those who are governed the main role of
dictatorship in the world`s state of the affairs came in 1930s , 40s and to some part
of 50s where the likes of Adolf Hitler , Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin Stolen
their countries politics with their iron fisted politics or can be called leadership , This
was just a light flashback of Dictatorship and a brief history ,

But let us examine the effects of Dictatorship and Democracy on Pakistan economy,
Most importantly the Economic effects as the dictatorship receives more and more
International Aids not to mention from Parent Donor United States of America, and
even yet we find ourselves in the deep hole of economic crisis why in the presence
of all the aids and International helps, Our economy still suffers
Ever Since 1947 , Army has been one of the main players in Pakistan Economy take
it Liaquat Ali Khan or Muhammad Ali Bogra they all were even in the stand of Army.
Ever Since the Arrival of Iskandar Mirza army consolidated their ground and went to
be a reckoning force in the politics of Pakistan.

On the other hand democracy has not been given more chance to grow in Pakistan.
Due to which we do not see any clear growth in democracy. AIDs in democracy are
cut down which infect is a major problem due to which economic conditions are

Let us Discuss how our economic position changed with the arrival of dictatorship
and what effects did we had.

 The Economy began to rise and also the GDP consolidated due to the aids
and country flourished at the beginning of 60s till the end. Ayub stated new
policies and strived on military based regime to control the administration of
the country and somehow proved to have very good results on that count.

 In 50s Country has all sort of problems from Production to textile to

transportation as we were newly appeared country on the map of the world,
The Teething problems had its tool on the government of Pakistan.

 When the power shifted from Ayub Khan to Yahiya, This is where the whole
problem occurred for the country, Inflation increased and reached to an
alarming count of 7% percent in the span of an year, at the same time the
crisis shroud in East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) and to make bad things
worse the budget was inappropriate located by the government, Not looking
into the needs of East Pakistan which was devastated by the cyclone.

 After the Indo- Pak War of 1971 which we lost ghastly , The Economy has
fallen down to all places and with the Leadership of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto country
saw a little ray of hope as he strived on nationalization policies which never
went well , in the Elite class of Pakistan.[ CITATION Daw \l 1033 ]
We are using qualitative technique to research on our topic as it is based on past
data and some factual information provided in different articles and research which
are very useful for our project. We use internet for this purpose and study the
detailed history of Pakistan, different eras of democracy and dictatorship to make a
clear analysis of our topic.

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