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Nonalyn Astromiňada BABA

Why the Church Against the RH Bill?

“Life is a gift of God”. It is best explains to the idea of what life is. We all
know that we are a Christian country and in fact, we are one of the countries where
abortuon is not legalized. It becomes one of the hottest issues of todays. The
government is now facing to the issue of how to preserve life. Both parties debating for
what is right and morally good. This specific bill called the RH ( Repoductive Health ) Bill
which is not anymore called but change it into “Responsible Parenthood”, is being
protest by the party which is against the bill. It is still in the process of pursuing in the
congress to become a law. Why is it the church strongly disagree or contradict to this
bill? What might its effect to us people?

In the church teachings, as Christians we do, act and live according to the
teachings of our Catholic Faith that guides us to become authentically human by
following Christ who is “the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE”. This bill disturbs our moral
order, our relationship with ourselves, others and God because of the sin that we might
commit. It disobey to the rule of God that should not kill. It is an act that offends the
Divine charity.

Life must be respected and protected from the moment of conceptions to

its natural death. Christians are pro-life God is the author of life which only the man is
the custodian. Must take care of that life that has been given.

As a Christian and citizen of this country I am against of the RH Bill

because I think, this is not only the solution to prevent poverty. If we allow this to be
passed as law, we allow also to violate life and also God as the source of all living.

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