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ALGEBRA (Ph D. Version) Inst.ruct.ions to the studenn

a Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a glade from 0 to 10.

b Use a different booklet for WXt question, "Write the problem number and youi code number (not your name) on the outside oftbe booklet,

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet,

-- .

L Let P and q be distinct primes witb q == 1 (mod p) _ TAt r: be an integer with 1,r? == I (mod q)_ Suppose G is the group of order p2q generated by .x MId y with relations

(a) Sbow that G has a unique subgroup N of order q (b) Show that G /N is cyclic.

(c) Show that G contains a unique subgroup H of orderpe.

2,. Let 11 ;:: 1 and let T be an n x 'fl real matrix Let T* be the transpose of T, Both T and T' give linear transformations En -"--lo R" _ Let Bl be a basis of the nullspace of T and let B2 be a, basis of the imege of T*

(a.) Show that if b1 E Bl and b2 E B2, then hl .. ba = 0 (where denotes the standard dot. product) .

(b) Show that BI U B2 forms a basis of R",

3 .. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 and lei; M be an R-module We say that M is divisible if, for each nonzero r' E R, the map M -"--->}.II given by multiplication by T is surjective ..

Ca.) Show that if R is' a principal ideal domain that is not a field and if M is nonzero and finitely generated then M is not divisible.

(b) Let A be an abelian group The I;I'OUP of Z-holllomorphisms Hom{M, A) can be made into an R-mod"Ule by defining (np)(m) = ¢(rm) for-all T' E R, rn EM, and 1> E Hom(M, A) Show that M is divisible if and only if Hom(M,A) is a-toI'siou~ftee R-module for all abelian groups A. (Note: "torsion-free" means that nl> = 0 if 1\Od only if either l' = 0 or 1> =- 0) (Hint:' the natural map M -"--lo lvI/1'M might be uaeful.)

4" Let R be a commutative ring with L IT II,' ., .L; are ideals of R,the product J_,_I2· . I",. is the ideal of R generated by all products of the form jli2 .. '1" with ,j; E Ii

(a) Let Mbe a maximalideal ofE and suppose IJ, .L; ale ideals ofRsuch that I1h·" InC;;: iIII, Show that h ~ M for some k

i !-



(b) Suppose tb.."tt R satisfies the descending chain condition; that is, if 11 ~ h ~ is a descending chain of ideals then 1m = ImH =. .. for some m, or equivalently every nonempty collection of ideals contains an ideal minimal for f;ha:1; seL Show that R contains only finitely- many maximal ideals. (.T:h:nt;· Look .it the set of products Ml M2 - My. of maximal ideals.) (No·tee You. may not quote theorems about Artmien rings.)

5" Let p be a prime and let K be a subfield of the complex numbers containing a primitive p-th root of unity. Let a, b E K and let a, f3 E C he such that OF ,,= a and !?' = b Assume that [K(a:,,8) : Rl = p2

(a) Show that Gal(K(a., P)! K) ':::.. Z!pZ ffi ZlpZ

(b) Show that ZlpZ $ ZlpZ has exactly p + 1 subgroups of order p (c) Show that the fields

Kea) , ](ap) , _. ,K(a{'iP-J), J«P)

are disti net.

(d) Sho_w that each subextension of K(a,p)!K of degree p over K is one of the fields listed in part (c).

6. Let C be a finite group and let Xl, _ ... ,Xn be the irreducible characters (over the complex numbers) of G. Suppose ml, _ .. ,1nn are integers and let

Suppose that X(g) E {---'-I, 0, I} for all g E G ..

(a) Show that either X is identically 0 or X = ±Xi for some i (that is; either X is 0 01 it is ± au irreducible character).

(b) Show that if X is not identically a then either X 01' -X is a homomorphism from G to the multiplicative group {I, -I}


j r










ALGEBRA (PhD Version) Instructtons to the student

a Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10.

b Use a different booklet fOI each question Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet

L Let p < q be distinct primes with q =.j. 1 (mod p). (a) Show that every group of Older pq is cyclic.

(b) Let G be a group and let H be a subgroup of the center of G Suppose that G j H is t cyclic Show that G is abelian.

(c) Let r be a prime distinct from p and q, and let G be a nonabelian group of order pqr ..

Show that the center of G has Older 1, p, or q

2 .. Let V be a finite dimensional complex vector space and let W be a subspace. Let T be a linear transformation of V such that T(W) ~ W Let m(X) be the minimal polynomial of T on V and let ml eX) and mdX) be the minimal polynomials ofthe linear transformations induced by Ton Wand VjW, respectively

(a) Show that mr(X) divides m(X) and that m2(X) divides m(X).. (b) Show that m(X) divides ml(X)m2(X},

(c) Show that ifml(X) and m2(X) are relatively prime then m(X) = ml(X)m2(X) (d) Give an example where m(X) f. ml(X)m2(X)

3 .. Let R be an integral domain and let K be its field of fractions For a prime ideal M of R,

define the ling .

RM = {T/S E K I I, 8 E R, 8 (j. M}.

:-_. (a) Let M be a maximal ideal Show that RM has a unique maximal ideal (b) Show that



where M runs through all maximal ideals of R (Hint: For a E K, look at the ideal I = {x E R I xa E R} Warning:' Do not write about the denominator of 0:; since R is not necessarily a UFD, there might not be a unique denominator}

4 .. Recall that a module I is injective if it satisfies the following condition: Whenever f : A '-+ B is an injective homomorphism of R-modules and p : A '-+ I is a homomorphism, then there exists a homomorphism h : B '-+ I such that hf = p.



(a) Show that if 0 ---+ I --+ M --+ N --+ 0 is an exact sequence of modules with I injective, then M c::: IEfJ N.

(b) Suppose that we have a diagram of modules

where the lOW is exact and where I is an injective module, Moreover, suppose a and I are injective homomorphisms Show that there exists a module M, homomorphisms 1', s, and an injection j3 such that the following diagram has exact lOWS and columns and commutes:


5" Let n E Z and let feX) = X3 - nX2_ en + 3)X _. 1. (a) Show that leX) is irreducible in Q[X].

(b) Show that if p is a root of leX), then -1/(1 + p) is aroot of t(X) (c) Let K be the splitting field of feX) Show that Gal(K/Q) c::: Z/3Z.

6 .. The following is the character table of a group G:

Xl 1 1 1 1 1
X2 3 0 (1 + v's)/2 (1- v's)/2 -1
X3 3 0 (1- ·';5)/2 (1 + v's)/2 .1:
X4 4 1 -1 -1 0
X5 5 y 0 0 1 ( a) The sizes of the conjugacy classes are as follows:

lIt = 1, III! = 20, IIIII = 12, IIVI = 12, lVl = z .

Find z ..

(b) Compute the entries 1: and y in the character table .. (c) Show that G is not a solvable group


ALGEBRA (Ph D Version) Instructions to the student

a Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10

b Use a different booklet for each question. Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

L Let G be a group of order 2mk with k odd and with m :2: 1. Assume that G contains an element 9 of order 2m

(a) Multiplication by x E G gives a permutation 11"", of the elements of G, as in Cayley's theorem. Show that 1fg is an odd permutation (where 9 is the element of order 2m).

(b) Let H be the subgroup of h E G such that 1fh is an even permutation Show that IHI =' 2m-1k and that H contains an element of order 2m-1

(c) Show that G coritains a subgroup of order k (Hint Use induction)

2. Let M be an n x n complex matrix arid let I be the n x n identity matrix. Show that M is diagonalizable if and only if the rank of xl - M equals the rank of (xl - M)2 for all x E C

3 .. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 and let

o .~ A _., B _., C _., 0

be an exact sequence of R-modules.

(a) Show that if C is free and B is finitely generated, then A is finitely generated.

(b) Given an example of A, B, C with B finitely generated but C not free such that A is not finitely generated .. (Hint: Let R be a non-Noetherian ring)


4. A commutative Artinian ring R is a commutative ring with 1 that satisfies the descending chain condition; that is, if

is a descending sequence of ideals, then In = In+l for some n

(a) Suppose that R is an Artinian integral domain Show that R is a field (Hint Consider the ideals (an»

(b) Let P be a prime ideal in a commutative Artinian ring. Show that P is maximal



5 .. Let a E C be a complex number that is algebraic over Q Let I(X) E Q[X] be the minimal polynomial of a. Let va denote one of the square roots of a and let g(X) E Q[X] be the minimal polynomial of va

(a) Show that deg [(X) divides degg(X)

(b) Show that va E Q(o:) if and only if f(X2) E iQl[X] is reducible.

6. Let G be a finite group and let R = qG] be the group ring of G with complex coefficients We may I egar d R as a complex vector space of dimension equal to the or der of G. Consider the representations Pi : G -4 GL(R), i = 1,2,3, defined by

Pl(g)(r) = g7g-1,

p2Cg){r) = gr,

ps(g)(r) = rg-1,

where 9 E G and T E R

(a) Show that the representations P2 and Ps ate equivalent (b) Show that PI is equivalent to P2 if and only if G is trivial

L Let G = I1p ZjpZ, where the product is over all prime numbers, so G = {(X2, X3, X5, ) I xp E

Z/pZ} Let H = $pZjpZ = {(X2, X3, Xs, ) E G I xp = 0 for all but finitely many p}

(a) Show that H is the torsion subgroup of G That is, H is the set of elements in G of finite order

(b) Let x E G and let n =1= 0 be an integer Show that there exists y E G such that x-ny E H. (c) Let ¢: GjH -> G be a homomorphism. Show that if; = 0

(d) Show that G 7: H $ (G / H)


ALGEBRA (PhD Version) Instructions to the student

a Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10

b Use a different booklet for each question. Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c. Keep scratch walk on separate pages in the same booklet.

2., Let P be an n x n complex matrix such that p2 = P (a) Describe the Jordan canonical form of P

(b) Show that en = Ker P $ Im P

(c) Suppose M is an n x ti complex matrix such that M(Ker P) ~ Ker P and 1II£(Im P) S;; ImP Show that MP = PM

3, Let R be a commutative ring with 1 Let M be a Noetherian R-module Let I = {r E R I rm = 0 for all m E M} Show that Rj I is a Noetherian R-module (Hint. Consider the

map T f-} (1 ml,. , r mn) E M" for suitable ml, ,mn E M )

4, Let R be a commutative ling with 1 Let N be the set of nilpotent elements of R (that is, the set of r E R such that Tn = 0 for some ri 2:: 1) Prove that the following are equivalent:

(a) RjJV is a field.

(b) Every element of R is either a unit 01 nilpotent.

(c) N is a prime ideal and it is the only prime ideal of R

5. Let Lj K be a Galois extension of fields and suppose G = Gal(L/ K) has order pq, where p, q are primes with p < q

(a) Show that if f(X) E K[X] has degree p, then L is not the splitting field of jeX)

(b) Suppose that Gis nonabelian .. Show that there is a polynomial g(X) E K[X] of degree q such that L is the splitting field of g(X)

6,. Let 83 be the group of permutations of 3 objects Lot p be the irreducible two-dimensional complex representation of 83 determined by


p((l, 2)) = G ~), p((l, 2, 3)) = (~ =D

Define a four-dimensional representation p of 83 on C2 0 C2 by p(g)(v 0 w) = (p(g)v) 09 (p(g)w)

Determine the decomposition of the character of p into irreducible characters of 83



ALGEBRA (Ph .. D Version) Instructions to the student

a. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade nom 0 to 10.

b. Use a different booklet fOI each question. Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet.

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

L Let 8n denote the group of permutations of n objects and let An be the subgroup of even permutations. It is known that An is simple when n :::: 5 and that if He 8n is a simple group with IHI > 2 then H ~ An.

(a) (2 points) Let ¢ : A6 ~ 84 be a homomorphism. Show that ¢ is trivial. (b) (3 points) Show that there is no subgroup G of A6 with [A6 : G] = 4

(c) (2 points) Let G be a group of order 90 with no normal subgroups of order 5 Show that there is a nontrivial homomorphism G -+ 86. (Hint: How many Sylow 5-subgIOUpS does G have?)

(d) (3 points) Show that a gIOUp of order 90 cannot be simple

2. Let n :::: 1 and let M be an n x n complex matrix. Let I be the n x n identity matrix Show that det(I - aM) = 1 for all a E C if and only if M" = 0

3. Let R be a principal ideal domain (PID).

(a) (6 points) Show that all nonzero prime ideals of R are maximal ideals.

(b) (4 points) Let S be an integr al domain that is not a field. Suppose that ther e is a surjective ring homomorphism ¢ : R ~ S Show that ¢ is an isomorphism. (Note: an integral domain is not allowed to be the zero ling)

f(a) feb)

a b

(b) (4 points) Define an R-module homomorphism 9 : R ~ F such that g(a) = lea) for all a E I (so 9 extends f to R). (Note don't forget the case I = 0)

(c) (3 points) It can be shown that F is an injective R-module. Use this fact to prove the existence of the map 9 found in part (b)

4. Let R be an integral domain contained in a field F Let I be an ideal of R.. Then I and F are R-modules. Let [: I ~ F be an R-module homomorphism

(a) (3 points) Show that if 0 -=f=. a, b e I then

5 .. Let ( be a primitive 7th root of unity in C and let K = Q(O· You may use the fact that ( is a root of the ill educible polynomial <p(X) = X6 + X5 + X4 + X3 + X2 + X + 1 E Q[XJ Let 0:: = ( + (2 + (4

(a) (3 points) Show that any subset of {1,(,(2,C,(4,(5,(6} with 6 elements is linearly


independent over Q

(b) (3 points) Find a generator of Gal(K/Q) and describe it explicitly (c) (4 points) Show that [Q(a) : QJ = 2

6. The Klein 4-group V4 is given by {I, a, b, ab}, where a2 = b2 = 1 and ab = ba (a) Find the character table of V4

(b) Consider the complex 2-dimensional representation p of V4 determined by

Find the decomposition of the char acter of pinto in educible characters.



ALGEBRA (Ph,D., Version) Instructions to the student

a, Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10

b. Use a different booklet for each question, Write the problem number and your code number (not yOUI' name) on the outside ofthe booklet,

c Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

1, Let G be a finite group and let H, K be subgroups of G Suppose that fG : H] = m and [G : K1 = n:

(a) Show that if H is normal in G then [G: H n KJ divides mn ..

(b) Let S5 be the group of permutations of 5 objects and let A5 the subgroup of even permutations" Show that A5 is the only subgroup of S5 of index 2

(c) Suppose that X is a set with 5 elements and that A5 acts on X (so this gives a homomorphism from A5 to S5) Let x E X and let H = {g E A51 gx = x}" Show that either H = A5 or H ~ A4 '

2 .. Let n ? 1 and let I(X) and g(X) be monic polynomials with complex coefficients, Assume that g(X) has degree n, that leX) divides g(X) and that every root of 9 is a root of .f, Show that there is a linear transformation of en with minimal polynomial leX) and characteristic polynomial g(X) ,

3,. Let R be a ring with 1 Suppose that {Ij hEJ is a linearly ordered family of ideals of R (where J is some index set). This means that, given Ih and Iia in the family, either Ih <; IJ2 01' Ij2 ~ I11" Let I = u, El Ij"

(a) Show that I is an ideal of R

(b) Show that if each Ij is not finitely generated, then UjE1Ij is not finitely generated"

(c) Suppose that R is not Noetherian, Use Zorn's Lemma to show that there is an ideal X of R that is not finitely generated and such that whenever Xl is an ideal with K <; Xl then K, is finitely generated (that is, K is maximal among ideals that ale not finitely generated),

4. Let R be a commutative ling with 1, Let M be an R-module and let o - A - B _ C - 0 be an exact sequence of R-modules It is known that


is always exact (where ® denotes 0R) IfA0M -e+ B0M is an injection for all such exact sequences 0 -)0 A - B - C -)0 0, then M is said to be fiat Suppose that 0 - IVII - M2 - M - 0 is an exact sequence of


R-modules. Let N be an R-module, This problem will show that if Mis flat then

0---+ Mr 0 N ---+ Mz 0 N ---+ M 0 N ---+ 0

is exact This only requires showing that M10N ---+ Mz0N is an injection. (a) Show that a free module is fiat,

(b) Write N = F/K, where F is free, Use the diagram



Ml 0 K --+ Mz 0 K ---+ M 0 K '-------+ 0

1. 1 1

0-7 Ml 0F --t Mz 0 F --7 M 0 F ----+ 0

.1 1 1

Ml 0 N ----+ Mz 0 N --+ M 0 N '-------+ 0





to show that Ml 0 N - Mz 0 N is an injection when M is fiat.

5 .. Let L/ K be a Galois extension of fields such that Gal(L/ K) is cyclic of order n, generated by (T" Write n = ab with gcd(a, b) = 1 Let FI be the fixed field of o" and Fz be the fixed field of a", Wl'ite Fl = RCa) and F2 = K(fJ) ,

(a) Show that (Taj acts trivially on a + fJ if and only if 7 =; 0 (mod b), (b) Show that b divides the Older of Ga1(K(a+fJ)/ K) (and, by symmetry, a also divides this order)

(c) Show that L = K(a + fJ)

6" The group A4 of even permutations of 4 objects acts on 1[:4 by permuting the elements of the standard basis {ei. '" e41:

where ai E 1[:. This gives a four-dimensional representation p of A4'

(a) Show that the trivial representation occurs exactly once as asubrepresentation of p,

(b) Show that p is the sum of the trivial representation and a 3-dimensional irred ucible representation,

(Note,: You may use the fact that the four conjugacy classes of ~ are {I}, three products of two disjoint 2-cycles, and two sets of four 3-cyeles)



• August 2007

ALGEBRA (Ph.D. Version)

Instructions to the student

a. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to In.

" b Use a different booklet for each question .. Write the problem number and your

code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet.

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet ..

1" Let Bn be the group of' permutations of n objects (call them 1; 2/ .... , n) .. A group G is called a transitive permutation group of degree n if G is isomorphic to a subgroup r of Sn, and whenever 1 <i,j_50 n, thereexists 9 E r such that g(i) = j ..

(a) (2 points) Suppose that G is a transitive permutation group of degree n .. Regard G as a subgroup of Bn. For 1 < i ~ ii, let G, be the set of elements of G fixing i. Show that for each i,j, the groups Gi and Gj are conjugate (that is, there exists 9 E G such

_ -1 .

that Gi - gG)g ).

(b) (1 point) Show that G1 n G2 n· ... n Gn = {ll.

(c) (3 points) Suppose K ~ G1 and K is normal in G. Show that K = {ll.

(d) (4 points) Let A be a group containing a subgroup H of index n. Suppose that K = {I} is the only subgroup K ~ H such that K is normal in A Show that A is a transitive permutation group of degree n:

2. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over C and let T be a linear transformation of v.. Let W be a subspace of V such that T(W) ~ W (this implies that T gives welldefined linear transformations of Wand V/W, which we denote by Tw and TVjw)" (a) (3 points) Show that n-ace(T) = n"ace(Tw) + Trace(Tvjw)'. (The trace is the sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix representing the linear transformation.)

(b) (2 points) Show that if Tw and Tvjw are nilpotent (that is, some power is the

O~traIlSfOl'mation), then T is nilpotent. "

(c) (2 points) Suppose Tr ace (Tm ) = 0 for all m ?: L Show that the nullspace of T is non-trivial .. (Hint.: use the Cayley-Hamilton theorem)

(d) (3 points) Suppose Trace(Tm) = 0 for all m > L Show that T is nilpotent

3. Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Recall that an R-module P is a projective if whenever f : M --+ P is a surjective homomorphism of R-modules, there is an Rmodule homomorphism 9 : P -+ M such that .f 0 9 is the identity map oil P.

(a) Show that an R-module P is finitely generated projective if and only if there is a finitely generated free module F and an R-module Pl such that F ~ P EEl Fl ..

(b) Let P* = HomR(P, R) be the set of R-module homomorphisms from P to R: We can make P* into an R-module by defining (np)(p) = r(¢(j;)) for all r E R,P E P, ¢ E F* Show that if P is a finitely generated projective module then P* is projective.

4. (a) (3 points) Let R be a commutative ring with 1. An element r: E R s called nilpotent if r" --:- 0 for some integer n > L Show that the nilpotent elements of R form an ideal. (b) ( 3 points) Let R be a commutative ring with 1 such that every zero divisor is


nilpotent. Show that the set of all nilpotent elements of R is a prime ideal of R.

(c)' (4 points) Find all polynomials f (x) E C[ x j such that C [x] / (f (x» has the property that all ZeIO divisors are nilpotent ..

5 .. Let L/K be a Galois extension of fields such that Gal(L/K) ,.._, Sn, the group of permutations of n elements. Let leX) E K[X] be an irreducible polynomial of degree

ri whose splitting field is L.. Let 0:1, .... , ; an be the roots of f in L. .

(a) Show that the fields K(al), .. , .'" K(Ctn) are distinct.

(b) Suppose (J' E Gal(L/k) is such that O"(K(Ol) = E(al)" Show that 0" acts as the identity on K(al)'

6 .. Let G be a finite group and let p: G -+ GLn(C) be a group representation of G.. Let S be the set of matrices M such that Mp(g):- p(g)M for all 9 E G.

(a) Show that ifp is irreducible then SeontainB only the scalar matrices, (Note:

-what you are proving is a version of Schur's Lemma, so you may not quote that result. However, you may use the result that a (square) complex matrix has a nonzero eigenspace .. )

(b) Show that if S co~tairi.s only the scalar matrices then p is irreducible.


ALGEBRA (Ph.D. Version)

Instructions to the student

a. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10

b. lYse a different booklet for each question Write the problem number and your

code number (not your namejontha outside of the booklet .

c. Keep scratch work on' separate pages in the same booklet.

L Let (ihe anQil~abelian group withexactly3elements of~rder2;canthema, b.c.

Ass~'ethat Gis generatedby] a,b, c}. LetZ be the ~eilter of' G.. Let S~be the

gl'OUP of permutations or3 objects. .' .

(a) show that there is an injective homomorphism G/t .-c4 53.

(b) Show that the cosets Z, aZ, bZ, cZ are distinct (Hint Usethe fact that G is non-abelian.)

(c) Show that G/Z ~ 83,

2. LetM bean n»: t» matrix with complex entries such that M equals the transpose of its complex conjugate: M= MT Let (v, w) = v· W - vT ill be the standard inner product on columnvectors v, ill E en.

(a) Show that .(Mv, w)= (v, Mw) for all v, wEen

(b) Let V be a subspace of en. Let N: V --7 V be a linear transformation of V such that (NVhV2) = (VI) NV2) for all VI, V2 E V Let W be a subspace of V and let Wl - {v E VI (v,w) = 0 for all W E W}. Suppose N(W) ~ W. Show that

N(WJ.).~ WJ... .

(c) Show that M is diagonalizable.

3. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 and letrn, n be non-negative 'integers. Let t : Rm -4 R" be a surjective homomorphism of R-modllles Let K = Keret),·

(a) Show that Rfn ~ Rn tIJK.. .

(b) Show that K is finitely generated. (Hint: Construct a surjectionfrom Rk to K

for some k ,) .

(c) Show that if R is a principal ideal domain then K ~ Rm~n.

4. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 and let P be a primeideal ofR .. Let

J anuary 2007




I.' . {an + aIX+·· .. + anXTI E R[X] I a; E PfOlall i}. (a) Show that I is a prime ideal of R[XJ ..

(b) Show that I is not a maximalideal ofR[X].


5, Let LIK be a Gaiois extension of degree 11, and assume that Gal(LIK) is cyclic, generated by (7 We can regard the field L as a vector space over the fieldK

(a) Show that (7 : L --+ L is a linear transfomiation ofL as a vector space ~verK. (b)Let d be a positive integer that is a divisor of n,'Find the dimension of Ker( (7d_ J), where I is the identity map on L.,'

~ .

6. Let G be a finite group and let H be a, subgroup of index 2.. Suppose thatthere is an element goE G of order 2 such that ,go (j jJ Let jJ : H --+ CLn(rC) be an irreducible representation oiH. Define the representation Pl (h,) = p(gohgol) for h E H: Suppose

that there exists A E CLn Ctp) such th~t . .

forall h E H"

(a) Show that A2p(h) . p(h)A2 for all hE H.

(b) Show that there exists cE CX such that A2 = el, where I is the n x n identity matrix

(c) Let B = AI yC (take either choice of square root)" Define jj: G --+ G Ln (C) by

jj(h) = p(h) for h E H, jj(goh) ,', Bp(h) for h E H Show that j5 is a representation of G..



ALGEBRA (Ph,D., Version) Instructions to the student

a, Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10,

b. Use a different booklet for each question, Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet,

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet,

1.. In parts (a), (c), and (d), G is a finite group of odd order,

(a) (3 points) Show that every conjugacy class of G contains an odd number of elements"

(b) (2 points) Let H be an arbitrary group and let 0 be a conjugacy class in H Suppose that, for some hE 0, we also have h-I E 0 Show that for all x EO, we also have X-I E C. ( c) (3 points) Let 9 E G with 9 not equal to the identity element Show that 9 is not conjugate to g-l

( d) (2 points) Let k be the number of conjugacy classes of G, Show that k == 1 GI (mod 4), (Hint; If ct, Cj are odd integers, then 1 + 2Cl +, ,+ 2cj == 1 + 2} (mod 4) )

I(X)mr (X) + g(X)m2(X) = L

2" Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over some field and let A be a linear transformation from. Vto V Let m(X) be the minimal polynomial of A and suppose m(X) = ml(X)mz(X) where ml and m2 are relatively prime, so there exist polynomials f and 9 such that

Let Wi = Ker(mi(A))

(a) (3 points) Show that W2 = Im(ml(A»), the image of the linear transformation ml(A) (Of course, the same proof yields that WI = Im(m2(A) )

(b) (3 points) Show that V = WI ED Wz (Note This is an internal direct sum, not just an isomorphism, Do not show' only that V is isomorphic to the db ect sum of WI and a space isomorphic to W2,.)

(c) (1 point) Show that A maps WI to WI'

(d) (3 points) Show that ml (X) is therninimal polynomial of A restricted to WI,

3, Let R be an integr al domain,

(a) (5 points) Suppose that every finitely generated R-module is free Show that R is a field, (b) (5 points) Suppose that R is Noetherian and that every finitely generated B.-module with no R-torsion is free Show that R is a principal ideal domain

4,; Recall that a module P is projective ifit satisfies the following condition: Whenever I : A ---+ B is a. surjective homomorphism of R-rnodules and p : P ---+ B is a homomorphism, then there

exists a homomorphism h : P ---+ A such that [b = p. .

(a) (3 points) Show that the direct sum of two projective modules is projective


(b) (7 points) Suppose that we have a diagram of modules

Pl P2

l~ 17


1 1



where the row is exact, where PI and P2 are projective, and where 0; and I are surjective. Show that there exists a projective module P, homomorphisms 7' and 5, and a surjection fJ such that the following diagram has exact rows and commutes:




You should prove that the top IOW Isexact, that the diagram commutes, and thatj3 is surjective

5 .. Let leX) E Q[X] be in educible of degree p, where p is prime Let L be the splitting field of f and suppose that there are roots a,fJ of f such that L = Q(o;,fJ) .. Let G = Gal(L/Q), which we regard as a subgroup of Sp, the group of permutations ofp objects

(a) (2 points) Show that IGI <::: pep - 1).

(b) (2 points) Show that G contains an element of order p. Explain where you are using the fact that p is prime

(c) (2 points) Show that G contains a p-cycle 7L Explain where you are using the fact that p is prime

(d) (2 points) Show that the subgroup (If) of G generated by If is a normal subgroup of G. (e) (2 points) Show that G/(7r) is cyclic of order dividingp-l. You may usewithoutproof the following (well known and/or easily proved) facts: the only elements in Sp that commute with 7r are powers of zr, and the automorphism group of the cyclic group of order p is cyclic of order p - L

(Remark: This shows that G is solvable. Galois also-proved the converse that if G is solvable for an.irreducible polynomial of prime degree, then the splitting field can be generated by two roots. )

6 .. Let A4, the group of even permutations of 4 objects, act on C4 by permuting the entries of the vectors. For example, the 3-cycle (1,2,4) maps the vector (a, b, c, d) to Cd, a, c, b) This yields a representation p: A4 ~ GL4(C).

(a) (3 points) Show that p contains the trivial representation as a subrepresentation.

(b) (7 points) Show that p is the sum of two irreducible.representations (Note A4 contains the identity, eight 3-cycles, and three products of two disjoint 2-cycles) (Hint; A character is irreducible if and only if its inner product with itself is 1)



ALGEBRA (Ph, D., Version)

Instructions to the student

a" Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10,

b. Use a different booklet for each question" Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

1. Let G be a group of order 168 = 3 8,7, and assume that G has no nontrivial normal subgroups"

(a) Show that G has eight Sylow 7-subgroups,

(b) Let H be a Sylow 7-subgroup of G and let Nc(H) = {g E G! gHg-I = H}, Show that !Nc (H) ! = 21.

(c) Show that G has no subgroup of order 14" (Hint: There is no element of order 2 in NG(H},)

2. Let A and B be linear transformations from en to en, Let NA and NB be the nullspaces of A and B,

(a) Show that if NA n NB =I- 0, then det(xA -_ B) = 0 for all complex numbers z.

(b) Assume A and Bare diagonalizable and AB = BA. Suppose that det(xA-B) = 0 for all complex numbers z. Show that NA nNB =I- 0 (You may use without proof the well-known fact that there is a basis for which both A and B are diagonaL)

3. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 If PI, ,Pn are ideals of R, the product PI' '" Pn is defined to be the ideal of R generated by products PI' "Pn with Pi E Pi for all i. An empty product of ideals is defined to be the ring R,

(a) Let I =I- R be an ideal of R and suppose that I does not contain any nonzero prime ideals and does not contain any products of nonzero prime ideals" Moreover, assume that for each ideal J :::) I with J =I- I, there is a product of nonzero prime ideals contained in J (a product is allowed to be empty or contain only one factor), Show that I is a prime ideal (hence contains a prime, namely I), and therefore 1=0" (b) Assume that R is Noetherian" Show that every nonzero ideal I =I- R contains a product of nonzero prime ideals"

4. (a) Give an element of]R2 @R ]R2 that is not of the form a @ b with a, s « R2" Justify your answer,

(b) Give an example of Z-modules A, B, OJ D such that there is an exact sequence o --* A --* B ---7 0 ---7 0, but such that the induced sequence 0 ---7 A @z D ---7 B @z D ---7 0 @z D --* ° is not exact, Justify your answer.

5. Let K be a field of characteristic 0, let n be a positive integer, and assume that K contains the nth roots of unity. Let X" -a E K[X] be anirreducible polynomial and let L be its splitting field"

(a) Show that Gal(LjK) ~ 7l.,/nZ,


(b) Let K ~ F ~ L. Show that there exists an integer d dividing n such that F = K(a1/d)

6. Let G be a finite group. Suppose that for each normal subgroup K =I=- 1 of G, the quotient group CIK is abelian .. Let p : G --+ GLn(C) be an irreducible representation of G with n > 1. Prove that pis injective.



ALGEBRA (MA .. Version)

Instructions to the student

a. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10.,

b. Use a different booklet for each question. Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet.

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

1. Let G be a group of order 168 = 3, 8 . 7, and assume that G has no nontrivial normal subgroups,

(a) Show that G has eight Sylow 7-subgroups.,

(b) Let H be a Sylow 7-subgroup of G and let NG(H) = {g E G I gHg-I = H}. Show that ING(H)[ = 21

(c) Show that G has no subgroup of order 14 (Hint.: There is no element of order 2 in NG(H) .. )

2. Let A and B be linear transformations from en to en Let NA and NB be the nullspaces of A and B.

(a) Show that if NAn N B =j:. 0, then det (xA - B) = 0 for all complex numbers z.

(b) Assume A and Bare diagonalizable and AB = BA, Suppose that det(xA-B) = 0 for all complex numbers x Show that NA nNB =J. 0.. (You may use without proof the well-known fact that there is a basis for which both A and B are diagonaL)

3. Let R be a commutative ring with 1. If Pl, .'" Pn are ideals of R, the product PI' ., Pn is defined to be the ideal of R generated by products PI' ,., Pn with Pi E Pi for all i, An empty product of ideals is defined to be the ring R.

(a) Let I =j:. R be an ideal of R and suppose that I does not contain any nonzero prime ideals and does not contain any products of nonzero prime ideals. Moreover, assume that for each ideal J =:> I with J =j:. I, there is a product of nonzero prime ideals contained in J (a product is allowed to be empty or contain only one factor), Show that I is a prime ideal (hence contains a prime, namely I), and-therefore 1=0. (b) Assume that R is Noetherian. Show that every nonzero ideal I =j:. R contains a product of nonzero prime ideals.

4.. Let A be a 6 x 6 complex matrix. Suppose that A 4 = 0 but A 3 =j:. 0" Find all possibilities for the Jordan canonical form of A.. Justify your answer.

5. Let m and n be positive integers Show that Hom(ZjmZ, ZjnZ) = 0 if and only if gcd(m, n) = L (Here, Hom means homormorphisms as abelian groups)"

6. Let G be a finite group of order pn, where p is prime and n 2: L

(a) Let y E G, Show that the set {gyg-l I 9 E G} has pm elements for some m 2: O. (b) Show that the center of G (that is, {g E G I gx = xg, Vx E G}) is nontrivial.



ALGEBRA (Ph,D. Version)

Instructions to the st udent

a, Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10

b. Use a different booklet for each question, Write the problem number and your code number' (not your name) on the outside of the booklet,

c Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

1, Let p be a prime number and let G be a group of or der pn for some ti 2: 1, Let G' be the commutator subgroup of G, You may assume without proof the fact that every subgroup of G of index p is normal

(a) Let H be a subgroup of G with [G : H] = p, Show that G' .;;;; H" (b) Let

Fc= n H


be the inter section of all subgroups of G of index p" Show that Fe is a normal subgroup of G and that G/Fc is an elementary abelian p-group (an elementary abelianp-group A is an abelian group such that aP = 1 for all a E A),

(c) Let A be an elementary abelian p-group" Show that FA = 1 (where FA, as in (b), is the intersection of all subgroups of A of index p)

(d) Let B be a normal subgroup of G such that G / E is an elementary abelian p-group Show that Fc .;;;; E,

2, Consider the following matrices in M4(C):

(0 0 0 0) (0 0

o 0 0 0 0 0

A= 0 0 0 0 ,E= 0 0

1 0 0 0 1 1

o 0) (0 0

o 0 0 0

00 ,C= 10

o 0 1 1

Show that A and E are similar but that A and C are not similar 3, Let R be a commutative ring with 1

(a) Let Q be a prime ideal of R and let h" " ,In be ideals of R such that

Show that h ~ Q for some k

(b) A prime ideal M is called a minimal pI ime if there are no prime ideals properly contained in M (for example, in Z, the only minimal prime is 0) Suppose there are prime ideals Pi, ' .P; of R such that




f ----+B



Show that if M is a minimal pr ime of R then M = Pi for some i,

(c) Let m. be a composite squarefree integer and let R = 21m'lL Show that R contains prime ideals PI, ... , Pn of R such that P, n P2 n,,·, n Pn = 0,

4" Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Suppose there is an exact sequence of R-modules

Let r, s E R be such that the ideal generated by T, S is R. Suppose that r A = sC = O. (a) Show that the map C --4 C given by C 1---+ TC is an isomorphism.

(b) Show that the restriction of 9 to rB gives an isomorphism rB :::::: C (c) Show that B :::::: A ffi C

5, Let LIK be a Galois extension of degree 15,

(a) Show that every sub extension FIK with K ~ F ~ L is normal.

(b) Suppose that f(X) E K[X] is irreducible and its splitting field is L Show that deg f(X) = 15

Xl 1 1 1 1 1
X2 1 -1 1 1 -1
X3 2 0 2 -1 0
XA 3 1 -1 0 -1
X5 3 A -1 0 1 6" A certain group G or Older 24 has the following character table:

(a) Find the value of A

(b) Show that the center of G is trivial i Hisit: What does Schur's Lemma tell you about the image of the center of G under an irreducible representation?)

( c) Show that G contains a normal subgroup H of index 2,

(d) Show that if KeG is a proper normal subgroup such that G / K is abelian, then K = H, where H is as in part (c), t Hint. If you have a representation of GI K, how can you get a representation of G?)



ALGEBRA (M .. A. Version)

Instructions to the student

a .. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade hom 0 to 10

b Use a different booklet for each question Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet

L Let p be a prime number and let G be a gIOUp of order pn f01 some ri ?: 1. Let G' be the commutator subgroup of G. You may assume without proof the fact that every subgr oup of G of index p is normal.

(a) Let H be a subgroup of G with [G: HJ = p Show that G' ~ H. (b) Let

Fc = ri H


be the intersection of all subgroups of G of index p Show that Fc is a normal subgroup of G and that G / Fc is an elementary abelian p-group (an elementary abelian p-group A is an abelian group such that aP = 1 for all a E A).

(c) Let A be an elementary abelian p-gmup. Show that FA = 1 (where FA, as in (b), is the intersection of all subgroups of A of index p) .

(d) Let B be a normal subgroup of G such that G/ B is an elementary abelian p-group. Show that Fc t:::: B.

2 .. Consider the following matrices in M4(C):

(0 0 0 0) (0 0

o ° 0 0 0 0

A= 0 0 0 0 ,B= 0 0

1 000 1 1

~ ~) C = (~ ~ ~

00' 100

o 0 110

Show that A and B are similar but that A and C are not similar

3. Let R be a commutative ring with 1.

(a) Let Q be a prime ideal of R and let h,· ,In be ideals of R such that

Show that t, ~ Q for some i:

(b) A prime ideal M is called a minimal prime if ther e are no prime ideals pr operly contained in M (for example, in Z, the only minimal prime is 0) Suppose there me

prime ideals Pi J • ,Pn of R such that








Show that if M is a minimal prime of R then M = Pi for some i ..

(c) Let m be a composite squarefree integer and let R = 7l/mZ Show that R contains prime ideals PI, .. , Pn of R such that PI n P2 n· .. n P; = O.

4. Let R be a commutative ring with 1 Suppose there is an exact sequence of R-modules

Let t , 5 E R be such that the ideal generated by r, s is R Suppose that rA = sC = O. (a) Show that the map C -). C given by C f---+ rc is an isomorphism.

(b) Show that the restriction of 9 to r B gives an isomorphism tB :::::: C.

5 .. Let p and q be odd primes with p < q and q 1=- 1 (mod p) Show that every gIOUp of order pq is cyclic.

6 .. Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces over C and let T : V -). W be a linear transformation. Show that there exists a linear transformation S: W -). V such that T S: W -). W is the identity map if and only if T is SUI jective



ALGEBRA (Ph..n. Version)

Instructions to the student

a .. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10.

b Use a different booklet for each question Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet.

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

1. (a) Let p be an odd prime and let G be a group of order 2p. Show that the set G2 = {x21 x E G} is a subgroup of G.

(b) Let A4 be the group of even permutations of 4 objects, Show that the set A~ = {xZ I x E A4} is not a subgroup of A4.

2 .. Let m and n be positive integers. Let V be the set of m x n matrices over rc and let W be the set of n x m matrices over C. Both V and Ware vector spaces of dimension mn over re. Let A E v .. Consider the linear functional on W:

cPA : W ---+ C, ¢A(B) = Trace(AB),

o ---+ A ---+ B

C ----7


where the trace of a square matrix is the sum of the diagonal elements .. (a) Show that if A =I=- 0 then cPA is not the zero map.

(b) Show that every linear functional on W is of the form cPA for some A E V

3. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring with 1 and let M be a non-zero R-module ..

If mE M, define the annihilator of rri to be Ann(m) = {r E R I rm -:- oj ..

(a) Suppose I is an ideal of R that is maximal among ideals that are annihilators of nonzero elements (that is, 1= Ann(m) for some 0. =I=- m E M, and if I ~ Ann(x) for some 0 =I=- x E M, then I = Ann(x» .. Show that I is a prime ideal.

(b) Let T E R and 0. =I=- m E M be such that rtri = O. Show that there exists a prime ideal P of R and a nonzero element x E M such that T E P and P = Ann( x) ..

4 .. Let A, B, C, D, E be modules over a ring R .. Suppose we have a commutative diagram


o ---+ D ---+ E ----+ C


---+ 0.

with exact rows.

(a) Show that D/f(A) is isomorphic to EJg(B) ..

(b) Suppose X ---+ Y ---+ Z ---+ 0. is an exact sequence of R-modules and that X and Z are finitely generated. Show that Y is finitely generated.

( c) Suppose that A and E are finitely generated. Show that D is finitely generated ..



N(r) =


5" Let p be an odd prime .. Let K be a field of characteristic 0 containing a nontrivial pth TOot of unity (.. Let a E K and assume a is not a pth power in K

(a) Let (3P = a and let L = K(f3) .. Show that L/ K is a Galois extension and that its degree is p. (Hint. To show the degree is p, explicitly show that any nontrivial automorphism in Gal(L/ K) has order p. Do not assume that the Galois group has order p, since this is what you are proving .. )

(b) If 'Y E L, let


Show that N(ry) E K .. (Note: N is the norm mapping You may not quote results about the norm to do this problem.)

(c) Show that N(f3) = Q,

(d) Show that f3 is not the pth power of an element in L (and therefore the polynomial XP - f3 is irreducible in L[X] , by the previous results).


(e) Show that XP - a is irreducible in K[X].

6. Let V be a vector space over C of dimension n and let {f3I, ..... ,f3n} be a basis of v..

The group 8n acts on V by permuting the basis elements:

n! = L Fix(n}.


This gives a representation p of Sn

(a) Show that the trivial representation occurs exactly once in p. (Hint:· What are the fixed vectors?)

(b) Let Fix(1t-) be the number of elements of {I, 2, ..... ,n} fixed by the permutation 11". Show that

(Note: This is a special case of what is known as Burnside's Lemma. You may not simply deduce the present result from Burnside's Lemma.)



ALGEBRA (Ph .. D.. Version)

Instructions to the student

a. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10.

b. Use a different booklet for each question .. Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

L (a) Suppose that A is a subgroup of a group B with [B: AJ = 2. Let C be a subgroup of B of odd order. Show that C ~ A

(b) Let G be a finite group and suppose that there exist subgroups

with [Gi : GHI] = 2 for all i Suppose H has odd order. Show that H is normal in G

(c) Let G be a group of order 2Jk, where k: is odd .. Suppose G contains a normal subgroup H of order k: Show that there exist subgroups


A _ _C__---t




with [Gi : G'i+lJ = 2 for all?

2., Let A be an invertible square matrix over lC Suppose An is diagonalizable for some ri ~ L Show that A is diagonalizable.

3, Let R be a commutative ring with L Let N be the intersection of all maximal ideals of R

(a) Suppose R is a PID with infinitely many nonassociated irreducibles Show that N=O

(b) Let n E R. Show that n E N if and only if 1 + nr is a unit of R for all r E R.

(c) Let R = K[X, Y] be the ring ofpolynomials in two var iables over a field K Show that N = 0

4. Let A, B, C, D be modules over a ring R. Suppose we have a diagram


with exact IOW, and suppose that h is surjective Show that hi is surjective if and only if g(Ker(h)) = g(B)



_ _ (p(g) 0)

p(g,O) - 0 p(g) ,

_. (0 P(g))

p(g, 1) = p(g) 0

5. Let IFp denote the finite field with p elements, where p is a prime .. Let 0 =j:. a E IFp.

Define f(X) = XP - X + a E IFp[XJ, and let L be the splitting field of f(X) (a) (1 point) Show that f (X) has no roots in IF p

(b) (1 point) Show that there exists a E Gal(L/lFp) with ai-I.

(c) (2 points) Show that if 0: E L is a root of f(X), then the roots of f(X) are exactly the set {o:, 0: + 1, 0: + 2, ..... ~ Q' + p - 1 } ..

(d) (3 points) Show that a" = 1 for all a E Gal(L/lFp). (e) (3 points) Show that j(X) is irreducible in lFp[XJ.

6. Let p : G -7 GLn(C) be a representation of the finite group G. Define p : Gx (2/22) -7 GL2n(C) by

(a) Show that p is a representation of G x (2/22)

(b) Show that the number of times that the trivial representation of G occurs in p equals the number of times that the trivial representation of G x (2/22) occurs in p



ALGEBRA (PhD Version)

Instructions to the student

a. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10

b. Use a different booklet for each question Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet

L (a) Let p be a prime and let H oF 1 be a finite abelian p-·group Let N be the number of elements of H with order equal to p. Show that N == ~1 (mod p)

(b) Let p be a pI irne and let G be a finite group Let 5 be a Sylow p-subgwup of G Suppose x E G has order p and commutes with all elements of S Show that xES (Hint If x rt 5, what is the order of (x, S) 7)

(c) Let the notation be as in pal t (b) Let X the the set of elements of G of order equal to p Then S acts on X by conjugation (that is, S E S maps x E X to sxs-1 E X). Let x EX. Show that the or bit of x has only one element if and only if x is in the center of S Also, show that if the orbit of x has more than one element, then the number of elements in the orbit is a multiple of p.

( d) Let G be a finite group and let p be a prime number dividing the order of G. Let j1,;1 be the number of elements of G with order equal to p Show that M ~ ~ 1 (mod p)

2, Let A and B be non-zero n x n matrices over ([ and suppose AB = BA Show that if the characteristic polynomial of A has no multiple roots then the minimal polynomial of B has no multiple roots.

3, Let R be a commutative ring with 1 Let N = {r E R I r n = 0 for some n 2: I} (a) Show that N is an ideal of R

(b) Suppose that N is a maximal ideal of R Show that N is then the unique maximal ideal of R.

(c) Suppose r, S E R with TS = 0 Show that if N is a maximal ideal and r rt. N, then s = 0


4, Recall that a module N is called injective if whenever there is a diagram

with exact row then there is a map ~I : jH2 -7 N such that r9 = ,6




B g C

1'/ Consider the following commutative diagram of modules .. Wh81 e the top row is exact:


Suppose that N is injective and hcf; = 0 Show that there is a well-defined homomorphism a ; C -t N such that ag = ?jJ

5. Let IF q denote the finite field with q elements Let n 2' 1 The extension IF q" IIF q is Galois with Galois group gener ated by the map rfJ, wher e q>( x) =Lq foi all x E IF qn (you may assume these facts) Consider the sequence of additive groups



IF f", 9 IF

--__., qJ'J. --------t iJ. q n -------------7 q n 1

where i is inclusion and

f(x) = xq - x,

g(x) = L ¢7(X)


You may assume that Im(f) = Ker(g) (this is the additive form of Hilbert's Theorem 90)

(a) Show that Im(g) ~ IFq

(b) Show that Im( i) = Ker( f)

(c) Show that Ker(g) has order qn-l (d) Show that Im(g) = IF'q

6. Let G be a group and let H be a normal subgroup Let QIH, ,anH be the cosets

of H Let V be the vector space over C with basis {el' . , en} For 9 E G, define the linear transformation Tg by Tg(ei) = ej if gaiH = ajH The map

p: G -fc GL(V),

gives a representation of G (you do not need to show this) Show that when p is decomposed as a direct sum of irreducible representations, the trivial representation of G appears exactly once



ALGEBRA (PhD. Version)

Instructions to the student

a .. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade hom 0 to 10

h. Use a different booklet for each question. Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet

c. Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

L (a) Let G be a gr oup and let H be a cyclic normal subgroup of G. Let J( be a subgroup of H Show that J( is normal in G.

(b) Let G be the nth dihedral group, which is generated by a and b with relations an = e, b2 = e, ba = a~lb. Let p be an odd prime dividing n. Show that G contains exactly one p-Sylow subgroup

2.. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field F and let T : V ___.. V be a linear transforma tion

(a) Suppose that every nonzero v E V is an eigenvector of T Show that T is a scalar multiple of the identity

(b) A cyclic vector for T is a vector v E V such that {v; Tv, T2v, .} spans V. Suppose tha t every nonzero vector v E V is a cyclic vector for T Show that the characteristic polynomial of T must be irreducible over F

(c) Suppose that V is 2-dimensional over F and that the characteristic polynomial of T is irreducible over F Show that every nonzero v E V is a cyclic vector for T.

3 .. Let A, B, C be modules over a ring R (commutative with 1), and suppose there is an exact sequence

o --+ A ---1' B --+ C ----7 0

(a) Show that if A and C are free R-modules, then B is a free R-module.

(b) Let I be an ideal of R. Show that if I is free as an R-module then I is a principal ideal.

(c) Suppose that R is not a PID. Show that there is an exact sequence as in part (a) where B is free but neither A nor C is free.

4.. Let R be a commutative ring with 1. The ring R is said to be Artinian if every descending chain of ideals stops .. That is, fOT each sequence

of ideals of R, there exists n such that In = Inri = ..

(a) Show that if R is Artinian and I is an ideal of R, then Rj I is an Artinian ring.



(b) Show that if R is an Artinian integral domain, then R is a field. i Hint. Consider the ideals (x) 2 (x2) 2 (x3) , , .)

(c) Show that if R is Artinian and P is a prime ideal of R, then P is a maximal ideal (d) Show that if Pl, .. , Pn are distinct prime ideals of an Artinian ring R then there exists an element x E PI n ., n Pn-1 with x ¢ Pn

(e) Show that an Artinian ring has only finitely many prime ideals.

5, (3) Let K be a field and suppose K/Q is a finite Galois extension of odd degree. Let (J : K '----r C be an embedding of K into the complex numbers C Show that C7(K) C lR (b) Let ( be a primitive 7th root of unity, Show that Q( () contains a subfield K 0/ lQ that is Galois of odd degree over iQ

6., The character table of a group G is given below The cardinalities of the conjugacy classes are as follows:

111=1, 1111 = 20, 11111 = 12, IIVj = 12, IVI = A

(a) Compute A, B, C

(b) Use the character table to show that G is not solvable.

(c) Use the character table to show that there does not exist a homomorphism p: G --7 GL4(C) (= 4 x 4 invertible complex matrices) such that

(1 26 -3 56)

_ 0 -,30 0 -67

p(g) - 1 0 - 2 - 2

o 13 0 29

for some 9 in conjugacy class II (Remark. The matrix p(g) satisfies p(g)3 = I, and also g3 = e, so elementary group theory does not immediately imply the result)

Xl 1 1 1 1 1
X2 3 0 l+VS 1-Vs -1
2 ' 2
X3 3 0 I-VS l+Vs B
-2- -2-
X4 4 1 -1 -,1 0
Xs 5 C 0 0 1 2


J anuary 2003

ALGEBRA (Ph.D Version)

Instructions to the student

a. Answer all six questions; each will be assigned a grade from 0 to 10.

b. Use a different booklet for each question. Write the problem number and your code number (not your name) on the outside of the booklet.

c Keep scratch work on separate pages in the same booklet.

1, (a) Let H be a group of order 9 Show that the order of the automorphism group of H divides 48 .. (Hint' You may assume, without proving it, that the group of 2 by 2 invertible matrices with entries in Zj3Z has order 48),

(b) Let G be a group of Older 153 = 32 x 17, Show that the center of G contains a group of order g.

(c) Find all groups of Older 153.

(In this problem, you may not quote any results about groups of order p2q)

2 .. Let M be an m x n matrix (with entries in some field). Show that there exist an invertible m x m matrix A and an invertible n x n matrix B such that AMB = (Ci1)' with Cii = 0 or 1 for all i and Cil = 0 whenever i #- j

3. Let R be a principal ideal domain and let A and Bbe finitely generated R-modules (a) Show that if 0 #- a E A and Q #- b E B ale not torsion elements (that is, there is no 0 #- r E R with ta = 0 and similarly for b), then a 0 b i 0 in A 0 R B

(b) Give an example where a#-O is a non-torsion element, b #- 0 is a torsion element, and a 0 b = 0

4.. Let R be a commutative ring with 1. Let x, y E R be nonzero Assume that x is not a zero divisor in R, that y is not in the ideal z R: Consider the R-module homomorphisms

i : R -+ R ffi R, f(r) = (Xl, yr')

g: RffiR-.-tR, g(a,b)=ay-bx.

(a) Show that Im(.t)=Ker(g) if and only if the congruence class of y, namely y + xR, is not a zero divisor in the ring Rj xR:

(b) Show that there is an R-module homomorphism h : R -+ R ffi R such that gh is the identity map of R if and only if the ideal xR + yR generated by x and y equals R

5. (a) Show that the polynomial f(X) = X4 + 1 is irreducible in Q[X]

(b) The roots of f(X) are the primitive 8th roots of unity. Show that the splitting field F of leX) has Galois group (over Q) isomorphic to (Zj8Z)X (= the multiplicative group mod 8) (You may not deduce this hom general results about Galois groups of the fields generated by roots of unity. Your solution should explain how you use the result in part (a.) ,)



(c) Show that there are exactly three fields L with L C F and [L : Q} = 2

6" Let G be a finite group, Let p: G ---t GLm(C) be a complex representation of G and let X be the character of p. Let 9 E G have order n

(a) Show that the matrix p(g) is diagonalizable and that X(g) can be written as a sum of nth roots of unity

(b) Let gcd(a, n) = 1 and let (J be the automorphism of the field of nth roots of unity such that o-(C) = (U for all nth roots of unity ( Show that X(gU) = O-{X(g)),

(c) Show that if 9 is conjugate in G to ga for all a with gcd(a, n) = 1, then X(g) E Q, (d) Let G be a finite group and suppose 9 EGis such that X(g) E Q for all characters X of G, Let n be the order of 9 and let gcd( a, n) = 1, Show that 9 is conjugate to ga,


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