Course Structure of MS Word

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Course Structure of MS Word: (Basic Learning)

1. Introduction & field of use

2. Typing instruction & practice on type
3. Menu Details:
a) File: i) New
ii) Open and close
iii) Save and Save As...
iv) Page setup
v) Print Preview and Print ...
vi) Properties and Exit
b) View: i) Page view options
ii) Task pane, Ruler, Toolbar
iii) Header and Footer
iv) Full Screen and Zoom
c) Format: i) Font and paragraph
ii) Bullets & Numbers, Border and Shading
iii) Columns...
iv) Tab, Drop Cap and Change Case
d) Edit: i) Undo and Repeat
ii) Cut, Copy and Paste
iii) Paste Special...
iv) Clear and Select All
v) Find, Go To and Replace
e) Insert: i) Break, Page Numbers, Date and Time
ii) Symbol, Comment
iii) Picture
f) Table: i) Draw Table
ii) Insert, Delete, Select
iii) Merge Cells, Split Cells..., Split Table
iv) Table AutoFormat, AutoFit
g) Window: i) New Window, Arrange All, Split
h) Tools: i) Spelling & Grammar
ii) Language, Word Count, Auto Correct Options
iii) Compare and Merge Documents
iv) Letters and Mailings
v) Options...
i) Help: i) How to get helps in Details

4. User of Toolbar:
a) Standard Toolbar
b) Formatting Toolbar
c) Picture Toolbar
d) Drawing Toolbar
e) Tables and Boarders
f) Word Art
g) Mail Merges
5. Shortcut of keyboard.
6. Exam on it in 50 marks.

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