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List and definition of instrument for closed loop level.

LI 1010 – Level indicator for tank 1010. It will indicate the level inside
the tank which measured by level transmitter.

LT 1010 – Level Transmitter for tank 1010. It will send the liquid level
inside the tank 1010 to LI 1010.

LE 1010 – Level sensor will measure the liquid level inside the tank
1010 and send to LT 1010.

RO 6A – Radiation Orifice. Connect to the DPT and will turndown

limitation accuracy.

PG 12A – Pressure Gauge will only indicate the level inside the tank in
analog or digital.

LCV 1011- Level control valve 1011 . It will control the flow inside the
tank 1011.

LRC 1011 – Level recorder 1011. It will record all the changes in the
process inside the tank 1011.

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