Ninth Grade Slays

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The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod


By: Heather Brewer
Theme: Finding Your True Self

“Uncle Otis, Do You Think I Am

The Pravus?”

“You Don’t Have To Do This. You

Wouldn’t Be Killing a Monster;
You’d Be Murdering a Friend.
Please…… Don’t.”

Ninth Grade Slays is about a boy named Vladimir

who is a vampire that’s just learning to control
his powers. His best friend’s name is Henry who
is also called his drudge or slave. Vlad’s parents
died in a fire when he was a young boy. His uncle
Otis takes him to Siberia to meet a vampire
legend named Vikus. While in Siberia, Vikus
teaches Vlad how to read other peoples thoughts
and control his drudge. In Siberia they have a
ceremony for the passing of Vladimir’s father.
Otis and Vlad go back to Vladimir’s hometown of
Bathory. When they arrive, Otis has to leave for a
while and Vlad hears about a vampire slayer in
town. His other best friend (Joss) reveals a dark
secret to Vlad. Joss is the vampire slayer. D’Ablo,
an evil ruler of the vampire world, hired Joss to
kill Vlad. He wants Otis and Vlad dead. Joss
doesn’t know Vlad is the vampire yet. Vlad wants
to “help” Joss find the vampire. Joss takes Vlad to
a meeting place where D’Ablo is waiting. Joss
stakes Vlad through the heart, but it doesn’t kill
him because he is the Pravus. The Pravus can not

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