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MAY 22, 2011

PURPOSE IN LIFE Church Announcements

How do you discover your real purpose in life? I’m not talking
about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-
term goals. I mean the real reason why you’re here at all.
— The very reason you exist.

A master martial artist asked Bruce Lee to teach him everything

Bruce knew about martial arts. Bruce held up two cups, both
filled with liquid. “The first cup,” said Bruce, “represents all of
your knowledge about martial arts. The second cup represents
all of my knowledge about martial arts. If you want to fill your
cup with my knowledge, you must first empty your cup of your

If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first
empty your mind of all the false purposes you’ve been taught
(including the idea that you may have no purpose at all). And as
you empty yourself, pray, read the Bible, seek God and allow
Him to fill you with His will and purpose for your life.

“More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent."

Weekly Schedule

Worship Service:
Sundays: 8:00am & 10:00am.
Starmall Cinema 2
Prayer Meeting:
Tuesdays: 7:00pm
2nd Floor –Upper Room JULY 10, 2011

3rd Level Starmall Las Piňas City CP #: 09235001616 Join us @ Facebook: NewDay Christian Church

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