Information: FTP-Server To Download and Upload Data

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Information: FTP-Server to download and upload data.

You can access our FTP-Server using

Enter the following address in windows-Explorer (not in the Internet Explorer):

1. Download data:
The folder common contains generell data like released allplan versions or
The folder download is used by Nemetschek employees – in agreement with the
customer – to provide customer specific data in a named customer folder. If necessary
you get a seperate descpricition how to use.

Select the required data and/or folder and using the right mouse button selct Copy
to folder …
Select the relevant folder on your hard disk, into which the files are to be copied.

2. Upload customer data:

The Nemetschek representative creates a client folder under the Upload folder. The
client can upload his data to this folder on the FTP-Server. The Nemetschek
employees can then acess, save and delete this information. If necessary you get a
seperate descprition with a link to your customer-folder.

FTP-Client Programme:
In order to ease the up- download preocess you can also use an FTP-client eg. FileZilla. werden.
Using the FTP-client, log-on to the Nemetschek server as follows

Login: NEGcustomer
Password: ws6kxppc

If you have any further questions please send an email to

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