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Computer Science

Class IV
March – April
Ch- 1 Computer Overview

Computer , Working of Computer, Input – Process – Output, Computer Hardware, Computer

Soft ware, Input Device, Inside the CPU Box, Output Device, Storage Device, Supporting Devices

Practical :

Ch- 4 More On Paint

Insert Images from other sources, Edit a Image, Select an Image with free From Select and Select
Tool, Move and Copy the Image, Flip and Change the Size of the Image

Project : Poster – Clean City Green City

Ch- 7 More on Logo (Pages 64 -67 )

Pen Commands, Set Speed, Set Width Command, Set Pen Color

Ch – 2 Lets Peep Into The Past

The First Calculating Device – Abacus, Development of Computers, Generation of Computer


Revision of Logo Commands and Assessment

Ch- 6 Understanding The MS- WORD ( For Practical Only)

Word , Word Processing, Components of MS-WORD Windows, Edit Document, Spell and
Grammar Check, Formatting the text, Alignments, Copy and Move the text, Add Pictures

Project: Design a report on Five Generations of Computer

Ch- 3 Operating the Windows ( For Practical )

Operating System, MS-Windows, Different version of Windows, Desktop, Icons, Start Menu,
Understanding Taskbar, My Computer- Hard drive, CD-ROM drive, Shut Down and Stand-by-

Lab Activity given on Page 25

I Term Assignment

Ch- 9 Browsing the Internet

Networking, Internet , Application of Internet, WWW, Web page, Search Engines, Web Browser
Software, Internet service Provider, E-mail ID


Ch- 7 More on Logo (pages 68-69)

Repeat Command
November- December
Ch- 5 Creating Presentations

MS-Power Point, Slides, Add New Slide, Add Pictures, Add Auto shapes, Background, Design
Templates, Animation in Slides

Lab Task –Page No. 48

Project : Power Point Presentation on FOOD and Its Importance or COMMUNICATION( In

Present scenario)

January- February
Ch- 8 Know About Computer Viruses

Computer Viruses, Categories of Viruses, Effects of Computer Viruses, Preventing Viruses, Anti
Virus Software

Practical : LOGO – Draw Figures using Repeat Command and turning turtle position
II TERM Assignment

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