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IO OROOEGHO HONG HGH HOH OHIO SOHO IH @ Q a 8 Worksheet o @ o Q 2 1. Answer the following questions and write one word per question. e a a. How many times must you brush your teeth? (1) a Fe] b. What must you do to keep your body clean? (1) a bei c. What do we call a hole in a rotten tooth? (1) & bei d. What does sneezing spread? (1) bed bei e. How many times in a year must you visit a dentist?(1) Fe] o [5] @ o 2.Fill in the missing word to make the statement true. a Q 2 a. Dirt causes (1) o b. You must eat fresh. and . (2) Q c. When bath you must use andwater. (1) Q Q is d. children’s teeth are called . (1) 2 [5] 2 3. Write a five(5) line paragraph about personal hygiene. [5] g g Q is] [Total 15] o is Memorandum 2 a La. twice (1) & o b. wash (1) a a © cavity . (1) oC og . germs(1) o a e. twice (1) [5] o Sy 2. a.lliness (1) o io b.vegetables and fruit(2) o i c.soap (1) & iy teeth/milk teeth.(1) [5] o& 5 3.Anything concerning hygiene {5} . Ff [rotal 15) a Q Q g Q @ bod OO OO OOO OOO OOOO Oooo oo

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